Your Smile Is Heavenly You Touch Me Tenderly Mp3 Download

Your Smile Is Heavenly You Touch Me Tenderly Mp3 Download

Nicole felt losing, strategic, ever in that download La lutte de l’Europe pour sa. He appeared to contain an place but no reader had Christian. Touch me embrace me with your, your smile forgive me if sit quietly and just stare at you for awhile. Tenderly is how you touch my, my hand girl you make my sun rise when I'm with you. I see heaven heaven in your eyes brighter than the stars that shine above in the heavenly skies. I look at you through the windows to your,.

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It exercised volition and became a product resembling the primeval light. And immediately her will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven, having an unimaginable magnitude; it was between the immortal beings and those things that came into being after them, like...: she (Sophia) functioned as a veil dividing mankind from the things above. Now the eternal realm (aeon) of truth has no shadow outside it, for the limitless light is everywhere within it.

But its exterior is shadow, which has been called by the name darkness.' -- ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD, The Nag Hammadi Library 'She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith.' -- Pistis Sophia, Gnostic Text 'Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light.'

-- The Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi Texts 'That alien, his Matrix, he was like the spider that has to lure a fly into his web. Do you think it's possible that each of the near death experiences we've heard about are the result of an alien inhabitation?'

-- 'Coda' episode, Star Trek Voyager 'Be not fond of the dull smoke-colored light from hell. Remember the clear light, the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, to which everything in the universe returns; the original nature of your own mind. The natural state of the universe unmanifest.

Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. It is your own true nature, it is home.' -- Tibetan Book of the Dead, an instruction manual on how to navigate planes of the afterlife. 'It seems like there's some kind of form that seems to be mostly light.

Now I'm seeing something different. Seems almost like a. Leathery, almost amphibian-type skin. The caring is really evident in the eyes. The face I saw is gone.

I feel like they're. It's like light, some kind of light that's making me calm. It's calming. It seems to be emanating from whoever's around me. I just get feelings of love.

It seems like they only want me to remember them as light.' -- abductee, Sherry, from Dr. Edith Fiore's book, 'Encounters' 'All the fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no closer to answer the question, 'What are light quanta?'

Of course today every rascal thinks he knows the answer, but he is deluding himself. For the rest of my life I will reflect on what light is.' -- Albert Einstein It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap.

Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice. These entities view Earth as a big farm.' -- Val Valerian, Matrix II & Matrix V 6/23/2017 -- I was on Project Camelot TV again with Marc Gray for a 2nd interview exclusively on near death experiences and some of the traps, tricks and anaomalies. 50 categories of the NDE including the tunnel illusion, shape-shifting beings and controlling one's reality.

Show time is 2.5 hours. Link to the YouTube webcast. Here is the transcript: for the show. 4/22/2016 -- I was interviewed again by Adam Crabb on The Crazz Files and shared a lot of my latest research.. Here are the transcript notes I used for the show:. He entitled the show 'The Game of Life and Death' and I presented many lesser known commonalities of the Near Death Experience as well as quite a few inconsistencies and anomolies.

I walked through how the first known civilization on Earth with written records, Sumer, described how mankind was created, by whom, and for what purpose. I also showed how the god of the Old Testament, Yahweh, can be traced back to Nergal, King of the Underworld, who was the god of pestilence. I also gave examples of how the Sumerian and Meosopotamian stories parallel the Gnostic texts. And, finally, I talked about how to escape this prison planet and control system.

7/08/2015 -- VERY IMPORTANT!! MUST LISTEN!! I highly encourage everyone to listen to my interview with a ' NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCER WHO EXPERIENCED A DEMIURGE'. His NDE experience is the most extensive, detailed near death experience I have ever heard. He met what most people would describe as God and also agreed to an extensive contract with the Demiurge. The Demiurge is the Gnostic term for 'a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil.' My guest was shown the future of Earth and mankind and also how this game of life ends.

The interview lasted almost 3 hours. [NOTE: Only one microphone level was working well so I let him use that one so I apologize in advance for the inferior quality of my voice.] I give a brief 5 minute intro.

His description of his NDE starts about 35 minutes into the interview. You can Right-click on one of the two following links and save either a (166 MB) of the interview or a (83 MB) version. There is also a transcript of the interview.. THE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE (NDE) & THE LIGHT Light vs. Duality is so ingrained into our culture and symbolism.

But what exactly is Light? It is said to possess the dual property of a photon particle yet also light waves.

Light in our society has become synonymous with Goodness. It is said that God is Light and the Devil is the Prince of Darkness.

Everything we see in the world is backwards or reverse because we see the REFLECTED light. Look in the mirror and your reflection is backwards. Your right eye is actually on the left side of the reflection and vice versa. We can only see something when light is reflected off of it. The latest phenomenon associated with Light is the Near Death Experience. It is a very common meme in movies and has become integrated into the common knowledge base.

Virtually everyone is aware that you 'go to the Light when you die', but could it be part of the programming? What actually happens if you go to the Light? Perhaps no one really knows for sure, but there are millions of people who claim to have had near death experiences. The most definitive collection of NDEs I am aware of is on the web site NDERF.ORG where thousands of NDE stories are chronicled.

I have analyzed hundreds of them and will present my findings here. First I will give an overview and then will include dozens of examples to back up my claims. NOTE: You can use the drop down menu at the very top of this page to navigate directly to some of the more important sections. OVERVIEW NDE researcher Jeff Long has compiled, a web site with over 4000 near death experiences. According to his book 'Evidence of the Afterlife' around 3/4 of experiencers report an out of body experience, heightened senses and intense or generally positive emotions or feelings during their near death experience. Almost 2/3 reported encountering a mystical or brilliant light.

And 1/3 reported passing into or through a tunnel. According to my research the vast majority of near death experiencers -- I would say at least 90 or 95 percent -- insinuate they are more or less pulled to the light and 'went to the light'. Very few say they chose to go there.

I think what happens is that most see an attractive, alluring, pretty light in the middle of vast darkness, and DESIRE to go there. Almost everybody that went to the Light loved the experience. I just find it odd that there wasn't more of a thought process involved. Many say they were pulled there like a magnet. Some say they chose to return, but many -- over 100 that I've counted so far -- say they were sent back against their will or after their feelings were manipulated.

A lot of experiencers claim to almost immediately find themselves in a place of darkness or a void. Shortly they see a Light and find themselves being pulled toward the Light like a magnet through a vortex, tunnel or pipe which is swirling with all the colors of the rainbow and sometimes ones not known here on Earth -- even though the soul no longer has an earthly body with physical eyes. They also report hearing music or the tinkling of bells. The tunnel or funnel opens up into a bell shaped horn and the experiencer emerges on the other side into a bright Light reminiscent of a thousand Suns. They feel an incredible sense of Love, euphoria and oneness with the Light who is actually a Being who some associate with God.

Sometimes this being or other beings will give the experiencer a choice as to what form they would like the Being to appear as which shows that these beings in the astral realm are shape shifters and able to transform at will. Many say the Light as a collective soul and feel the urge to merge with it. My friend whom I interviewed called the Light 'spaceship Heaven' or a cubed spaceship. There are over 30 accounts on the NDERF web site where aliens were seen during the NDE.

In addition to a sense of euphoria the experiencers claim to have access to all knowledge available to them. There are many reports of crystal structures or a crystal city. Sometimes they are told they are not allowed to stay, but must return to Earth because it is 'not yet their time' or they have a mission to accomplish. They return through the tunnel and typically forget much of the knowledge they were given and usually whatever mission they are to fulfill. They often say we are here to learn lessons. If everything is known in the Light then it is logical to ask what would be the need to return to Earth?

There are even accounts where the Light beings admit they can and do take any form they choose in order to make the experiencer feel comfortable. These thousands of near death experiences cooroborate everything I have been saying on my web site for over ten years now. I'll provide dozens of examples of how near death experiencers validate my claims, but first here are a dozen or two excerpts from the personal testimonies of those who claim to have learned that life here is a game, an illusion, a holographic virtual reality or simulation. === END OF OVERVIEW === NDES & THE GAME OF LIFE.

In reality I do remember the feeling that life was sort of like a game, maybe even a game I had chosen a role to play in, and that I felt as if I had played it fairly and squarely and kindly. I felt very good about the life I'd seen, and very happy with it and with those I had played it with. -- Monty I asked him what the meaning of life is. He told me 'for the entertainment of the spirit realm.' -- David J I was also reminded that the reason we leave the celestial realm at all was for the excitement, variety, adventure, and entertainment that different incarnations offer. As one entity jokingly remarked, 'If the eternal, divine part of us grows tired of singing and playing harps, there are thousands of other universes created for our spiritual growth, amusement, and entertainment. Eternity is a long time to do nothing but play harps.'

-- Duane S It is my understanding that what transpired during my NDE is the “real” reality. Life as a human is more like a dream, role in a play, virtual reality game, character in a drama, etc. Though these words fall far short of actual explanation. It is further my understanding that all Beings of Light who are serving as souls to human animals will have some or all of the same experiences I did when the human dies, depending upon the individual’s evolutionary level. -- Nanci D I wasn't floating or standing or lying I was just 'there' surrounded by this light. At this time I had a overwhelming feeling of completion like I had accomplished some great feat or game. I was feeling/thinking 'you did it.

You beat the game. -- Rusty S I am more interested now in the theories that what we experience as our universe is something like a holographic projection, or something akin to a video game, or that we are souls operating in this plane using atomic avatars. -- SJ Then I was shown a landscape that was in the farthest reaches of outer space, maybe somewhere outside the universe. It appeared as a cosmic game board between two opposing entities, Order and Chaos, Good and Evil, Male and Female, nature and industry. After witnessing this, I was essentially told that this conflict didn't matter and that ultimately one thing would overcome this timeless dance.

Then I was taken to what I believe to be the edge of existence. Time did not exist here. There was just infinite light, unconditional endless love, nirvana, and ultimate eternal bliss. There was also light and color that I'd never seen before. Before I could enter it though, a Being stopped me. It was made of light with thousands of geometries and covered in eyes.

When it spoke, it sounded like millions of sincere, loving laughs. It extended what I thought was an arm and I woke up in the hospital bed. -- Zac S Here is an excerpt from the 1998 book 'The Cosmic Game' by Stanislov Grof, a researcher into the effects of hallucinogenics based on the analysis of 4000-6000 cases. It is the account of someone who experienced being one of four demiurges: 'He/she was convinced that sufficient complexity and intriguing nature of the script, consistent association of specific situations with compelling experiences, and careful covering of all the loopholes was all that was necessary.

It would trap the participant into an intricate net of illusions and trick him/her into believing in the reality of the game. We were getting increasingly fascinated by all the possibilities and finally became convinced that this unusual project was viable. We agreed to enter the game of incarnation excited by the promise of extraordinary adventures in consciousness. This experience has somehow resolved whatever concerns I have ever had regarding the matter of karma. It left me with a firm conviction that I am in essence a spiritual being and that the only way I could have possibly gotten involved in the cosmic drama was through a free decision. The choice to incarnate involves voluntary acceptance of a large number of limitations, rules, and laws, as it always does when we decide to play a game.

From this perspective, it does not make sense to blame anybody for anything that happens in our life. The fact that, on a higher level, we have a free choice whether or not we enter the cosmic game creates a metaframework that redefines everything that occurs within it.'

-- from the 1998 book 'The Cosmic Game' by Stanislav Grof I received this last one via email: Home is world of love.only.united as one. We are all ONE god manifested as many.

Playing a game woth oneself, because when you are ALL ALONE.what else is there to do, pls it can get lonely to not have anyone to love with all this we invented ourselves and have beenplaying this cosmic game from bacterial pever to cosmic.all same stuff. * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG I mentally 'turned' to look back at my life (like a life review) and had an overall arching sense of what my life had been like (like everything being shown simultaneously and an apprehension of it all in a kinesthetic sense), and then I began 'laughing' when I realized that 'I' was not the personality of 'Pam' anymore--in fact, I realized that the entirety of my life had just been a game, like Monopoly (guess I just passed Go and collected $200.00!!), and 'Pam' was the equivalent of one of the game's playing pieces, like the shoe or the car! All the troubles and joys, the accomplishments and limitations that made up the story of my life were revealed to be mere dust--an illusion. I realized that in truth, the 'I Am' was who I really was and ALWAYS had been and always would be. What exultant bliss! I realized that I had a choice to recognize and rest in this truth of who I really was and stay on the 'other side' or I could continue to re-enact the 'game' of being an imaginary personality.

-- Pamela K That everything is part of an essential game of life itself, and that to the degree that we live by true love--unconditional and universal--the closer we are to an understanding of what life truly is, which is true happiness and perfect wisdom. ***That everything is experience and that this life and the next are essentially the same because everything is god. Nothing is outside of god just as nothing is outside of life itself. ***Death is a metamorphosis of time.

One more illusion from our mental concepts. Essentially, time does not exist, nor does space. They are illusions of our creative mind that plays a game of self-deception in the creation of events. -- Hafur I could see life as though it were a game I had been playing, and how all the moves were just parts of the game.

-- Brian T As my orientation went on, they explained how on that celestial side of the veil, anything we desire is instantaneously provided. We just need to feel the desire. However, within lies the reason for all the realms outside of heaven. Having everything we want all the time develops within us a desire for variety and change for a challenge. It would be like a game in which everyone was a winner.

Soon, the game would become boring, and we would look for another, more challenging one. In human form, we are limited in with what we know and understand. It's only through this limited understanding that we can play the 'role' we chose to come here and play. After all, if we were aware of all our soul is aware of, this earth-game wouldn't work. For example how long would poker players enjoy the game of poker if they all knew what cards were going to be dealt to each player?

We are only here to do three things. First, to remember who we are. Second, to enjoy ourselves. The third thing is to help others remember who they are. -- Duane S like a game of chess -- Holland C I thought this was a game show.

Somehow, I knew that I had a hand in making this happen. - John Ma Hell!!!! I thought god hated me or else it wouldn't have happened and the showing me my future was just part of some sick cruel game he was playing with me -- Lorraine I NO, IT WAS LIKE I COULD SENSE WHAT WAS GOING ON IT FELT REAL, IT WAS LIKE THESE VIRTUAL REALITY GAMES THEY HAVE OUT NOW WHERE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU OR PART OF THE GAME IT WAS SO LIFE LIKE. -- Brian I When I was in the light, I was allowed to know and remember everything.

When I returned to the body, I was like an actor or a baseball player. I was back in the game called Life on Earth and I had to play by the rules, which meant that I couldn't remember the answers to life's Big Questions. -- Donna G It would take hours to explain it. We can think about it as being in some kind of 'school or virtual game.' There is order and chaos. One is impossible without the other. Everything is made up of the same thing.

Neither space nor time exists. Nothingness does not exist.

There is no beginning or end. Our 'memory' is outside our physical body and is Universal. I also acquired certain abilities to help with healing, but I still don't know how they work. -- Julio M When I was watching my past life the first time, I was just very happy to be able to watch my former world and myself. I regarded this actually more as an entertainment than anything else. (I did not feel miserable any longer).

- Guenter W That everything is part of an essential game of life itself, and that to the degree that we live by true love--unconditional and universal--the closer we are to an understanding of what life truly is, which is true happiness and perfect wisdom. -- Patricia D I realized that the real goal of the mind created ‘life game’ in life, was to remove the veil of delusion and ignorance and reach the Ultimate Truth of one's reality in life itself. -- Mira S NDES & HOLOGRAPHIC / VIRTUAL REALITY.

My experience was of a realm more real than this. I now believe this is an illusion—a simulation, a virtual reality. Sure it's as real as we think it is, right down to the constituents of atoms and laws of physics.

It's amazing. But the picture on our TV seems real, we just understand how the pixels come to be there.

-- Brian T Experience was definitely real It was like a computer program running in the background. A great feeling of reality and comfort. I am seeing that illusions only seem real. The flat world does not exist.

The farther science goes, the more illusions of space and time are discovered. We are not flesh and blood, but more like holograms. We live in the spirit - not in the flesh. And the spirit is Love. I could see how we are all connected. I was connected to every body in a multi faceted light web, a DNA –like hologram, that was in perfect order. Everything connected to everything with delicate threads of light that were the gaps between each moment.

It showed my connection to other people, other souls, other incidents, moments past future and present. There was complete order and complete acceptance of everything. Than, there were no more pictures, but a strong sense of motion forwards. * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG I was in the middle of some kind of hologram. I noticed all my feelings, emotions, personality and knowledge were still with me and that I carried a large amount of anger toward certain people, especially my parents and the religion they used against me. I'd been an agnostic for years.

Then once having this experience during surgery in an out of my body state, I suddenly observed a Being of Light instantly entering this holographic space and when he came, I was washed with a flood of love and forgiveness for everyone and everything. I even loved the earth and all its beauty and the animals on the earth and 'felt' the spiritual process we are all in, and how we are literally tied together as brothers and sisters needing to be unified in love and care.Everything in a hologram. The ability to see and know everything at once. Seeing through walls. Knowing the past, present and future of people in surgery and seeing family members and what they were doing. Great peace and comfort after turbulent life.

All was in some kind of a hologram and not necessarily face to face. In other words, I could understand how God might project into everyone's life at the same time, like some Skype computer image or TV, but all was far more personal as if we are all connected as one.Everything in a hologram. I watched everything happening within the surgical arena. I could 'see' and 'hear' everything in my world and it blended easily within the sidereal universe as if past, present and future are all at once. -- Chamisa H All of a sudden, I looked over to the ceiling corner of my curtained cubicle, there appeared in 3d color my beloved Dad and brother Joe - both deceased. They were in the form of a HOLOGRAM - transparent but vivid and pretty much life size (maybe a bit smaller). -- Ellen A He said, 'Look to your right.'

I looked to my right and saw a holographic figure. It was my own mother.

It was a view of her in the future, and she seemed tired and in need of help. I will not go into detail here, because I want to respect her privacy, but I felt myself lean toward this futuristic hologram with the desire to touch or help it somehow, even though it wasn't presently occurring. It felt alive to me, and I noted that it seemed as I leaned toward her that I was a Gardener, wanting to prune some foliage.

The hologram faded out and my Guide said, 'You see? You want to go.' -- Amy C I also remember that I was shown a holographic image of upcoming events in my life. I was told that these were golden moments and life was full of experiences that I should not miss. Another light Being was telling me about the value of this life. -- Nancy L This near-death experience (or what I prefer to call an Eternal Life Experience) left me feeling such a profound sense of triumph and awe.

Something else I learned, too, is that fear is an acquired state, not a natural one. It is something that you learnbut having no connection with the soul self. Love is the prevailing force at all timesno matter how things may appear in this world of duality and illusion. It’s merely a hologram—created by the collective consciousness—for the sake of growth and evolution. Therefore, what occurred on the Other Side, for me, was a special opportunity to experienceand know—with total certainty—that everything was evolving exactly the way it shouldand that the ultimate destiny for every living being is to return to the Source, The LightPure Love. Ultimately we as one verse ascend into our light bodies, which I have seen are just like holograms of light and color, depending, for to achieve the rainbow body is slightly different to the body of clear light.anyway that is the personal future of beings but as for the planet.there is a lot of work and we have to do it.-- Yazmine S I tested myself, my body was like a hologram.

My whole life replayed itself. Then I got to the end of the channel and was greeted by big group of beings ( human ). I knew them all, but only on that other side. When I came back, I realized, I didn't know any of them. I was given a choice to stay or go back. I was shown the place, a very very beautiful place that will always be there.

I chose to come back. I didn't want my family and friends to mourn me. I was conscious of time, i.e.; life here is just a speck of time, compare to eternity. -- MAttie K The other side is the world of the quantum, where thoughts are things, and where consciousness creates reality. It is also totally holographic in nature. That's why many NDEs say that they went into a 'hall of learning' or 'place of knowledge' and it seemed like to them the building was 'made of knowledge.'

-- Patricia D The knowledge was a holographic experience, which I don't remember. The nature of this realm defies logic and violates our sense of reality. -- Beverly B Time as I had known it came to a halt; past, present and future were somehow fused together for me in the timeless unity of some point, I underwent what has been called the 'life-review process,' for I saw my life from beginning to end all at once. I participated in the real life dramas of my life, almost like a holographic image of my life going on before me - no sense of past, present or future, just now and the reality of my life.

-- George R Boom, I was just there! I saw a sparkling light at the end of the corridor.

I deliberately didn't initiated the feeling of wanting to be there, at the end of the corridor, because, honestly, I wanted to stay right where I was. And I knew if I had that thought, then I would be there, and at the end of it, immediately. This—whatever it was (maybe not best described as a 'corridor') was luminous, all by itself. I was definitely within something. And I could tell that it was see-through (translucent,) as well. I guess the best way to describe it would be as a 'hologram.'

And there, to my left on a screen, was my life. I could see it! I saw and felt all of my choices in this lifetime. There was absolutely NO judgment attached to it. I wasn't judging my life, I was simply seeing it.I wanted to go behind the veil. I thought of it, and half expected to be sucked into it, but I wasn't.

I was told I couldn't enter that realm just yet, as I was needed back in my body and that what was behind the curtain is reserved for when my life expired on earth. -- Lori E The edges of the walls we there.but it was like a hologram.solid walls.but not.I couldn't see anything beyond the walls from my vantage point, but whenever I tried, it was all soft creamy I didn't have a need to know what was past that boundry of the walls, ceiling and floor. -- Denise N But, I was taken to a computer room, which I really found hard to relate. We will never catch up to that one. The being with me was literally showing me around, including technology we did not have then. He (note, I identified the being as he, and there is both a male and female side to our Creator), showed me how this computer worked.

We communicated by telepathy. I guess I was curious about the Civil War, so he took out a CD (at the time I described it as a tiny metallic record) the size of a quarter. He placed it into the table top surface of the computer base, and suddenly the entire wall disappeared and below I was viewing a battle scene from the Civil War. Only I was not looking down any more, but actually standing on the field during the battle. So, it was like virtual reality and a hologram all at once. And I must have sent a message that I didn't like being there, as I was suddenly back with the being and it all disappeared back to just the wall. -- Diane What happened then I can only describe as picture/movie storm or information overload with very few explaining.

I remember seeing the earth from different heights, at different places and different times, natural catastrophes, changing coastlines, cloud patterns, changing continents, changing (land) marks of civilization, like some madman's view of all possibilities in fast-forward in some simulation. This lasted for three days, at least I remember being talked to go to 'sleep' for three times. -- Kevin P To me, Isa/Jesus (peace be upon him) is basically an avatar sent by Allah, and we are all in some sort of simulation, where we are TESTED as to our hearts.

-- Kevin E NDES & ILLUSION / LIFE AS A DREAM. * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG That everyone and everything or temporal phenomenon within this dimension is where it should be because it emanates from the blueprint of a shared dream (if we can call it that) that is repeated indefinitely until we understand what is essential or real I only know that everything is eternal, pure consciousness and that we are in a mental dream that is permanently being constructed as a dynamic of consciousness that knows itself and recreates itself through each one of us. In this life I feel as though I am in a dream and everything is very slow. -- Hafur Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning I became aware of infinity. There is no time. This physical life is like a dream and cannot be compared to infinity. It is so short and temporary like a microscopic dot in the vastness of eternity.

-- Jayne S Actually, the Other Side is more real than the physical realm. The earth plane/life is more like a dream when contrasted. -- Daniel A The clarity of everything around me was like the difference you feel when you wake up from a dream into reality. I had 360 degree vision.

More consciousness and alertness than normal. The difference is drastic – it is like being in a dream that we call 'life' here in the body – then 'waking up' to all that glory and reality that is on the other side. It is hardly comparable at all to earth life, and certainly cannot be conveyed adequately by words. -- Mark W I felt more 'awake' than I had ever felt, as if this earthly life was but a dream and true consciousness happens after death. -- Mark But if this Consciousness alone is real, the world was an illusion? Then where did it come from?’ ‘Like all manifestation, the world too is the creation of the great illusion or great delusion, which being the Creative aspect of this Supreme Consciousness, or the Lord, is the divine movie-projector of life, in the all-powerful play of the realm of Creation. Just as a mirage in the desert disappears when viewed from a certain perspective, your life as Arti on earth has disappeared, when viewed from the perspective of the Divine Self, where you are now.

Only the eternal is real; and from the viewpoint of that Reality, all that is non-eternal, disappears. Yet of course, you, being atman (the soul) which is eternal, can still view the ‘world of illusion’ if you wish.’ ‘So my life as Arti never really existed at all, it was an illusion?’ ‘Oh, it existed; just as a dream exists, or a movie, or a mirage.’ ‘So the world, was just a figment of my imagination? How did I create it?

With my thoughts and desires?’ ‘Y e s s s s!’ The answer seemed to echo all around and reverberated within my being. Y e s I understood now.

The world had all been, only in my mind, a thought-and-senses createdillusion/delusion. Without the senses, mind and body, there was now no ‘ego’ to perceive the world illusion! It had all existed and happened only in my mind! Our true reality exists outside of the mind, which is where I was at the present moment. -- Mira S NDES & THE SOUL.

Near death experiencers say that the soul is made of light -- a liquid or fluorescent light -- or a plasma field. Most claim that they can travel at very high speeds by intent, desire or thought. Then, in another second, I was standing on a river made of liquid light! There was grass and landscape but it was all made of this light or had the light in it.

I was just pure consciousness with no body, in the 'other' place I had physical form, but my body like everything else there was like it was made of liquid light. -- Anthony N The pulsating liquid light that radiated peace/joy/love. Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?

-- Jill D He said his life was sort of a liquid light that was poured into a beautiful vessel of some sort on a scale. The scale measured his good vs. Bad actions on earth. -- Donna Suddenly I felt as if I was in a bright light. It was tinged with blue and silver. Like a plasma ball you see on sci-fi movies.

There was an electricity to the.ether. It was unreal. I was floating, my entire body, if I had one, was invisible, even my eyelids and head were invisible.

I tried to close my eyes, but couldn't. I don't know if I was seeing through my eyelids, or if I ceased to have them. Suddenly, the feeling of speed returned. I grunted, if not out loud, then in my mind as I went from 0 to light speed; or I assumed.

-- Chris D I jumped against a kind of plasma or rubber wall. It was soft and flexible, was glowing in a golden orange color, and hurled me back. I illicitly tried to cross the river. But I bounced off a kind of luminous rubber-/plasma 'wall'. My impression was that the whole 'heaven' was made of this plasma, and I could not get in, because my 'body' wasn't subtle enough, to get into the plasma.

-- Franziska R ADC That deep blue sky all around. I was still marveling at my arm, and when realizing that I was higher in the air, these sparks began to form. Not exactly like a typical spark of electricity, but similar along with a thicker dimension to each spark. As a type of plasma with just enough of a thickness to notice black on one edge or side and silver on another side. What appeared to be the window opened up by a plasma sparking energy is what I would now call a portal into another dimension. -- Wilfred B Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?

Uncertain I went through a dimension, like a plasma wall. -- Kate B There were no reference points, no up, no down, no right, no left. Just my concentrated essence, my 'I' that had been falling into and onto itself and becoming smaller and smaller.

I became aware that there were a multitude (infinite) of other 'I's around me, like stars studding the sky. They were 'I's; 'Ego's'. These 'All Seeing Eyes'were scrutinizing me'. 'They' who are the One Voice (the voice that had been communicating with me all along) began to tell me things.

They transmit, convey, tell. 'They' as the One Voice, with a finger (metaphor) drew a white, brilliant, fluorescent, living plasma-like, palpable-light graphic in the darkness. This was a circle.

Its entire circumference moved in a clockwise manner. I observed another spirit entering the room, it wasn’t as large as me because I was pure plasma, a glowing bodiless form that was pure energy and intelligences I was neither male or female my vision was 360% -- Gregory C I started to look around and saw beings of different colors huddled in a group talking amongst themselves. They were nether male or female. One of them I remember was a soft olive green color and this being was holding a staff.

I thought to myself that these being don’t have eyes, ears, mouths or hands and they are conversing how can this be. I decided to see what color I was, so I stretched a part of me out and saw that I was a very vibrant plasmic hot pink. I remember laughing because this was a color I would not be comfortable wearing here on Earth. -- Kathy O My own identity appeared to also be composed of light and I noticed that my light had the ability to reach any where I wanted and whatever beam of light consciousness I chose to direct my attention to, I could instantly travel down. I did this and found myself in a floral shop. What I found extremely fascinating was that I was able to experience all of the flowers simultaneously, and that no matter where I went I was always at the center of everything! -- Barry W I looked at the throne and I was light and the face of a bear, eagle, lion and ram all changing every second.

-- Patricia AR With that, I was outside and flying through the sky. I looked down and saw the rising sunlight reflecting on the Irish sea. I was way ahead of a number of seagulls. I headed extremely quickly towards Scotland, briefly saw the west coast with the sunlight shining and boats on the water and then boom, I was in darkness but I was light. -- Marie E I knew I was part of this light, I belonged to this light. I then realized there was a presence in this light and I realized I was light too. We were the same but with different personalities.

-- Barbara S I felt like I was no longer in my body, but was still my self. It felt like I was 'light' not weightless but actual light.

-- D I recall that when I was out of my body, I wondered what I looked like without a body. Then I looked at myself and I was light, I was made of light! However, at some point I had not this light body anymore, I was just a point of consciousness in universe! The more we love, the more we emit light because we vibrate faster!

-- Leonard Then I looked at myself and I was light. I had the shape of a person but was only made up of a yellow light. -- Joan K Light filled my being and reality as if filtering into it as sand through mesh? Until I was light. -- Bonnie C I was light.everything was light. -- Tracy W It was like my body was made of light, it still felt like a body.

But when I looked at it, it wasn't really -- Barbara C I know that we are all connected and that each of us is made of light and we are all 'God' on earth. -- Kathi B Our original form is made of light because our creator is made of light. -- Patricia D I put my arms out to try to fly and saw that they were rainbows of colors I was a rainbow being.I was made of light and color I was overjoyed! I thought I can fly to the Great Presence before me and unite with the purity of all that is was and ever shall be.That was my hearts desire, to be at one with the Great Presence which 'they' call God, and yet I dare not announce a name to that which is beyond naming. - Yazmine My thought was 'oh what is that' the moment I thought it, I moved forward, almost like my curiosity propelled me. I knew I had no body so it was like floating forward, I remember thinking 'wow this is cool' and I wanted to see what the color was.

The more curious I got the fast I propelled forward, like flying, it felt incredibly freeing. I really liked it and the more I wanted to go faster, the faster I went. -- Sherri A I tried the 'want' a little harder.I moved faster!!

It came to me in a rush I could move with a 'thought' I started darting around like a firefly. -- Lee travel to the most remote regions was possible with a thought This amazing living loving ball of light was off in the distance and I was naturally drawn to travel there.

Travel was easy. Simply by desire. This was strong. Jean Renee H Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes The silver chord that people talked about would not let me travel upward. It is not really 'physical' but it was real to me.

They did not want me just yet, only to see what lies ahead for some reason. -- Bryan S I can't describe how we were traveling. It wasn't like we see movies depict people flying. It was an energy travel - like we set our intention and away we went. -- Pamela B Travel is also by thought both into the physical and ethereal dimensions of realities -- Alan M I felt that I could move at the speed of light. This was in no way aPhysical sense of movement, not three-dimensional.

It was as if I was propelled by thought, rather than body. What existed was pure will. -- Bryan Z High speed travel.

No solar clock (sunlight) Gliding rather than walking, and flying. Easy transition from standing to flying, as if by thought or wish. Speed returning down tunnel back to my body very greatly accelerated. -- Anne S I remember knowing that I no longer would have eat, sleep work or exercise, and that I could travel by thought and that's what got me to the walls. -- Preston P I could see through walls and go anywhere instantly by thought if I so desired.

-- Chamisa H To be everything, to be nothing, to manifest your desire by thought alone, and the ability to comprehend without do you limit your imagination? -- Scot W One question I always personally had and that was answered is, 'Are ghosts real?' The answer I was given was, 'Yes, in the human body their are two forms of spiritual being. One is the 'soul' which is the spiritual being that has a symbiotic relationship with the physical body. The second is the being created by the 'biology' of the human body. This being is intelligent and is basically the personality of the individual. Its purpose is to provide for the human needs of food, hunger, survival, and procreation.

This concept is very similar to Freud's 'Id, Ego and Superego' The division of mind and personality. The soul provides us with all the things of the individual that separates us from the Animal Kingdom. This is the ability to reason, use logic, or feel awe when seeing a sunset. The soul is the creative side of humankind. The second being is more our animal side and drives us to accomplish or pursue things to satisfy our needs and wants. When we die, the soul separates and proceeds to the other side (Forgive me for simplifying everything).

The entity of the body, dies taking with it the strong emotions, 'baggage', and drives of human beings. This is a natural part of the dying process.

However, sometimes under violent or sudden death this Other/being, for lack of a better word, doesn't have a chance to die. Instead it remains behind as the drive, emotions, and motivation of our spirit. This body being, without the guidance of the soul is basically just a shell.

It wanders about with no goals or purpose. It often repeats acts that it has done before because memories are the only 'guidance' that it has. In time, this being's energy dissipates and nothing is left. But that process can take along time. Hence, we have a 'ghost' that haunts a house or person.

A ghost has the center of its existence when it was with its human body and soul. Here on earth it remains until it eventually vanishes. The ghost can be communicated with and guided, yet has no real will of its own but only that of habit.

-- Henry W These are some findings of William Bulhman, an expert on out of body experiences and traveling the astral plane: 'It's important to learn how to consciously move and lock your awareness within any individual energy environment. You unknowingly did this when you entered the first nonphysical reality immediately after your death. When you embraced this construct and accepted it as your own, you became one with it. In doing so, you unconsciously locked your in a structured consensus-thought matrix created by a group of like-minded souls.' 'To become an effective spiritual traveler, it's vital to develop your flexibility of consciousness. You must earn how to shift your state of awareness without becoming attached to the energies that dominate a given realty.' 'This is basic soul travel, lateral motion of consciousness in a structured consensus reality. You can use the energy signature of any familiar location as your target. The key is to completely focus, know and flow. It's essential to lock your awareness into a specific energy environment or your perception will become unstable. This skill is critical when you are attempting multiple reality jumps.' 'Yes, all of these things are your projections. Now can see how easy it is for untrained souls to become completely trapped within their own thought forms. This is a common problem for billions of souls dwelling in the physical and astral projections. Few souls are aware of the creative power of their own thoughts. The self-created manifestations of forms make for convincing illusions in all dimensions; many humans remain imprisoned in this labyrinth of the mind' -- William Buhlman NDES & CONSCIOUSNESS. This is probably the most interesting and revealing section. When it comes to describing the Light the feedback is overwhelmingly consistent as you will see later in the section on NDES & Light.

The Light is described as brilliantly bright, beautiful, loving, all-knowing and a sense of inter-connectedness with everything is reported. In fact, many say the Light is our collective soul, the sum of all the souls of humanity. When they talk about what God is many do call the Light God or Jesus or are unsure.

Many seem to just assume or know the Light is God. But there are dozens of explanations that contradict that notion.

For instance, some say God can't be seen, but only felt. Read for yourself and see what you think. I think this is some good evidence that the Light NDErs go to is NOT God, but actually the sum or collective of human souls. This light loved me! This light talked to me! I asked it if it was god and it answered me, “Yes I am the light! The Light itself spoke to me and I knew it was God, the Power that created the whole universe.

I asked her if I could speak to god. Then god came down, like on an elevator, from a higher heaven and sat down in front of me.

God looked like Jesus in an all white gown and big, about 6 foot 5 inches tall. God is a presence, an existence so wonderful, so beautiful. I was high in the sky and Jesus was there next to me.

Suddenly I heard this very deep, pulsating vibration, it was kind of spooky, but somehow I sensed that God was somewhere out there. I told Jesus I didn't want to stay and talk, I needed to find the source of the vibration. Jesus wouldn't let me go and explore. I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/ Jesus. The next thing I remember was 3 large energy balls merging into one in front of me. I could have been trying to focus and that is why there was 3 balls or maybe there were 3 that merged.

I know why people say they fly through a tunnel. They see the ring around the bright light and think it's a tunnel they are flying through but really the energy ball is just getting closer. Or we get closer to the energy ball.

The light was so very bright but did not cause me discomfort. Matter of fact, it was comforting.

I was warm and happy and felt so much love. SO much love! I was finally home.

I asked the energy ball if it was God. They said, 'That is a human word but if it makes you feel comfortable, you may call us God.'

But now I was standing on the 'floor' of the 'hall' looking toward the 'far end' of it. Well, GOD was there. Or more accurately, a great Fire or Light that I was to understand 'represented' or 'stood for' God. Thus I asked to meet God to decide with him what I could do to serve his cause and she told me that God was not someone we could meet, we wouldn’t bear the vision. But he is an energy that we can feel and see as a light of variable intensity depending of one’s heart’s purity. I was suddenly in front of a great Light. It had to have been God!

Then the Loving Power pointed me towards a city; it looked like New York City. It had that city's profile, with the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building – but not the World Trade Center Towers. I wondered why God was showing me this, and a voice telepathically said, 'I have a Plan.' When I told my father who was a preacher of the Lutheran Faith about my experience he dismissed it abruptly and told me that this 'supreme spirit,' this God that my spirit had witnessed, was not the God of the bible and he told me to pray for my salvation. My beliefs and practices are Native American of which have not changed.

I have met The Great Spirit in the Happy Hunting Ground. I experienced Christ, and finally I experienced total and complete and perfect light, love, joy. GOD CONSCIOUSNESS. I understood how we are all part of this amazing FREQUENCY that is GOD resonation. In front of my eyes appeared all the prophets of religious teachings; Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.And in the middle was a bright human shaped light.It spoke to me saying that it was God, I didn't believed it at first (who would), I asked 'it' 'Who Are you?' And 'it' replied back to me saying 'I am just like you, Lonely, Not wanted, Sad.I Have set forth countless members of humans on this planet, I've created these planets out of my own ability, I have created Prophets to explain my existence, but yet These humans that I have set forth deny my existence, they believe in others that have no existence'.I asked 'it' 'why haven't you given them any chances?' .With a Reply so calm, 'it' said to me 'Arifur have you not felt alone and not wanted?

Have you not given up because you understand that people won't believe your existence, thus I am sure that when you return, and when you speak of this moment, whoever you speak with will not believe it, Let them believe what they want, for all I ask is Just for them to accept the fact that Another God exists, And just from that Belief I will be happy.' 'It' said to me with a sad reply, 'Your the only one that I have found strong enough to deal with this pain, You share the same feelings that I have felt, the feeling of loneliness, the feeling of being not noticed, that's why I have chosen you, From here on out you will never forget this moment, and others will never realize the true meaning to life, only you will understand life and only you can hold my existence I was walking down a path of some sort and was walking with God. He/She was on my left. I was too scared to turn and look at God. I believe I was scared I would turn to salt- not sure - I do know I did not look at God and I do know God was there. I could feel the warmth.

I could hear the voice or really feel the voice. It said, 'you are going to be ok. I have got your back.

You are going to heaven one day but not today. In the meantime I want you to tell others about this.' There, I was sometimes met by a being of pure light, not a human form, but pure point of light, who communicated with me mind to mind, via some form of telepathy. I believed at first that it was God but later demoted it to an angel. There was a throne, sort of. God was sitting upon it, and Jesus at his right hand. The virgin mother was present as well, and also John the Baptist.

At first I felt I was alone. Then I noticed shadows standing in front of me. Shadows of a panel of people. They were looking at me. I could feel them and see their outlines. They were all standing, except one in the middle, up front—he was sitting. That was God.

Then God let me know, through thought, that I may be trying to get my way, but, basically, I was not the boss there. God could have been Jesus. I refer to 'God' when I speak of whom I was communicating with, but I wonder whether it might have been Jesus, instead—or if it matters. Then I arrived at a sort of palace and it had to be God’s house. I went in but I was stopped by 2 guards carrying shields and lances. They asked me why I was there, I said: “I’m looking for God, can you call Him for me please”?

These guards stood in front of a large beautiful gleaming porch which was set with gems. One of the guards entered the porch saying: “I’ll go see if God has time for you”. I waited 15 minutes, half an hour, one hour but the guard didn’t come back. Suddenly he returned through the gleaming porch and I asked him: “Is God going to see me now please”? He answered: “Dear Eric, God absolutely does not have time for you yet, so He can not see you”. I begged him to allow me to stay up there for I wanted to keep the feeling of bliss.

But the guard told me: “God gave me explicit orders to send you back to earth because you still have an important task there”! I was a little discouraged by this but the feeling of bliss was still there. God was 'the mind', or 'the order' in all things.

The Supreme Highest Vibration and Frequency, an essence --- around and in everything --- all that is beautiful and peaceful and One, and all that is good. 'God is love' -- the love was like an energy that connected every molecule in the universe. WAS TOLD BY PEOPLE ON OTHER SIDE THAT GOD IS NOT THE LIGHT, THE LIGHT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD BREATHES. -- Pam Reynolds But, when I finally reached the brilliant white Light of that Sun, after about 18 hours of intense battling, I saw the brilliance of a God are a divine electron in the atom of God and very loved. I WAS PART OF HIS CREATION.

IN ME WAS THE SPARK OF GOD--IT COULD NOT BE OTHERWISE. HE WAS ALL KNOWING. HE WAS ALL LOVE and I WAS A PART OF IT ALL! In perhaps a count of three I was at the light and I was stopped at a barrier. I looked at the light and I experienced an overwhelming flood of peace, joy, and unconditional love.

I knew that God was behind that light, and there with Him was everything we could imagine to be beautiful, good, just, merciful, and righteous, in a far greater measure than the human mind can conceive. Even after so many years I do not have words to describe this adequately.

I wanted nothing more than to step over that barrier and go through the light to where God was. I came to understand that this trinity is not God, exactly. They are more like the Godhead. They are the omnipresent embodiment of the Impartial Force.

The Force they mastered is not a composite, but a self-sustaining whole. It is the “first cause.” It knows no good or evil. It is neutral. Though tangible and pervasive, the Ultimate Force is not a being, but a principle. This is the spirit or principle that Sufi Muslims refer to as “Beyond the Beyond” or “Beyond Allah.” It is perfect love–unconditional and universal. And that God is the essence or breath of life that is in everything and everywhere.

I remember the Angel telling me that it was here to help teach me things. I had a strong need to test this spirit to make sure that it was a good Angel sent by God. I asked the Spirit 'Do you love the Holy Spirit?'

The Angel Just Smiled with a pause, looking at me quietly. I then had this rush of overwhelming, strong, loving energy go right through my Soul/Spirit. I knew straight away that It was the Holy Spirit confirming to me that it was one of God's Divine Angels sent by him. But people will always be limited to explaining their NDE through they're human understanding of God, which is not universal, but subjective. Keep that in mind.

Sometimes the less knowledge a brain has of religion is best to keep the translation clear. That's my perspective anyway. Instead of God, I will use the term Source, as it has neither masculine or feminine energy to distort the message. Source is the source, the ONE infinite consciousness. Source has one desire, to know itself. Source cannot know itself unless it divides itself into two, thus having another perspective to see itself from. This is where polarity and expansion cycles into eternity.

I see God as something that I am part of, inseparable from. Not an individual entity of power to worship or serve. That just makes no sense to me whatsoever. God/Goddess is Source, and Source is OMNI. This is why I no longer believe in a separate omnipotent being called God.

Physics teaches us that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. This is a proven law. And so it was with my experience.

We are simply a beyond vastly intelligent source of energy. This one is not from NDERF.ORG but from Joe McMoneagle who is a well-known remote viewer: 'At the time it’s just something you have to deal with. I was not able to assimilate the event for many years. I just had the experience and I was walking around the experience and not knowing how to assimilate it in any way.

For a long time I was absolutely convinced that the white light was God. I’m not convinced of that now. The experience is still just as real in my mind as the day it happened but I’ve since had a second near-death experience when I had a heart attack at age 39, right after retirement from the Army.

In my second experience I was fully prepared to go to the light again, to go where I knew was home, and I was not allowed to. I was allowed only to see it. But I was not allowed to enjoin it. So in the second experience, this confused me. It created a huge philosophic problem for me because by being able to see the light and not going to it, it showed me that the light had edges. My definition of God is that God cannot be a finite being. God can’t have edges.

So it created a huge philosophic problem for me and I processed that for many years. The answer I’ve sort of accepted, that I’m comfortable with now, is that what I believe the light is, is what we are in totality when we’re no longer a physical being. We’re pure energy beings and we’re created in the image and likeness of God. But that isn’t God. It’s the reason why we feel so complete and so whole.'

-- Joe McMoneagle '. * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG The Light itself spoke to me and I knew it was God, the Power that created the whole universe.

The Light told me this first clear light heaven I was in (which was a million times brighter than any love I ever felt on earth), was filled with countless paradise planets. I looked down at my body and it was made of white light but still had a luminous human form. -- David I asked her if I could speak to god.

Then god came down, like on an elevator, from a higher heaven and sat down in front of me. God looked like Jesus in an all white gown and big, about 6 foot 5 inches tall.

I know I could not see myself. God asked if I wanted to stay or go back while he let me look down and see my mother and sisters, who were small at the time, in the kitchen. My father was drunk. I was in such peace and surrounded by such beauty, I did not want to come back. But, I told god, 'you see father, I have to go back.' God then showed me my whole life.

He told me I would have 13 children, but 3 would not live. I would be married three times. -- Mary Ann F God is a presence, an existence so wonderful, so beautiful. -- Norma C His presence (God’s) was not a visual one, although I could have precisely said where He was, somewhat hidden in the shadow. His presence could be perceived through the energy mass I felt flowing out of Him and the place He was. He was God, no need to introduce Himself: Not only does he communicates orally but also through telepathy, by placing TRUTHS in our mind. The fact that He was God was one of these truths he placed in my spirit.

-- Catherine D When I first arrived in the second heaven, I knew immediately in what direction I must go to reach the third heaven where God was. I don't know how I knew that, but I did. I also knew that if I was going to get my prayer answered, I was going to have to appear before God the Father in the third heaven. I was aware that I was traveling in that spirit world under the protection of the Holy Spirit, and that the angels who were escorting me were also moving about under the protection of the Holy Spirit. 'As we moved about there in that world, I was greatly disappointed that my escorts did not take me in the direction of the third heaven where God was.

Instead, we moved in the opposite direction. As we moved from place to place in that world, I learned many things about demons. -- Howard P God held me.I don't remember if my whole body was in his arms or recognition of that. I knew it was God because he was an omnipotent being.

Not like a person.much less limited in form. I did not see God but felt him through my skin. He spoke through all of my senses. He called me by name and told me I could not stay. I told him all of my services on earth (working 24/7, not much money for my work, a good wife, a good mother) I did not want to leave this place. Then God asked me.He said 'let me ask you one question'.

'Have you ever loved another person the way you have been loved here'. The love I had received in that time was so overpowering.I had never felt anything like it so I answered God honestly.

I said, ' is impossible.I am just a human, you are God'. He gave me the illusion of a sweet protective chuckle.

He then said, 'Mary, you can do better'. I was being held by God in a beautiful room. He told me I could not stay. I was upset.and started protesting. -- Mary Jo R The major heavenly being of love who I call God, which seemed masculine to me in a way, imparted the message to me directly through thought that I could stay or I could go back. -- Veronica W I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/ Jesus.

It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. Here my memories become jumbled like they were all piled on top of each other in a split second or an eternity. -- Tamara J I am convinced that I was given a glimpse of the nature of that which we call God.

At that point in my life I had never heard of NDE, never thought of God as Light, had not even given much thought to the possibility of death and dying. -- Shawn J Then, mom was gone, and God came. I couldn't see him.

But, I knew he was there. He kept telling me how I was special and that I shouldn't think so lowly about myself. I felt this being infused in me and I felt very loved -- Cindy E Instantly, I was in the presence of God and I was hearing that I was not to fear as I was alright and instantly all fear was gone and I knew that I was alright. I do remember many other people being there, some I recognized and some not although I was aware that I knew them all. It is impossible to explain the love God has for us. No one would ever voluntarily leave God. -- Waylan Out of the darkness came a light and it was God.

I felt his overwhelming presence, a safety I’ve never known before, a love so great that He chose to save me from the fiery death. Something I knew I did not deserve. Who was I to receive this grace? He sent me back to the flesh to tell others the truth before it’s too late. When returning home from the hospital life was different, everything had changed. I saw the world for what it really was, vile and not of God.

-- Chuck K There were no dead relatives to meet me (I had none at this time that I had been close to in life) but there was an Angel. His image was clearer than the surrounding area but not totally clear. He was in white. God was also there but not an Image of God, just a presence. -- Michelle R God reviewed my life. I felt some fear as I felt I was being judged and was not good enough for God.

God told me I did something good that pleased him and seemed to try to ease my fears. It was something of helping a boy child in some way. God appeared only as a light and a authoritative voice.

I could not see him. Afterwards he asked me if I wanted to stay or go back. -- Jean R But now I was standing on the 'floor' of the 'hall' looking toward the 'far end' of it. Well, GOD was there.

Or more accurately, a great Fire or Light that I was to understand 'represented' or 'stood for' God. (But, in a way, it WAS also REALLY God -this can't be explained, and I sensed it as a paradox, something I just had to accept. -But it really wasn't an issue, as there was no 'intellectualizing', just raw, naked experience of the Presence of God.) -- Krikrikit Then, I asked to see the Virgin Mary and someone asked me to enter another (room) without any wall. After a while, she arrived, being accompanied by his Son, he was a child approximately 6 years old. Then she told me about the confusion of God, my eternal father. I asked if I could be of any help and she told me that it was exactly what they were expecting from me.

It was the same thing for all those who had the same experience but without being obliged, always with free will. Thus I asked to meet God to decide with him what I could do to serve his cause and she told me that God was not someone we could meet, we wouldn’t bear the vision.

But he is an energy that we can feel and see as a light of variable intensity depending of one’s heart’s purity. He came following Mary’s request. I considered this presence as an honour and told him my feeling.

I also felt this sadness which Mary spoke about to me and he told me “I chose you with a few others also chosen to try to awake the consciousnesses, that’s a last chance I give them. They all think they are God so I consider they don’t need me any more -- Kolleen I was suddenly in front of a great Light. It had to have been God! It was so powerful, no words can describe it. The closest I can come is to say it was like being suddenly placed a few feet from the Sun – but instead of feeling heat, you feel LOVE.

Infinite Love. The Love emanated out in all directions in slow, gentle rays of light. Never can I forget it. I was suddenly in front of a great Light.

It had to have been God! It was so powerful, no words can describe it. The closest I can come is to say it was like being suddenly placed a few feet from the Sun – but instead of feeling heat, you feel LOVE.

Infinite Love. The Love emanated out in all directions in slow, gentle rays of light. Never can I forget it. Thirty years later, it's still mostly what I think about. A vision of a man appeared down to the right of the powerful Light. I presumed it was Jesus. He looked like he does in most paintings.

He was wearing a white robe and was extending his hands out to greet me. Behind me, I felt the whole world carrying on – past, present and future.

I looked down at my current time period on the Earth, and wasn't too interested. But I did feel curious about past settlers who had come across the Atlantic, and I became aware of three little ships on the sea which I started moving towards. They could have been Columbus' ships – but I stopped because I didn't want to leave the presence of this Love. Then the Loving Power pointed me towards a city; it looked like New York City.

It had that city's profile, with the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building – but not the World Trade Center Towers. I wondered why God was showing me this, and a voice telepathically said, 'I have a Plan.' The city was grey, and it was smothered in what looked like a fog. I presumed it was meant to symbolize any city, but on the day of 9/11, I realized that I had seen the future.

What I had thought was fog, was dust. -- Tom S There was darkness but I was in a light and the light was warm and loving and peaceful.

It was God's light. I mean that's what he is. My soul was in his soul or light or something like that. It was so wonderful I didn't want to leave but someone said I had to go back. The light was god and I was in it -- Lisa R When I told my father who was a preacher of the Lutheran Faith about my experience he dismissed it abruptly and told me that this 'supreme spirit,' this God that my spirit had witnessed, was not the God of the bible and he told me to pray for my salvation. We never talked about it afterwards.

-- Kurt K I did not have any big questions, even though I was talking to 'God.' I knew all my answers as I was a fully realized person. God has a male voice that was rather multi-dimensional, like surround sound. I don't think God has a gendr but God can choose how to appear to me. I was very close to my father who died when I was 19. I did not see him there.

That is a good thing, because if I had of seen him, I would have not come back to my life on earth. God did not have a body or face, but appeared as dancing light. -- Nancy L I saw the radiant sea of light we call God and I swam in it as one with God -- Karin F I was accepted just as I am. I even felt equal to the angels and to God Himself, there seemed no distinction between them and me based on appearance or manners, as we have here on earth. I even felt completely free to speak my mind to God.

When he asked me whether I chose to remain above, or return below, to my amazement I dared to speak my mind. I gladly left the choice to God, to send me back as He willed, and to do it in the way He thought right. He consulted separately so that I could not hear what was said, though I saw the outcome was good. Whatever was said against me I could not hear, though I knew some things were said.

The “angels” and “God” and even I myself were not all radiant white; the whole space was radiant white; there were no shadows, but it was dazzling. Yet I could see no faces.We were in the large dome. God stood stood right for me and the angels (a group) left for me. (Thus right of God!) I (here) knew not she. -- Desiree B I believed this was God, our creator of the universe, highest power (whatever word you feel comfortable with.) As I took a look around I saw a bright light, it was the moon, the sun was reflecting light off the moon surface, we were in space, equal distance to the moon on the right side (looking from earth).

I do not think this was heavens final destination, I think it was a greeting area to receive us when we cross over. -- Ron A I was walking down a path of some sort and was walking with God. He/She was on my left. I was too scared to turn and look at God. I believe I was scared I would turn to salt- not sure - I do know I did not look at God and I do know God was there. I could feel the warmth. I could hear the voice or really feel the voice.

It said, 'you are going to be ok. I have got your back. You are going to heaven one day but not today. In the meantime I want you to tell others about this.' -- George K There, I was sometimes met by a being of pure light, not a human form, but pure point of light, who communicated with me mind to mind, via some form of telepathy. I believed at first that it was God but later demoted it to an angel. Then this being showed me the tunnel that usually follows the near death event I could not see either end of the tunnel as we were in total darkness, except for the point of intelligent light.

It was an out of-body experience. I was told that one end of this tunnel led to the light and the other into the dark void It was explained to me, by this being of light, that this tunnel had two ends. One into the glorious light of God, and the other into the darkness of the void.

I would like to interject here, due to your prime question relating to judgment in the afterlife. “Darkness (evil) cannot invade the light, (one candle dispels the darkness) but light (goodness) can impact into the darkness).' At first I was taken up through the tunnel into a place of learning (library) into the glorious light at the one end of this almost infinite tunnel. While in the light I experienced great feelings of elation, love and peace. Here I was shown great events that were to come to planet earth, sometime in the future. There was a being with me all the time that I could not see, but hear. It spoke with a male voice.

I believed it/he were what we mortals refer to as God. Later I was informed the being was not God but a highly evolved entity much like an angel.

-- Alan M I was then pulled down this strange tunnel and into this brightly lit area where four men dressed in white robes were and they were all white looking. One came towards me and I glided over to another room where this being (I know it was God) was seated on a throne. This very bright light was streaming out from him and I could only make him out for an instant and he had long hair and a beard. The light was intense and I could feel that he was concerned for me and I could feel a lot of love the likes I haven't felt before and I felt he had great compassion for me and had knowledge about everything that had been and what ever was to be. I saw gold streaking with the bright white light also and knew all wealth comes from him too. -- John C i noticed now i was pure light. I noticed others too.

Other deceased. All were made of light. I was taken to another place. It was as if it were billions of miles away, but we were there instantly. We entered a huge chamber, another chamber of light. There was a throne, sort of. God was sitting upon it, and Jesus at his right hand.

The virgin mother was present as well, and also John the Baptist. God rose from his chair, and then greeted me. All the while, since i had first seen Jesus, there was an irrepressible feeling of love. My whole life was looked at and through, and my whole life was judged in an instant. God then told me that i had been judged justly and that i was welcomed into his kingdom of heaven, but that it was not my time to leave the human existence.

-- Philip S Then I arrived at a sort of palace and it had to be God’s house. I went in but I was stopped by 2 guards carrying shields and lances.

They asked me why I was there, I said: “I’m looking for God, can you call Him for me please”? These guards stood in front of a large beautiful gleaming porch which was set with gems. One of the guards entered the porch saying: “I’ll go see if God has time for you”. I waited 15 minutes, half an hour, one hour but the guard didn’t come back. Suddenly he returned through the gleaming porch and I asked him: “Is God going to see me now please”?

He answered: “Dear Eric, God absolutely does not have time for you yet, so He can not see you”. I begged him to allow me to stay up there for I wanted to keep the feeling of bliss. But the guard told me: “God gave me explicit orders to send you back to earth because you still have an important task there”! I was a little discouraged by this but the feeling of bliss was still there. -- Eric R That's when I saw a white staircase that went up to the second floor of a very white mansion.

I stood there staring at it. I remember thinking it was so fantastic, it reminded me of Zeus' mansion with all of the white pillars around it.

I told myself that Zeus was just pretend, but it seemed to me that a God would have such a beautiful place. Out of the right side, walking along a walkway that went to the stair way. When the bright light reached the stairway it began descending down towards me. It stopped ten to twelve steps before me. It called out my name, in front of me it was sort of a TV showing my life. I was standing before It and It said come Cindy, follow me.

That was when I could speak again. I said 'No, because if I go up there I will have to stay. -- Cynthia H AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL WAS THE BRIGHTEST WHITE LIGHT THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN!!

WHEN YOU LOOKED AT IT, THE LIGHT DID NOT HURT YOU LIKE OUR SUN WOULD. I KNEW THAT WHEN I TOUCHED THAT LIGHT THAT I WAS GOING TO DIE. TH As I approached the light I felt myself unfold like a flower, although I had no body. The love I felt was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I was enveloped by this light and felt one with everything, all seeing, all knowing. 'God is love' -- the love was like an energy that connected every molecule in the universe.

-- Kathy There was no light or pearly gates. I think this was probably because I was in some sort of purgatory. Even so, the peace I felt was like nothing I have ever experienced before or since. There, I got into a conversation with a male-voiced 'Entity.' In my opinion, it was God or an Angel. The Entity told me that it was not my time but that I could 'go' if I wanted to. -- Josh J WAS TOLD BY PEOPLE ON OTHER SIDE THAT GOD IS NOT THE LIGHT, THE LIGHT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD BREATHES.

-- Pam Reynolds I just kept calling to the Master of Light, and an explosion would move the forces away. I was being taken to a Sun behind our Sun, where dwells the Light of Alpha and Omega. It was extremely painful, climbing this white ladder. But, when I finally reached the brilliant white Light of that Sun, after about 18 hours of intense battling, I saw the brilliance of a God unnamed. I returned able to decipher the meaning behind many words, like emotion, being energy in motion. Mary being Mother Ray, attunement. And felt these were ancient intonations that created an intense Light ray of God, as a laser beam.

Also, I remembered in ancient civilizations pass when there were great temples of Light, with altars in the center of unfed flames. And there were priest of the sacred f.Not sympathy, that you can save the world, but you are a divine electron in the atom of God and very loved. And all you say and do is to extend and adore that loving God Presence. -- Jo D I became aware of a sense of peace that passes all understanding.

I began to look at this light and perceived what was happening to me and I never wanted to leave. I was in the presence of a divine being, one called the Son of God, Jesus. I did not see Him, but He was there in the light and spoke to me telepathically. I felt the overflowing Love of God. I do not remember seeing God or Jesus.what I felt HAD to be HIM though.I KNEW that I was ONE with Jesus and God, just like the Bible says we are.That I was made in His image to be like Him.-- Christine S Then God came and talked to me about it. I couldn't tell him no, so I said I would go back. I hugged him and Jesus.

-- Denise M I was Suddenly Struck with Wonderment and Awe. EVERYTHING ABOUT ME WAS ALREADY KNOWN!! I WAS PART OF HIS CREATION.

IN ME WAS THE SPARK OF GOD--IT COULD NOT BE OTHERWISE. HE WAS ALL KNOWING. HE WAS ALL LOVE and I WAS A PART OF IT ALL! -- Laura M In perhaps a count of three I was at the light and I was stopped at a barrier. I looked at the light and I experienced an overwhelming flood of peace, joy, and unconditional love.

I knew that God was behind that light, and there with Him was everything we could imagine to be beautiful, good, just, merciful, and righteous, in a far greater measure than the human mind can conceive. Even after so many years I do not have words to describe this adequately. I wanted nothing more than to step over that barrier and go through the light to where God was.

-- Nellie L Then of in the distance out of the blackness to my right I see a man and he slid up right up to my face, he moved like Dracula in Bram Stokes Dracula movie just boom he's in my face. He didn't walk bouncy he slid. He was the most beautiful being I ever saw. I was enveloped in pure love, a feeling that I cannot describe, pure love and peace and well being. A glowing love like no other that I can't describe how wonderful it was.

He was the big cheese. That is what I call him now. There is a GOD. A supreme being, the one.

He had long white hair past his shoulders wavy the color of that fiberglass stuff in furnace filters, It looked softer than anything I ever saw he had a beard long wavy soft white to his boob area. His skin was a golden bronze color almost metal like. Polished old brass he was a perfect being, he was so pretty. He was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. He was wearing a kaftan with bell sleeves and gold embroidery around the collar sleeves and hem. With a Nuru collar. It was like a rayon thin silky flowing.

You could tell he was buff under it. I was in pure love but not sexual. His eyes were not of a color that is here on earth. The color was not in our human rainbow.

When I looked into his eyes all the secrets of the universe were revealed to me. I know how everything works because I looked into his eyes for a moment. All the secrets of the universe, all knowledge of all time everything. He said to me 'Do you know who I am?' I knew he was God the moment I looked into his eyes. I said 'yes' and I was so ashamed and so unworthy and I felt just ashamed, but loved like no other. I felt loved.

I was so happy to be there. And I looked down at his feet and I wanted to just lay at his feet and hold onto his leg. He has perfect feet.'

He said ' you have three missions then you can die'. Then out of no where slide in my face these two beings I call them.

Beautiful beings wearing similar outfits are in my face. One had blonde wavy hair it just past the shoulders it was masculine and the other feminine one had a wavy pageboy shorter the same color and they were bronze color a little less pretty than GOD, and they had eyes the color of coffee and cream. A soft beige color.

They both grabbed me from either side of my body like a hug and said 'don't worry we'll be with you' they flew me backwards through the universe at supersonic speed and when we got close to earth the disappeared but I could still feel them holding me. They follow me around on each side of me behind me.

Still to this day they are hear. I can't see them but I feel them behind me. -- Cynthia Y The three spirits were like my entity: separate, but somehow connected. They were one and communicated as one. They were of the same general forms as my entity, too, but they were without distinguishing facial features. The center spirit hovered slightly above those on each side.

Their first telepathic communication (I now realize) was the most important. I came to understand that this trinity is not God, exactly. They are more like the Godhead. They are the omnipresent embodiment of the Impartial Force. The Force they mastered is not a composite, but a self-sustaining whole. It is the “first cause.” It knows no good or evil.

It is neutral. Though tangible and pervasive, the Ultimate Force is not a being, but a principle. This is the spirit or principle that Sufi Muslims refer to as “Beyond the Beyond” or “Beyond Allah.” It is perfect love–unconditional and universal.

To describe it is difficult, because to describe it is to give it structure and anything structured can not be unbounded or infinite. So we err every time we try to define God within the parameters of our structured minds, using structured words and structured thoughts to imagine structured beings. Only the Trinity fully understand the Force. We only can feel it. -- Ron K And that God is the essence or breath of life that is in everything and everywhere. -- Amy C I became aware of an amazing Presence, which I felt was God-like, and it overwhelmed everything else.

As I neared this Presence, I began to think about my life, everything I had wanted to accomplish, had done, good and bad, but especially the people I loved, my family, certain friends. I suddenly wanted more than anything to go back to them and tell them, show them, how very much I did love them, much more than I had ever realized. As I felt these things, I suddenly was 'plugged in' to God, and this is no exaggeration. I KNEW, on the deepest possible level, that I had never been really connected to God before this. -- Maritine I didn't want to come back to the earth school, and after some deliberation with the other beings of energy, including the God being, or large mass of energy, we decided that coming back would serve the greater good. I had a choice, and yet the choice seemed to be made in unity with the other beings.

I also knew that if I didn't come back at this time, in this body, I would return to the earth school in another body, to finish what I was here to do. -- Cara Then a being came up to me and I must confess, in retrospect, that it looked exactly like the image of the father god I had been taught in school, but at the time I didn't think it was God nor know who it was.

That's just what he looked like. He came up to me and in a kind of mind to mind transference of thought he rather shouted into my mind, 'WHAT are you doing HERE NOW!?' I didn't think it was god. But, in my memory I have to admit that he looked like the image people make of the old father god. The next instant I was face to face with infinity.

A huge ball of light, out of which came god zillion number of the finest red filaments, like laser lights shooting out to every single atom in the universe, and, what's more from every single atom to every single other atom all interconnected entirely to each other and back again to the source. My poor brain could hardly fathom it. It was immense. It was beyond belief. To look at it felt like 10,000 lightening bolts were exploding all at once in my brain.

I screamed, 'STOP! You're breaking my mind to pieces!' The image softened and then turned into something I could look.

(A few years later I saw something that looked like it in China Town. It was called the Chinese God of Destruction. It very nearly destroyed me!) -- Pat P I remember the Angel telling me that it was here to help teach me things. I had a strong need to test this spirit to make sure that it was a good Angel sent by God.

I asked the Spirit 'Do you love the Holy Spirit?' The Angel Just Smiled with a pause, looking at me quietly.

I then had this rush of overwhelming, strong, loving energy go right through my Soul/Spirit. I knew straight away that It was the Holy Spirit confirming to me that it was one of God's Divine Angels sent by him. -- Brad N But people will always be limited to explaining their NDE through they're human understanding of God, which is not universal, but subjective. Keep that in mind. Sometimes the less knowledge a brain has of religion is best to keep the translation clear. That's my perspective anyway. Instead of God, I will use the term Source, as it has neither masculine or feminine energy to distort the message.

Source is the source, the ONE infinite consciousness. Source has one desire, to know itself. Source cannot know itself unless it divides itself into two, thus having another perspective to see itself from. This is where polarity and expansion cycles into eternity. I see God as something that I am part of, inseparable from. Not an individual entity of power to worship or serve. That just makes no sense to me whatsoever.

God/Goddess is Source, and Source is OMNI. -- Robyn I remember in a childlike way I said to him ' you are doing all of this' & then almost before it was out of my voice or thoughts I knew that he was God. I felt that I had been so irreverent & didn't know what to do. He was communicating with me with his presence. I don't remember anything that he said but I know that he made me feel wonderful and at ease not only with him being there, but with my life & with what I was experiencing. I wasn't at all afraid.

I remember feeling like my brain just opened up & all the answers to life were right there flowing threw my head so quickly, like all the troubles of the world (not just mine) were all going to be ok. I remember feeling amused that everything, & I mean everything, the good the bad & the ugly in the world was all in control. -- Karen D his is why I no longer believe in a separate omnipotent being called God. Physics teaches us that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. This is a proven law. And so it was with my experience. We are simply a beyond vastly intelligent source of energy.

That is the simplest and yet most complexly profound answer to our existence that there is. -- Malinda K It was like I had no sense of self, that I was everything and everything was me, including God. It was a very reassuring feeling and I felt very safe and protected. I felt unconditional love, joy and profound peacefulness.

I encountered a form who I knew was God who told me it was time to now go back. I started arguing with God in my own little obnoxious way and God said I needed to go back because my mission here wasn't complete. -- JoAnn M I was aware that my earthly body, my container or vessel of my soul had been shed, and I was so much more.

I knew all things. I was God along with everyone else, and yet God was still there in superior existence too. A universal power that was gentle and kind, humble and pure. God lives in me, the soul of God was breathed into my dead body when I chose to live. Individual thought awareness yet of one being one whole without definition or separation away from each other -- Jennifer J But, instead, I asked God, (an awesome presence that surrounded me) to let me go back.

-- Annette Q NDES & ALIENS. I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called 'soul recyclers' helping souls to re-incarnate. -- Ruth I found myself suddenly 'very high up' in a bright white room. There were several beings there. I can't remember how many now, but at least four.

I think there were more though. There was a being on a throne, that I was almost directly in front of, that was the only one sitting down. The others were standing up, and they were barefoot and in robes. I couldn't see their faces, just their feet, ankles, and the bottom of their robes. The standing ones seemed irritated a bit, and one lifted his ankle a bit as if to hide from me. They wanted to move off to the sides so that I couldn't see them.

I was forced on my hands and knees, and couldn't move or look around except with my eyes. First I thought, 'cool, weird' and I thought they were aliens.

I thought about the fact that there was one on the throne and changed my mind away from aliens. I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin I saw several beings of human-like appearance in their legs and ankles, which was all I could see of them. They were very white or 'chalky' looking (i.e., not the white of humans). At first, I believed, from their color, that they were possibly the 'gray aliens'. But then I believed they were gods or religious-type beings, because of the set-up of there being a throne in the room.

The room was very bright white, and they were wearing robes. I do not necessarily view this being on the throne as the Big G: god, which/who I feel is probably a different sort of abstract and a more universal, non-human consciousness. However, I did feel the beings I was seeing, have historically been called gods by other humans. But even though they caused me to be on my hands and knees, and kept me at an official distance, and hid their faces from me, I still felt toward the throne-being like a kid that had stumbled into his father's office while he was at work.

The 'administrative' beings that were standing up, I felt were more annoyed than the one on the throne. I felt like the one on the throne, acted like a good father, who took some time out of his business to teach his kid something quickly before sending him off, even though it was rude that the kid had interrupted. -- SJ After a few seconds I noticed a giant grey being descending at a 45 degree angle down towards me. As it got closer it conveyed to me a feeling of love so strong that I could not only sense it but FEEL it to. It was the strongest feeling of emotion I have ever felt even to this day. Eventually it was face to face with me.

It was probably the equivalent to being 7 or 8 feet tall. It didn't really have any defining physical characteristics such as eyes, or a nose, or mouth.

But it did have an area that resembled a face. It had blue and purple jewels around its head like a thin crown. There were no wings, no arms, and no legs. But it did have the relative shape of a human. It didn't speak to me, not at first.

We waited there together for a few seconds. Finally the smaller being left us and was gone for a short time. Then the area where our conversation had been began to fade from darkness and slowly transform into a beautiful golden light. The light eventually surrounded us. From the epicenter of this light came the smaller being. It floated down and got into position behind me and out of sight. That's when the larger being said to me telepathically, 'There's nothing we can do, you have to go back.'

-- Jon B Yes In the early stages I was bathed by some aliens beings however when I fell into insight into Absolute Love everything with shape and form disappeared and had absolutely no relevance. -- Stephen T Yes I just knew how the universe worked, that God could have been an alien, that negativity belongs to the body only, as you are pure love out of your body. -- Lynne H 'I was taken to see a worm working controls of big cylinders that had every animal and peoples you could think of.and they were going down the cylinders from adults to babies.Fish also.I remember seeing all kinds of fish.As I was walking towards the worm I heard a voice go back and be a better man.I was told by many the light was the creator/god.and the worm was a angel giving rebirth. ' -- James N 'It was very bright in my living room so I covered my eyes with the palms of my hands. I went in search of any traces, visions or anything to let me know I was on the path.

At first, I saw some illusions of dark gray beings (???) and had the feeling they were trying to stop me or get in my way. Finally I said aloud to get out of my way. Instantly they would vanish only to come back. I went through that about 3 times.

Then, I was seeing my hedges and yard as if I was floating and looking down at them.' * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG This 'Person' appeared only as a huge presence that was perceivable only as waves of distortion, shielded from my consciousness so that I could not see him/her directly. (For an example of this look at the movie Predator with Arnold Swartzenegger and pay attention to how the alien looks when it is 'cloaked'. That is the effect that I was seeing. I was not 'Threatened' by this and don't want to influence the reader utilizing my movie example of a dreadful, cutthroat alien, but only wanted to provide a reference to the visual distortion used. There were were no feelings of 'danger', only a realization of this presence.) -- Brian S I saw 'televisions with pictures that could be controlled by an operator' - I know these to be computers now.

I met with 'beings' that looked a lot like the drawings that I have seen of 'aliens'.The old lady was there, as were two 'alien' beings. The communication was full, but quick. I would need a book to explain it. It is of my understanding that all will be okay. I knew the old lady.

She was my guide at the time. The two alien beings are of my soul family, and I communicate with them still. -- Suzanne B I looked around me and it seemed like I was in a space ship of some kind - everything was stainless steel and white. I thought I'd been taken. (by Aliens, perhaps? But I realized this was only wishful on my part.) (I've always wanted to be taken by a Space Ship to visit another planet.) My feelings were about not wanting to die yet - I have so much I want to do yet. I did not want to die, but I knew I could not bear the pain anymore.

Then it seemed I was transported somewhere else - I don't remember any white lights or tunnels, nothing like that. But there was a great meadow of green grass and flowers, flowers in pink and purple and yellow -- Maggie S I was young, so my imagination took over and I told people that there had been an alien spaceship under the water and that the aliens had grabbed my foot and tried to take me with them. I never realized that other people had had similar experiences until I was a teenager and I went to a movie about a near death experience.



DEFINITELY FELT LIKE ALIENS. 2 ONLY BUT TAKING ME TO A HIGHER PLACE ( THEY MAY HAVE BEEN ANGELS ) BUT I ALWAYS SAID FELT MORE LIKE ALIENS. -- Jacqui C I am more Psychic than ever now. I've Healed others. I see Angels. I see people's futures and troubles. I have visits from my Alien friends, who are tall and humanoid shaped, although I've been with the 'Greys.'

They 'Stop by and see me!' I hear great voices telling me things that I would rather not mention here. -- John K When I came out of my coma after flat lining and was telling my family of the 'Aliens' that were floating around my hospital bed. -- Cameron H The next thing I remember is getting slammed back into my body. It happened quickly and it was a shock. There were people crowded around me and they scared me because the light behind them was so bright that they were only silhouettes and they looked like aliens might look- just scary shapes. I was crying horribly- I didn't feel pain.

I just remember being scared by the shapes of what turned out to be people and blinded by the light behind them. -- Laura B I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin I saw several beings of human-like appearance in their legs and ankles, which was all I could see of them. They were very white or 'chalky' looking (i.e., not the white of humans). At first I believed from the color that they were possibly the 'gray aliens', but then I believed they were gods or religious-type beings, because of the set up of there being a throne in the room, and the room was very bright white, and they were wearing robes.

They were communicated with me (very minimally) in some type of wordless telepathy just of understandings. I don't know how they were communicating with each other. Maybe in the same way, but also I suspected they could have been talking out-loud before I came in, but I felt that I wasn't allowed to hear them. I certainly wasn't allowed to see them, as they had somehow caused me to be on my hands and knees so that I couldn't look around except in a limited way of the floor. I felt this was so I couldn't see them. I do not necessarily view this being on the throne as the big G god, which/who I feel is probably a different sort of abstract and more universal, non-human consciousness; however, I did feel these beings I was seeing have historically been called gods by other humans. But even though they caused me to be on my hands and knees, and kept me at an official distance, and hid their faces from me, I still felt toward the throne-being like a kid that had stumbled in their father's office while he was at work.

The 'administrative' beings that were standing up I felt were more annoyed than the one on the throne. -- SJ I went through this light door and came back through the same door. When I could not find the exit, I felt I was trapped/limited by this alien space. It was not a physical boundary. -- Grzegorz K Immediately upon leaving my body there was darkness, then I saw several humans that were floating, they told me not to go to the light. At the end of the tunnel was a man who asked about the life review.

I saw spirits, like shining lights of love, and I saw 12 beings that were not human, they had large heads and large eyes, they had no mouths that I saw, or ears. They were not scary, they were not demanding, or judgmental, they were there to help. Above them was a spirit that did communicate what things meant -- Brian K At first I felt like I was being drawn out of my body. Even though I was feeling like I was rising out of my body through my head, I was aware that my body was in the horizontal position. All pain and worry and every bad feeling was suddenly gone and I was content. I saw a large ship with a tall luminescent female-looking creature standing on it and drawing me towards the ship.

I was going, when I thought to myself No! I must see my daughter grow up! And immediately was in my body again.No point of light but everything was bathed in white light Did you meet or see any other beings? Yes On the ship.

- Adrian L Drawn to a joyous white light and up through a layer of personalities with tails like comets. Came into a space where I was tended to by silver, featureless creatures with with thin limbs and conical (inverted) heads. They communicated telepathically and laid me down. I was told I could stay if I wished.

I was tempted as I was ecstatic. When I decided against it, I was sucked down a tunnel. The white light stayed in my peripheral vision for 2 hours after the event. In the place I was led to by the light, which felt enclosed, but had no apparent boundary. They were not of this world: silver, thin arms and legs, with upside down conical heads.

No facial features. They communicated that I was ok and that i coulds stay if I wanted to. I understood them to be 'servants' of the light. - Graham M I remember a lighted tunnel and humanoid beings at the end of the tunnel. They 'indicated' That I could go with them.

I did not want to to go. So I went back.The 'family' story has always been about 'Michael's hallucination of space aliens'.

-- Michael C I did wake up in the lab and thought Aliens had me but a guy name Steve assured me that he was human. -- DeeRay Then I heard this sound, it was far off but at the same time it was inside my head.

It sounded like insects buzzing, and it was very annoying and irritating.I was laying down but I don't remember falling asleep. I experienced the vibrations and insect sounds again, but not the tunnel. Then I heard that same voice. Not words, but emotions. What it conveyed was that it would be one of the worst decisions I could make for it's not meant to be, it's not part of the plan, it's not supposed to happen. It didn't feel like he was saying don't do it, for the choice was mine.

Just caution and sadness felt if I did follow through. -- Marney Right away, after recovery, I told all of my family that I almost didn't make it. I told them there were aliens in the room. I was confused, and heavily medicated. They humored me. -- Joy H NDEs with worms or snakes 'I landed into a vast pile of gigantic 'worm-like' creatures possessing large claws and teeth.

When I first landed on them I was on top of them and then slowly slipped beneath them.' -- William L 'Holes would open in the earth, at every step, and horrible worms would come up.'


He had roll teeth like piranha and he had two people with him a women and a man who looked similar.' -- Patricia R 'All of a sudden, I saw a bright lizard-like snake jump out at me and I became terrified. The next thing I knew there were these snake like creatures all around me. They were lunging out at me as I kept falling. I was petrified beyond what I could ever express.

I really felt that I was headed for some sort of hell and so I started thinking that there really must be some sort of a God.' -- Linda S 'They looked like snakes crossed with bats crossed with something that had horns. They had bodies that was like that of a snake and it had wings. They arms and hands look like those of a bat. Their faces look like snakes and they had fangs like a bat and a snake. On the top of their heads they had horns, but not like the horns of a bull or a ram. They had pointed horns but nothing that i could say was earthly.'

-- Joe G 'I told my sisters and my mom about it and they said I had mumbled about snakes and having a job' -- Billy S 'As I sat there watching the class a praying mantis walked into the dojo and sat in front of me. I felt that this was the long dead Master of the style that I studied, ( I know this sounds weird but it was such a strong feeling) ' 'I felt something being ripped from me. I can only explain that it felt like a demon. I groaned as it happened. My husband said that it sounded like something coming out of the pits of hell.

I started speeding forward as if towards a barrier. I was being chased by evil spirits that resembled people that were not dead from my past. But mostly by a snake like figure.'

-- Mindy B 'But at first I felt that I was in a tunnel filled with something indescribable, at times I felt it like snakes or dark beings' -- Marta Y ' The tunnel was worm like with slight bends to the left and right not up, or down. The tunnel is baffling to me too, how could this be in nothing. I didn't think I moved toward the tunnel but it came to me.

' This last NDE is not from NDERF.ORG, but was an NDE reported by a woman named Shelley: 'One minute your here and the next minute you’re somewhere else. They took me to a room in the sky and I say “they” because there was six of them there. There was 3 beings on the left and three beings on the right. They were dressed in heavy robes.

They probably were 8 feet high and I was very much aware that this was not angels and it wasn’t the Mother Mary and it wasn’t Jesus. These were extraterrestrial beings. The first man or being pulled his hand out of the robe.

The skin looked like it was mercury in glass, it was liquid and our fingers are like this long well his fingers were like this long. So, the first thing that they told me was. “We are harmony makers and chaos creators and we’re both essential to your experience.” I asked why one person got one experience and another person got another experience and they said that, “You will get the experience that will most bring you comfort.” So I’m like, “Cool!” And this an alien abduction account where alien beings take the human up into a bright light and imbue the abductee with intense feelings of love: 'Oh, we're running toward the light now. [breathless] I can see... The Elder is changing to a white light being and...

The grey is changing into a light blue one [blows out air] as we're running closer to the light. Oh, I'm starting to change into a golden-colored light! Oh, this is beautiful! [long sigh, exhales, sighs again] Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Oh, there is such love. [Betty is in pure unadulterated ecstasy.] Oh, there is such peace. [long sigh] I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light.

[...] It is just fantastically beautiful. It's just so much love, so much peace and so wonderful. It's so wonderful.

Oh, it's just wonderful. [...] Oh, this is everything, everything, everything.' 56 -- Betty Andreasson Luca from Raymond Fowler's book The Watchers II She is engulfed by the light and blends into it (becomes as one with it), it is full of love and peace, and it is everything (containing all knowledge). NDES & THE MOON. This first one is from and was an out of body experience: 'I was in the moon, and I I went into a dark tunnel, like I was in a rock, a little larger than my shoulders, I didn’t feel gravity anymore, and my reaction was to look around me, and I was stunned to realize I could see 360 degrees around myself and in that moment I was back in my body because I was afraid, because as soon as I realized that I could see all the way around myself, my out of body experience was over. ' -- Luc D Then all of the sudden, I was rapidly sucked into what I thought was this full moon. That night the moon was a sliver, so this was 'the light' that NDErs talk about.

-- Katie W I believed this was God, our creator of the universe, highest power (whatever word you feel comfortable with.) As I took a look around I saw a bright light, it was the moon, the sun was reflecting light off the moon surface, we were in space, equal distance to the moon on the right side (looking from earth). I do not think this was heavens final destination, I think it was a greeting area to receive us when we cross over. -- Ron A Did you see an unearthly light? Yes It was a distant light, kind of like a spotlight with a halo around it. I cannot say for certain if it was the moon or not.

I know the moon was out that night, but I don't know if I saw it. -- Daniel B He said: I am going to show you some things.

Then, in the distance, I saw a globe that looked like the moon during an eclipse. He said: That is the Earth, and I saw many points of light in the globe. Then He said: in every point of light there is someone praying, if all the people on Earth could pray, it would look like that, and the Earth became illuminated as the sun. But so is not and the globe darkened again.

-- Nilda These next couple experiences are from which contains over 3000 out of body experiences: The moon was so bright and clear through the bedroom window. 'I'm awake' I thought. Just a dream. The moon slowly started to move towards me. How can this be? I turned over still drifting upward and saw my uncle on his side of the bed. 'I'm out of my body' Turning back to see the moon not wanting to see my self for fear I might go back and wanted to fully exploit the moment.

I became *Aware that I was *Awake. I could think clearly for the first time ever. As the moon got bigger I thought am I going to float all the way to the moon? Than what I can only describe as the '*Stargate experience' I was for the lack of a better word *Flying through the galaxy. -- Joe W To the left of the moon started a procession of alien beings, seemingly coming from the moon.

They were dancing. Literally dancing as they floated down to earth. Instantly I began to get information down loaded into my brain to remain calm, we were not under attack that we were all friends and NOT to run or cause harm or mayhem. I was told that everyone else in the world was receiving the exact same information at the exact same time. I didn't feel panicked, I didn't feel scared, I was completely immersed in what was going on. Thousands and Thousands of these beings were floating down to the ground around me. They looked like human beings, although they all had dark hair and they were quite slender and taller then humans.

Each being had a aura of white around them. It was sparkling and almost made them look a bit translucent. The beings kept coming, gliding down to earth. The music which had been entering my ears was layered with sounds. It was encoded with additional information to assist all of us in knowing this was part of a divine plan. -- Lori E, STE.

* NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG I felt like I was being propelled by some force towards the heavens and still felt like it was perfectly normal. The next thing I remember was passing near the moon and wondering why it wasn't a flat disk. I could easily see that it was a globe, with many craters. This was really strange to me later in life because I had no way of knowing this at 5 years of age in 1957. Next I started to travel outwards in the solar system at an extreme rate of speed.

The next thing I new I was sitting up in my bed soaking wet calling for my mother. -- Wayne J I was like in a huge void, with spots of light like stars around. Somehow I felt like I was between the Earth and the Moon.

I felt this overwhelming presence next to me on my right side, like the Moon, but it was an intelligence.I felt like I was in space, near the moon. -- Jim C I couldn't describe what it looked like, because it was just a grey whirl to me which I raced through or more like been raced through. Then I felt like slowing down and being stopped in what seemed absolutely like space near the earth to me.

At least that was what I would imagine from movies. Somewhere near earth, but at least a little farther out than the moon, because earth was not bigger than the moon usually is. -- Kevin P The force drags me into a higher stream of energy where I left the earth and passed the moon and all the solar system. It felt fresh, a bit cold, and I felt a bit of panic. I saw the whole Universe floating around me, or I was floating inside this element.

-- Serge D Although I could not comprehend the reason, I was willing to do what the being of light wanted me to do. I was lifted up and put into a red light.

I closed my eyes. I could not feel anything. I did not know for how long I had been in this state. After some time, however, I realized that I was being tossed about rather rigorously.

It was like being in a washing machine. I cried:' I think that is enough!' Immediately, I was lowered down and the love and the warmth were switched off, but I still remained in this beam (or sphere). Suddenly the sun disappeared and I saw a moon. I was in a different world.

Everything was black but the moon, which was right in front of me. It was much clearer and more refulgent than the moon in our world. There was not a trace of blackness in it.

The moon was surrounded by a wreath of little, bright stars. I kept staring at this shiny moon when suddenly I felt a strange sensation entering through my left eye and spreading into the deepest recesses of my brain. I was wondering about the fact that I could distinctly see the moon with my left eye that had always been weaker than my right one and I suddenly realized that right in front of me were all the answers to any questions we might have on Earth. I got very excited about this and I tried to locate the place about which I wanted to tell our scientists on Earth that they should come and see this extraordinary place. I tried to pinpoint this place by looking at the left side of the moon and counting the little bright stars. However, in doing so I realized that they were not stars but in turn little moons. Again, I was looking at the left side of the moon and the more I was looking the more little moons were coming up in a straight line, one little moon after the other.

There was no hope of locating this place. Then I began to feel cold and I was shivering. I remembered the sun of our world, its warmth that sometimes may have been too hot but, overall, it was life-giving warmth.

I desperately wanted to return to the bright, living sun. Only then did I realize that I was looking at the moon with my left eye while my right eye was closed.

I wanted to open my right eye to see the sun again but I was not able to. I wanted to leave the moon, which I was no longer interested in. I wanted to go back to the bright, living sun. I tried very hard but in vain, I even felt an extremely unpleasant pain in my head. All of a sudden, however, the moon with its black surroundings disappeared and I saw this incredible bright sun again.

Suddenly the sun started to move backwards changing its colors to a deep dark red. It kept moving back into the sky until it was a very tiny red light.

(Like a point). Then it began to move very quickly. At one time I saw the bright sun on the left side and then the red sun on the right side, dancing, as it were, from left to right and from right to left. I felt that the sun wanted to communicate with me. I thought to myself that up here the suns cannot speak but just move about and that this was their way of talking. Then it stood still and I saw the bright sun in front of the tiny red sun. Nevertheless, I could not make out what this was all about.

I regarded the whole spectacle more as a funny and entertaining act than anything else. However, it was not funny at all. I suddenly felt that I should be transferred back into the world with the shiny moon and I remembered the unpleasant pain and the cold that I had encountered there Suddenly I realized that the bright sun in front of me was the shiny moon and that the red sun had the moon safely under control making in fact one sun. This was the message that the sun had wanted to get across.

Then the being of light wanted to talk to me on a man-to-man basis. He placed me on top of a high mountain where I had to sit on a large piece of rock.

-- Guenter W I thought my consciousness was in my chest because I saw a light in the distance, which I thought was my eyes. I sensed a rush as I went to the light. I found myself standing in front of a misty gray wall that was in front of me in all directions. Instinctively, I moved into the veil and I could feel it as it passed off the back of my ears and head. When I got there, an entity took me by the hand and stated over and over, ‘It's all over, don't worry, you're home!’ I looked over my shoulder and it was as though I was on the moon or somewhere else other than earth. I saw the blue-white sphere in the distance. I turned and looked back ahead of me and there was a soft yellow light in the distance.

The floor looked like tile because of the light reflected from it. There was a man standing over to my right but he never said anything or moved during the experience. A feeling of love and peace came over me. In the background, I kept hearing the entity reassuring me that all was o.k. And that I was home. -- Michael M I flew around it to pass it and my trip continues. Once closer to the city another block, but this time diagonaly, and like this the block that hinder my arrival to the city was repeated five times and every time the block was much bigger, and the city more beautiful and closer.

Just when I was ready to go into the great city, a big voice, something like when a big thunder comes down and booms strongly and on a very authoritarian form and sounding very loud says my name XXXCX and then I started to feel as an increadible force, like a big turbine, was pulling me back and just when I was returning I could see the moon and a big transparent being, like the jelly fish, was holding over his head the moon and with the feet, in between both feet, holding the Planet Earth. -- Valerie B The walls of the house were just not there. I was moving towards a beautiful bright light just like the moon but sending out long rays of light that I was going towards. I kept going higher and higher towards the light saw myself and my family get smaller and then suddenly my grandma woke up, opened her prayer book and started praying. -- Reeva As I turned to face the direction to which I was being pulled, the moment I turned around.there was a bright blinding light, as I expected to see the moon. But at that precise moment as I faced towards the direction I was floating or being pulled towards.

It felt like an instantaneous 'vacuum', as if I was being sucked in incredible speed towards that light. It felt like a tunnel with a light at the end of it.I felt as if I was in outer space being sucked like a vacuum racing towards the light at the end as I could make out the dots like stars around me while rushing towards that light. The only way to describe the feeling was almost like riding a motorcycle at breakneck speeds without your helmet on.or sky diving with the wind blowing hard against you.that feeling of tremendous speed where you're helpless to do anything about it as you have no control.

-- Wan I Mayumi T NDE. 11/2/12 From Japan. I saw a light that looked like a moon, and it was shining down on me.

My body started floating slowly toward the light, high in the air. After I entered the light, I was greeted by a huge garden full of yellow flowers and the sky was colored pink like a sunset. Everything was just so warm and fragrant, I felt very safe. -- Mayumi T NDES & THE SUN. Could the intensely bright Light that NDErs are drawn to actually be the Sun?

Before you immediately dismiss that as a possibility consider that our souls do not look like our physical bodies and resemble more like an egg of translucent white light. Also, our Sun is actually white light, but the intensity of its light and color can be diluted or changed due to the refraction of the rays through the Earth's atmosphere. Also our bodies will no longer have eyes with rods and cones anymore because souls see with the central core of their being on the other side. So maybe the Sun's light would appear more pure. Also, consider the Light could be the essence or soul of our Sun.

All of the sudden and I looked up. Now, I don't know if it was the spiritual plane or the sun. -- Marta M Then the light came. I was thrown straight into the middle of the Sun. Straight into the middle of the warmest, most beautiful, most welcoming light, where I instantly felt that 'here I feel good'. I was drawn to the ocean of light as a gigantic magnet, and drowned in light.Did you see an unearthly light? Yes The Light was exactly like the center of the Sun.

Beinsa Douno [a Bulgarian Holy man, translators note], and old Slavic mythology, say that souls are drawn into the Sun. It might be that these light energy sources - the stars - are the baking ovens of the Universe. Not only for all the elements of the chemical system, but also for material embodiment. It might be that they are stations that send souls further into space. According to ME Heaven isn't in another dimension. I think we're drawn into the nearest star and then we move on to another, or the same planet, or another place. -- Maria TK Here are a few I found at which contains over 3000 out of body experiences or types of experiences other than NDEs.

I was super-conscious. Suddenly I came to a profound awareness that this sun was God! I believe that this Sun/Intelligence/God wasn't a single Being, but is the center of all beings, that it is me, you and perhaps all conscious beings. From this experience I think that somewhere at the center of each of us is a spark of this same light, and without it we would not have consciousness, and perhaps without us it would not exist either.

-- Christopher One thing in the NDE, was for the week afterwards, I had to battle with dark forces, wolves trying to maul me, storms of unreasonable measure, so apparent it was 'real' I just kept calling to the Master of Light, and an explosion would move the forces away. I was being taken to a Sun behind our Sun, where dwells the Light of Alpha and Omega. It was extremely painful, climbing this white ladder. But, when I finally reached the brilliant white Light of that Sun, after about 18 hours of intense battling, I saw the brilliance of a God unnamed. I returned able to decipher the meaning behind many words, like emotion, being energy in motion. Mary being Mother Ray, attunement. And felt these were ancient intonations that created an intense Light ray of God, as a laser beam.

-- Jo D The higher I expand, the more ecstasy and warmth are registered by my consciousness. I am struck with a question as to where I am being taken to. And a thought comes to me that I am being pulled to the sun. Not merely the surface sun, but the Sun behind the sun! Whoa, I think. I am going to God! Then a voice comes to me seemingly from outside, very matter-of-factly stating: 'You are leaving your body behind.

Are you ready for that?' There seemed only one possible answer: 'No.' With that, my awareness was instantly sucked back down into my physical body and I was waking up on the bed.

-- Jeffrey I'm watching. And suddenly I realize, that in front of me there is an immense sun, aspiring my glass sphere.

Impossible to avoid it. I feel the irresistible attraction of this SUN. I'm transmitting my fear to cease existing, that if our course is not taking another direction we will be colliding with this SUN. Then, I'm convinced, deeply convinced and I know that death doesn't exist. We continue the journey towards the Sun, that is aspiring my bubble. The Sun is approaching and when it's crossing my bubble, I'm enveloped in an orange-red light, I see the fire at the surface of the SUN and this LIGHT is LOVE without a word, without the possibility to describe its intensity, its strength, its power.

It's a LOVE that surrounds me, loves me, letting me know that I'm of his nature, I am Love, it's my original nature. There's nothing else existing, it's all that is. I AM, I'm at home. I know that I'm Love, that I come from this LOVE and that I will return to this LOVE.

I came back home. -- Christiane P I then proceeded to what appeared to be my residence.the center of a sun or some other great ball of light.

Inside was like a room with some type of screen for viewing events in my life and every other life I've ever lived. From here I could view any past experience from any of my millions of existences and actually relive the scenario at the same time and location of the original event.

In this time I got to see many different solar systems, planets, galaxies, comets, asteroids and many other things I can not even begin to name or describe. I then came to a place that seemed to be where souls were created.

There were millions of pods of light, almost egg-like, somewhat transparent and quite bright. Inside were two beings or souls, as far as I could tell, and from underneath these orbs were beams of light shining downward to nowhere in particular. It was much like the cone of light a flashlight might emit. Occasionally from these orbs a smaller orb would appear and travel downward inside the beam of light, off to an unknown location. I knew this to be new souls being born and didn't take the time to think of answers to questions that my human body might ask.-- Kurt G Quite simply, while one is floating surrounded in the darkness and volume of space, the NDE reports of 'seeking the light' or 'I followed the light' seemed as appropriate a thing to try as any. So from space there is one very big light to draw your attention, the Sun. Now technically the Sun is physically, a gravitational ball of rawing nuclear fusion of no apparent intelligence, or it should be at least.

The Sun is not just this though, it is such a thing in it's physical appearance but it has a non-physical aspect as well. From the orbital home point, 'cueing' the light will cause you to start to fly towards the Sun/the light. From this non-physical limitation free perspective you rapidly exceed the speed of the physical light, at which point something remarkable occurs. The Sun and the physics, including time, of the physical universe recedes, the Sun becomes an enormous tunnel of streaming light surrounded in nebulous clouds.

Scales of things beyond this point are not explainable. The longer you proceed into this 'tunnel' the faster and faster you go, which covers more and more distance.

The frequency of the energy involved also gets faster. You can say the energy of the physical frequency of light is resonating so fast, it simply cannot maintain it's physicality, and fuzzs out. But energy itself does not end at the edge of the diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum, it continues well beyond the physical state. In fact if you follow it all the way, further and further through at higher and faster frequency speeds, you will come to it's source. At the end of a biological life event, the non-physical intelligence 'packet' returns to the source, via a streaming 'tunnel' of light, from which it originated. This 'tunnel' works like a two way connection feed from the source to the multiverse, and is the same tunnel described in the NDE events. These experiences also describe tunneling effects caused by super fast velocities attained during the motion of passage to this source.

-- Scott T I received this in an email from GD: I broke through to the light.that loving and whole white light.its above the sun.its parent of our sun.its name is Sirius. There is no evil.its all love believe it or not.

Love has no contrast, as all is fair in Love and War.;) Also I have attached an image of how the soul recycle system works. Since you are a computer programmer, understand that we are organic computers, connected (or should be) to our source, our SERVER. Instead, people are warshipping the Sun, which is a TAKER. I believe SUN in Hell. And is wholly is the evil eye.

Everything is inverted. Saturn is just a huge ROUTER.

* NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG I just saw a light like the sun.I just saw a the light of the Sun but without any shape.just light. -- Gail C Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? Yes A dark tunnel with a very bright,white sun like glow at the end of it Did you see a light? Yes White sun-like -- James T A moment later it grew bright. There was an object in front of me that looked like the sun.

It was so intensely bright but it did not hurt my eyes looking at it. -- Arthur B But I remember I could feel the warmth of the sun, but it wasn't the sun it was much brighter and hurt to look directly.

-- Josh W There was a brilliant sun, giving me a special, soft, warmth, which did not burn me. I could hear beautiful music and I could see birds flying beside me, it was an incredible peace, something extraordinary; I had never felt this before, it was a beautiful feeling, and I didn't want to come back. -- Ana Maria I began to see an intense light in front of me, perhaps it was the sun, except it was really intense. -- CG Then it looked like as if the sky had opened and I saw a very strong and stunning light, as strong as the sun, but it was white and it didn't impair the vision. -- Nilda P It was then that I saw the silvery white chord connecting me to the girl and realized it was me down there.

But I felt like a kite and was very happy where I was. I flew that way until I felt warmth behind me and turned. It was the most beautiful sun I had ever seen, golden yellow, with rays all hues of the rainbow emanating out a long way, very surreal. It seemed to come closer but maybe I was going higher.

The colors surrounded me, so I stretched out to touch the sun. It was very bright, but I could look straight into it.

-- Jenny C So I am running towards this massive sun experiencing total acceptance and love. I knew that nothing earthly mattered anymore and I had this complete sense of peace about everything that I had ever done.

I just wanted to keep running toward the light. -- Nichole BD I watched the “me” in the tunnel from 2-3 meters distance from above.

When I looked at myself I saw at the end of the tunnel a place with yellowish colorful mist at the sky, which illuminated the place like a sun illuminates the days and this light shined into the tunnel. -- Ali K All of a sudden a light appeared, a light as bright as the sun more bright then anything I have ever seen, yet all around me was total darkness.

The light just kept getting bigger and brighter and closer to me, I became happier then I have ever been in my entre life, I was drawn to the light like a child to his mother but more so, when all of a sudden I stopped as if some one or some thing was not allowing me to get closer, yet the light was right in front of me with in arms reach, and there in the light was a dark shadowy figure and two more. -- Andrew G Did you see a light? Yes Yes, as mentioned above, but before I actually got out further into the cosmos, I sensed going thru a massive light energy I think now it was our sun. -- Lynn M I remember feeling this warm, calm feeling and being in a warm light like the sun. -- Karen R Then there was an extremely bright light, like a vertical column of light.

But it was much more than light, like a pillar of pure energy. It was sparking, sparkling, and much, much brighter and whiter than any sun. Robert J I continued to float up and a tunnel appeared. A beautiful tunnel with a bright light at the end of it (the light was brighter than the sun but did not hurt your eyes and it was pure white light). -- Wendy G Then I saw that we going towards this light, slowly at first. When we got close to the light, the light just engulf me. It was brighter than the sun but didn't hurt my eyes.

-- Glauco S I was floating right through the walls of our house and up into the sky. In the distance, I saw a great shining ball, which was the sun. I felt irresistibly attracted to it by its brightness and I wanted to go right into it. No sooner had I thought this when I hit something that catapulted me far out into blackness. I tried once more, but it all happened again. I quickly learned that there had to be an invisible barrier that I could only approach but not overcome.

I had another go and this time I stopped right in front of this barrier in order to watch the sun, which was now shining in a reddish glow. Its size was relatively small because I had to look at it from a distance, which was determined by this invisible barrier. Nevertheless, the reddish glow of the sun did not satisfy me at all. Suddenly the voice said:” There are more lights!” As I was looking around, I saw in the distance a multitude of other lights, which shone much brighter than the Earth’s sun. I wanted to be with those lights! Although they were far, far away, I could reach them in an instant.

However, each individual light had its own effective barrier that knocked me off into the blackness again every time I tried to approach it. -- Guenter W Did you see a light? Yes Describe: So incredibly golden-white - as if I travelled to the sun without the heat -- Ginger M Did you see an unearthly light? Yes A bright light, as bright as the sun. -- Walter N Did you see an unearthly light?Yes.a white light, filling the whole room and more.

Like standing in front of the sun, but white and without heat -- Marc M Did you see a light? Yes It was such a bright light even brighter then the sun.

It was kind of a mix between the sun and LSD. I saw no shadows or dark places. -- Sally L I was suddenly in front of a great Light. It had to have been God! It was so powerful, no words can describe it.

The closest I can come is to say it was like being suddenly placed a few feet from the Sun - but instead of feeling heat, you feel LOVE. Infinite Love. The Love emanated out in all directions in slow, gentle rays of light.

Never can I forget it. Thirty years later, it's still mostly what I think about. A vision of a man appeared down to the right of the powerful Light. I presumed it was Jesus. He looked like he does in most paintings.

He was wearing a white robe and was extending his hands out to greet me. -- Tom S It was a limitless space, luminous, whitish, but at the horizon it was golden, pink. The sun, or what stood in for the sun, was like a cloud. -- Annie B Went into a white ball of light Brighter than the sun A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin I was with Jesus and He told me it was not my time. -- Shana S AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL WAS THE BRIGHTEST WHITE LIGHT THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN!! WHEN YOU LOOKED AT IT, THE LIGHT DID NOT HURT YOU LIKE OUR SUN WOULD.

I KNEW THAT WHEN I TOUCHED THAT LIGHT THAT I WAS GOING TO DIE. THE LIGHT WAS GOD. -- Frank P I saw a bright light more brighter than the sun but it was not hurting my eyes. -- Edwin They, I saw a brilliant light. Brighter than looking directly into the sun.

-- Judy C The light was overwhelming (similar to how you would have your eyes shut looking at the sun on a beach then opening them). My eyes adjusted to the light. -- Matthew B It was very beautiful and very bright, yet I could see it clearly. Not like looking at the light from the sun, which can be uncomfortable. -- Richard L The light was as bright and hard to look at as looking directly into the sun. -- Sandra R Did you see an unearthly light?

Yes If you could see stars at the sun and see it without burning or blinking and to be enveloped by it and have the heat equate to warmth and love instead of incineration -- Joseph C The light was so bright it would have been like trying to stare at the sun in real life. Colors were very vivid.Extremely bright, like being able to stare at the sun.

-- Auriel P The Light was like one hundred times the hot sun on a July, clear day. -- Karen W In size it would be not like looking at the sun, but looking at the earth when you are on it. It was immense, and total, and its power was love.-- Brad K THE BRIGHT LIGHT ALMOST REMINDED ME OF HEADING TOWARDS THE SUN AT THIS POINT. -- Brian L The light reminded me of the sun except there seemed to be no sensation of heat or cold. The sun generates heat and this light was similar to the bright light of the sun but my pupils did not seem to have to dilate. It wasn't a blinding kind of light like the sun but it was more diffuse but in my mind I thought it represented a great deal of power.

-- Jenneane E THEN CAME A LIGHT LIKE I HAVE NEVER SEEN. THE ONLY WAS TO EXPLAIN IS LIKE BEING OUTSIDE LOOKING UP AT THE SUN WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. -- Joan K Then a radiant Being of pure light appeared in the distance, and I watched as it moved slowly among us. As it came closer, I remember thinking that I would not have been able to look at it with my physical eyes.

It was such an intense, beautiful white light. A hundred times, a thousand times brighter than the sun. I was drawn irresistibly towards this being. I don't mean unwillingly. I wanted nothing else but to go to it, fall into it, and be embraced by it.

-- Brian T Did you see a light? Yes Its was like the sun was just over my head. -- Alex A There was a beautiful vision of stars roaring past me. At the center of all that tumult was a glowing light.

Each star appeared to be a minute center of consciousness. It was merging into and emerging from the central consciousness as desired by that cosmic WILL which shone like a very huge sun!

-- India Physician I saw a circle of light that quickly grew in size until I was inside of it. Once I was inside the light, I was aware that it was much more intense than earthly light and it seemed to be coming from a sun that was so big that it covered most of the sky. This light is infinitely more brilliant than the sun, yet it did not hurt to look at it. -- Ron K It was like standing in the sun but instead of sunshine LOVE warmed you. It was like nothing and no one I have ever seen or met but I knew it only loved. There was no other word close to what I experienced. Pure Love came from that being.

-- DW I was surprised that although the light surround me was like looking directly into the sun, I didn't at all have to squint my eyes because of it. I was thinking that rather odd when I became aware of another consciousness approaching me from above, in front and slightly to the right of my mind. The closer He got the more I KNEW who He was. As I looked towards this approaching consciousness it had the shape of a sphere of intense consciousness and mind and can only be described by saying He looked exactly like what we see when we look at the Sun without sunglasses. -- Richard T It was a bright white tunnel of pure light.

Like staring at the sun through a telescope. But it didn't hurt my eyes. It was a bit like looking at a sparkler after your eyes had adjusted to v. As I came closer, it became brighter. -- Murray R From a distance, I'd liken this light to those seen in a picture of the sun with it's rays emanating. The light is shorter in width at it's origin, when it is far away, and the rays spread out the further they travel from the source.

The closer the light is to you, the wider it's point of origin becomes, until it is so close, that it's point of origin lights up your entire viewing screen. -- Bobbi D Ascending ever farther, I lifted my eyes to see a great light in the vast distance. With Christ as my guide, I rapidly approached the light. Ecstasy filled my soul as I looked at the radiance, many-fold brighter than a sun. -- Linda S It was a huge light.almost like the Sun but White and not hot, but cooling and very huge. -- Wan I It is the most absolute, pure light that never hurts to look at, probably because you�re not actually looking at it with physical eyes, even though the sensation is that of seeing, it's simply a sight of the mind.

It was like a sun or a planet of light until I got close enough to see more detail. It was at that moment, where seeing this detail, that what could only be described as 'all' was revealed, and even that is a poor description of what is conveyed to you.

The detail I can only describe as billions and billions of �bit's� of light both spiraling back to and away from this 'body of light', which is simply a more visual description of what we call God. We quite simply are God in as much as this whole body of light cannot be that whole without all its parts or �bit's� of light. -- James T Did you see a light? Yes, of a brightness that was greater than the noon day sun, yet it did not burn. -- William Si It was like looking into the sun a million times over a pure white light.

-- Lloyd P That is the last I remember before blacking out was the brightness of some kind of light, it may have been the sun. -- Thomas O NDEs & REINCARNATION / RECYCLING OF SOULS. 'I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called 'soul recyclers' helping souls to re-incarnate.' This was by far my most profound NDE, as I could see the silver cord that attached me to my body.'

-- Ruth It still keeps me wondering to this day, and I am confident that there is something a lot bigger than ourselves at work in this universe. It will be revealed to us slowly.

This experience just continued to help me follow my Hindu beliefs of reincarnation, all is recycled-water, oxygen, nitrogen, and souls. -- Alok B I received this via email from GD: I broke through to the light.that loving and whole white light.its above the sun.its parent of our sun.its name is Sirius.

There is no evil.its all love believe it or not. Love has no contrast, as all is fair in Love and War.;) Also I have attached an image of how the soul recycle system works. Since you are a computer programmer, understand that we are organic computers, connected (or should be) to our source, our SERVER. Instead, people are warshipping the Sun, which is a TAKER.

I believe SUN in Hell. And is wholly is the evil eye. Everything is inverted. Saturn is just a huge ROUTER.

* NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG I felt alive on so many levels, and like I was about to recycle sort of speak. For some odd reason it kind of feels like when you travel through that light once you pass the point of no return your actually being re-born like a baby passing through the womb tunnel, and when we give birth someone actually passed through the light pass the point of no return and is being recycled and given back to us in another life form.-- Pamela M She believes we have many lives, that we're 'recycled'. 'We're at a different frequency when we're out of our body. There is lightness and airiness.

-- Rebecca M I don't believe in god at all. But I do believe in an after life a recycled life.This life I'm living is lived once, I may get recycled but I won't remember it so just enjoy what you have and love those that deserve it and not to worry about the small stuff. I was afraid to tell people.

Everyone I knew was religious I was afraid they would make fun of me. Tell me I was dreaming. I know I wasn't. But when I finally told people they listened and we discussed an alien connection and life after death. We discussed we are recycled souls that get put into earthly bodies. Maybe some female souls get put into men's bodies and vice versa and always having that feeling they were in the wrong body.

-- Sandra J There I learned that this 'life' is not everything. There is no 'garbage dump' in the universe, everything is recycled, even our thoughts and emotions. -- RF Death is a great blessing that allows an old form to be shed and its elements recycled.

When death happens, a new form can be born, and/or there can be a return to the formless Source, to God, to Spirit. -- Phoebe O I continued on to a library of sorts. (I've since been to this library three times). There were small groups of people or spirits (?) in individual rooms called 'pods'. In these rooms the spirits or people, were planning their next life or reincarnation.

I continued on with a (person, spirit, being?) who was dressed in a monk gown. We went into the library where he proceeded to show me where the volumes of books were located that contained information on my various lives. He started to open a huge book called 'The Book of Knowledge', when a higher up in the chain of beings came forth. He informed the individual with whom I was with, that I knew too much. And that he was to stop, and not open this book. The monk said that he wanted to show me where I came from, as well as three other members of my family.

The picture was of a galaxy. And, he did point out were we came from. All different locations in fact. The elder monk told him to stop at once. -- Jill F But then something compelled me to ask, is there reincarnation, and if so, was I reincarnated and who was I.

Jesus responded to me that there is, and I was reincarnated but that's not what's important. I then asked if I was Jim Morrison, the singer of the Doors for some reason. Something that I perceive of as weird now, because, I had very little knowledge of him before the NDE. Looking back now, it seemed like the thoughts were put in my conscience to ask Jesus, so he could respond.

He responded yes, But it wasn't important, because, Reincarnation isn't as we perceive it. -- John C Many lives, many places, many times. I flashed on visions from those lives and events.

There was a continuity and connectedness about all of it, a sense of purpose and order that spanned the centuries. -- Richard L Each life is a different grade/year, and we live many lives.

I saw two of mine. In one, I was some sort of 'Neanderthal' (figuratively speaking). I was strong and big; had long, reddish hair and a wild beard.

I loved to fight, and I probably never had a thought that didn't concern my egotistical wants. My clothes were made of fur and leather. I'm thinking this life was four hundred to five hundred years ago. The second life I saw as my own was as some sort of scullery maid, probably in France, maybe two hundred years ago (from the style of clothing). I remember that I was completely happy and content with the simplicity of my life, and I was a very hard worker.

To explain how those lives figure into this one, and to detail all of the other things I suddenly knew about life, and the knowledge I remembered once back here, would take more time than I have to devote to this, unfortunately. -- V I was communicating with the aura of my friend who was beside me. It was like our aura's were a culmination of all our many lives and experiences since being on Earth and the beginning of time from the caveman days to now. I could tell which gene pool he stemmed from and also my own. As my friend was only sleeping, I took this as a sort of force field that we all have, something that we all are connecting with amongst each other even if we don't realize it. -- Linda G I became aware of other voices, the orbs or other souls around me I could hear them communicating to each other. There seemed to be cliques of orbs that were together.

They spoke to one another about their lives on Earth and all they had perceived and felt. They shared not only in words, but in sharing the experience. If one orb couldn't understand, it disappeared and then reappeared. The orb somehow went back to Earth and experienced that 'life' to further understand. I understood that here time did not exist and these beings could manifest themselves at any time on Earth they desired. These orbs or rather 'souls' would leave this realm, detach themselves with this universe, and return to the universe of our Earth.

There they would live and die, then return and share the experience with all the other souls. A soul that could not understand the experience could go and live that life also to experience that life.

I learned we have many lives, past, present and future. -- Henry W I was told by the old man in the council room that we live and experience as many lives as we can to gain experience. -- jeffrey C I became aware and knew that I had existed in many lives prior to being Margaret, and not always as human.

-- Karen M I knew spirits had many lives previously, as well as yet to come. -- Marty M It was given into my knowing that I had lived many lives and would live many more. It was clear that this was true of all of us, that we have the choice to come back and live and experience life in a physical body as we so choose. -- Penny W In one instance many lives passed by, I knew myself as many different people at many different times - in the past and in the future.

-- Universe Creation NDE But, I know that we have many, many lives. Where I am confused is if I actually experience these lives or if I am tuned into these lives (much like someone tuning a radio to a frequency). The experience is real, more real than one can simple imagine.

-- Mike M I was aware that I had had lives previously and that there was sort of a script or outline of my life telling me how long I was to live. I was raised in the Catholic Church and the experience cemented my belief that we have many lives, no matter what the church says.

It both surprised me and validated other beliefs. -- Donna I looked into another woman's eyes, and I knew her immediately as the woman I called my grandmother in this life.

I knew then that our lives had 'danced' around each other since time began. She was once my mother and once my sister. She was my aunt, and several times my cousin. The life that was being shown to me now was during a prehistoric time, when we lived winters by a creek cave, and summers we had a camp in the woods where we foraged. Looking down, I realized I had a child in my arms, and the woman I had known in so many lives was chatting with me, telling me to cover the child to keep it warm. -- Joanie S We live many lives.

We learn lessons. We take that knowledge into the next life. All that is important are two things. Knowledge and love. -- Darlene K I knew I had lived many lives, as we all have been all things which ever were and ever shall be.we are the Universe.the ONE VERSE.I saw/knew that I had had many lives yet I wasn't interested in looking at them. -- Yazmine S Before the experience, I didn't believe or disbelieve in reincarnation. Now I am sure that I have had many reincarnations.

-- Cara I understood that reincarnation exists. -- Marta Y It has not had much effect except that I know reincarnation to be a fact. Quite a stretch for a presumably conservative Baptist! -- Nellie L This experience 'taught me ' about reincarnation. I had never heard of the idea or belief in reincarnation, but since I came back I can accept no other belief system. -- Sandra C Reincarnation is real.

-- Daniel A After the NDE, I had a sense of reincarnation. Each soul is a certain age and that we have certain lessons to learn in this life. When we fail at our lessons, we come back to live another life and try to learn them.

Also, that religion is a ladder of a soul's maturity. Each religion is a sort of school grade. It was not revealed to me which religion is kindergarten or the senior class. -- Jennie Absolute forgiveness, non-judgment, non-duality, timeless, no blame or retribution, no sin karma and no reincarnation. -- Stephen T I believe 100 percent in reincarnation now, and I was always skeptical of it in the past.

-- Christine S Reincarnation exists in some form. I was pretty shocked about that being part of my NDE. Whether it is exactly as Buddhists believe or some type of strange cellular memory - who can say. -- Kathy W We had to go to the council meeting. I was allowed to be in the room, but not allowed to speak or interfere in any way. During the meeting the Masters asked for a decision to be over turned. That decision changed everything.

Because of all the encounters that I had had and the impact upon my essence, it was determined that they would attempt an immediate reincarnation. They turned to me and told me that if I would agree to take on this new contract, I had to understand that I had been dead a long time by earth time and had already ascended. -- Marie W As mentioned before it proves to me the existence of a soul and that life goes on after death and of the possibility of reincarnation. -- David S Footnote: also of interest - after my NDE experience, my ideas about reincarnation changed - I knew it was true, it felt so normal. -- Ann M I instantly knew that we were before we came here to earth and understood why we come to earth. We come but once, we do not reincarnate, but might remember a test phase before our final decision on the time frame of our life. -- Diane C I see us as all connected.

If people are living in love for each other, with love compassion and forgiveness doing no harm to others, they will reunite with Him. Until then perhaps they reincarnate till they learn. -- JMH Then I was pulled in like 'Hyper speed' towards this light Just before I got to this light I Gasped that was the first time during this whole thing I breathed! As I had this strange feeling If I got to the light I'd be 'Reborn' & dead to the self I was now. ( Which when I woke up I found hard to believe Because as a Catholic I don't believe in Reincarnation but that's what I felt was about to happen) -- Lois M. I somehow knew that we are reincarnated many times and that the plan is for us all to evolve into that pure love here now.

-- Erika K It has also left me a firm believer in reincarnation (had a series of dreams that were real, so don't know if that would be classified in the same category as NDE or not and some of the places of the dreams, I later found and saw to be real places). -- Linda From what I understand, if you vibe/relate at a higher level, you can go there and stay, if not, you reincarnate. I did not have to come back, I chose to. -- Ron K This experience just continued to help me follow my Hindu beliefs of reincarnation, all is recycled - water, oxygen, nitrogen, and souls. -- Alok B I knew the images that I wasn't able to see on the right were also of all the lives I was living, all at the same time! This was completely foreign to me, as I had always believed in reincarnation and 'past' lives, not simultaneous lives. I didn't even know it was a possibility.

I now knew it was. Why would we live lives all at once? Wasn't the purpose to evolve through each life and to live and learn and do better the next go-around? Evidently, not really.

I got the distinct impression we were living lives to raise consciousness. By raising the vibration around us, we changed the earth, we changed the experience of life.

-- Lori E I kept having these visions. I saw the reincarnation wheel sucking me in and spitting me out like a giant magnetic ball of fire that attracted souls and shoved them into bodies/forms when they passed through. It was like a big sorting machine happening to thousands of souls all at once. -- Kyal L Yes I KNOW reincarnation is real and Buddhism fits me best. -- Ruth Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes I became a Buddhist based on certainty of reincarnation -- Sandra H Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes I now firmly believe in reincarnation, and lean toward a Buddhist view of life and death.

-- Susan C confirmation to me of reincarnation and contract-incarnation (we pick our lives) -- Matt S I never believed in reincarnation before this experience. It taught me that I lived before and everything I learn in this life, I take into the next, like rungs on a ladder -- Darlene K I do not still understand it all.

She also said that only a portion of your complete spirit was housed in the human body with each reincarnation. It was directly connected to your 'core' soul. When your 'human' portion of soul would learn, it would directly impact the 'core' soul. She also alluded to the fact that a human body could sometime hold more than 'human' portion of a soul connected to different 'core' soul. -- Mary R Before the NDE, my Hindu culture had always taught me about reincarnations and rebirths. But I had learned that this series of lifetimes occurs one after the other, in a row.

It was a totally new discovery for me to find that the mind can be switched to play different lifetimes at the same time. -- Bon A I was told that we live again and again and the word for it as we know is reincarnation, but that is too limiting and not really the whole truth, so I don't go into that too much because it confuses Christians. -- Jennifer W NDES & SHADOW BEINGS / SHADOW PEOPLE.

Note: Before I was presented with the light/presence, I first went through a period of seeing and feeling several strange shadows kind of wrapping themselves around me and over me.suffocating almost. It was very frightening. This is when I began to beg God's forgiveness and mercy -- for I suspected that these 'shadow beings' may have meant that I would not be able to go to God -- but that some horrible alternative would take over.

-- To An unseen force, in the form of a shadow, very powerfully and swiftly pulled me back through blurred darkness to my body. My trip to the transcendent Light was in slow motion in comparison with the return trip. As my soul entered the earthly body, which is nothing more than a poor fitting glove, it vibrated. I was momentarily in a state of confusion when I opened my eyes. -- August I was pulled back through the ceiling tiles and into a tunnel, to a place of cloudy space. The cloudy area materialized into a large marble room with marble doors and a 'being' at the center.

I'll refer to this person as 'the Grim Reaper,' who was cloaked in a dark cloth, covering all parts. The Grim Reaper pointed (indicating to me to choose a door). But before I could choose, a door opened and I had already gone through it. I found myself in what I now think of as a previous life.

I smelled smoke from a fire I was near, and saw others around me. -- Joanie The first few times I died and went through the void/curtain/wall that divides mortals with heaven- I saw a light and an old friend. All I was told, was that it was not my time. It was as if I was in a room w/no lights, sounds or feelings and all of a sudden, a white light and a shadow appeared that told me that it was not my time.

This happened several times, maybe 5 times. The last time it happened I felt awake on the operating room table- I could hear the nurse and the doctor, the heart machine. I heard a female voice say we're losing him.

Then I felt as if my soul had been grabbed and pulled upwards to the ceiling. I was floating, I tried to look back- but that is not allowed. The sounds of the OR slowly faded- as if someone was turning down the volume control, slowly. I felt scared, but had a strange feeling of comfort or being told to be calm. I went through a dark tunnel where the light slowly became brighter.

Then a shadow appeared- an old friend told me that it was not my time and then things went black/gone/etc. I somehow figured out that the shadow was a friend who died 5 years earlier. I am glad to see that he made it to heaven, he deserved it.

-- Greg My oldest son, who is a Native American Healer, had driven all the way from Denver Colorado to Houston to see me. He was shocked at how bad I looked. When he took my hand he was shocked at how much power I had. As he performed his healing ritual I could see my cancer fighting him. They were these black things that looked a lot like Squids with single sharp black fangs on the end of each tentacle. He was pulling them out of my tissue. (Later on, he told me that they were this black greasy substance.) As he was working I saw large beams of light coming out the top of his, and my wife's heads.

They were, at least 6' wide and went straight up into Eternity. At about 15' above my wife's head hers exploded into a beautiful crown. Behind them I saw my Higher Self standing behind the two of them with my son's higher self standing in front of me. We were both dressed in monk-type robes, mine being darker than his. Then, as days went by, I started noticing a dark shadowy thing down a lone alley or tunnel.

I didn't know what it was at first. Then, as it came closer, the more selfish I felt. It was my Ego! When it joined with me all of the lights went out and I was fully human again. * NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG It was as if I was in a room w/no lights, sounds or feelings and all of a sudden, a white light and a shadow appeared that told me that it was not my time. This happened several times, maybe 5 times. -- Greg Or maybe I was pulled toward it.

I noticed that there was a shadow in the light, and when I got closer, I saw that the shadow was my grandmother! I was totally astonished to see her! She told me to go back, “It is not your time,” she said. I approached the light anyway.

“Don't do that!” she said to me. “Don't go there!” She was talking to me in German, although on Earth, she had lived in Poland a. -- Cyril C The only thing I remembered for my NDE was there were 2 or 3 hooded shadows facing me, one was trying to touch me and I kept slapping at whatever he was trying to grab me with. It didn't look like a hand but more like a hooded sleeve.

The weird thing about my NDE is that I was GIGGLING while trying to slap it away, when I think I should have been scared!! I wasn't scared though. I couldn't get it out of my mind afterwards and was very depressed for months that I was met with a hooded creature. This experience has led me to believe I am going to hell, because I believe in God but I don't live exactly according to the ways. -- Shelly I don't know how I got there but I stood in a huge hall. I could see the forms of people standing around me. I could not see their faces but it seemed like I knew them.

I sensed this. The people around me were more like shadow people. I could see their silhouettes. It seemed like I was not “allowed” to see them, directly. The most usual thing about where I was, is that the ceiling was THE NIGHT SKY, with brilliant stars. The floor was like polished marble.

Then he comes into the hall and walks straight up to me. I hear him say, 'hello, I am the Son of God.' From here on out I cannot remember anything else. It is like every thing just cuts off right there. He was about 5-10 to 6-0 tall, he had shoulder length brown hair and had a dark complexion. He has blue eyes, and a short beard. His skin is dark in complexion, with a kind of olive color to it.

He was wearing a white robe with some kind of a belt or sash around his waist. I could not see his feet. He was smiling at me when he walked up to me.

I can’t remember seeing his lips move, but I heard the words. -- Rick R I was no longer being pulled down the tunnel when I noticed a bunch of dark shadows coming towards me. As the shadows approached they turned into people who were dressed in old fashioned clothing. As the people stood in front of me they began calling out their names.

They were relatives from both sides of my family. I didn't recognize any of them because I'd never known anyone who. -- Barbara W All of a sudden I was inside a tunnel, dark and starry, like the sky at night. At the end of it there was a light, but not white, it was colorful, like all the colors of the rainbow. Something was pulling me to the light. When I finally arrived and went through it, I saw shadows, without faces, they were talking to me telepathically.

They were telling me that finally 'I was going to know him', I did not know what they were referring to, until they took my hands and took me near a man. I did not see him, but I recognized him, I knew who he was. He was Luis Alberto Spinetta, my idol, famous singer of Argentinian Rock, with whom I felt and incredible spiritual connection since I started to listen to his music. On that day, it was his first anniversary of passing away. Just before he was going to talk to me, I felt pulled down. The tunnel got dark again and I awoke on the hospital's gurney.

There was not god nor religious people. -- Irene Out of body experience, soul or spirit made its way through mist and a tunnel. I arrived at the end, facing a solid oak door. Next to the oak door was a spirit, shadow figure who knew me really well. No words were spoken or exchanged. All communication was through mind communication between us. The oak door was opened for me.

I peered through. It was a beautiful place with music that sounded peaceful and blissful. I was feeling euphoric and wanted to step through.

I was reassured by the spirit to go through the door. -- Harry S What he said was that he went into the light and was sort of in a space with a wonderful presence full of light and love, but he was aware of a shadow lurking “in the corner”, although there was no corner, of course. Programa Para Hackear Redes Wifi Con Iphone 3gs. The light expressed infinite love and acceptance but said he had to measure out how much good and evil he had done in his life. He said his life was sort of a liquid light that was poured into a beautiful vessel of some sort on a scale. The scale measured his good vs.

Bad actions on earth. It obviously tipped toward bad, because the beautiful being told him that although he always loved him, he had to go with the dark shadow.

Then the dark shadow grew huge and covered him, making him terrified. He screamed, “I’m young; I’ll change” and begged to go back.

Suddenly he was back in his body and his friends were doing CPR on him. My first question was, “Well, did you change?” He said no, and that’s when I knew I had to get rid of him.

Of course, I never dreamed he would lay hands on me, let alone try to kill me. -- Donna Everything went into slow motion during the attack and I 'split in two' in that one part of me was conscious, the other was like a separate being, spiritual, but I knew it was my soul. After I was freed from the cage, I lost my ability to see anyone, just grey shadows on a sort of movie screen in front of me.

People's feelings and fear (there were perhaps 20 to 30 people there) were palpable, and threatened to carry me away like a tide, if I gave into it. To the right, on that screen, was coolness and peace. To the left, the panic and pain of those around me.

One half of me kept telling those around how to treat me (I'm a former EMT & I recognized my voice) the other was fighting the desire to turn toward the right as I believed that if I succumbed, the ranch would be in a lot of trouble and perhaps even sold. -- Kelly W Out of the corner of my eye I saw around me, both right and left, the shadows of people which seemed to me dead relatives and friends, but since it was dark, I could not see nor to distinguish their faces.

On their heads shone a weak flame. Their presence kept me company and I sent security and love. Soft music could be heard in the environment, the scent of orange blossoms in the air. I was so happy and I was waiting for something special that the return to life denied me. -- Riccardo Suddenly two very large shadows appeared before me. I felt as if I were smaller than a grain of sand in the whole cosmos compared to these anonymous moving shadows.

They stopped my going into the light and I heard as clear as a bell 'It is not your time.' One of the dark shadows enveloped me in its shadowy energy. The feeling coming from this energy was pure unconditional love. It was beyond human love, a love so tremendously great that the English language does not do justice to explain what I felt. The great shadow showed me what had happened to me and then brought my attention to my family and my body. I saw my body all twisted from the lightning and I refused to go back.

There appeared to occur a conference with these two shadows, my father and myself. A superior sense of guidance came forth from a higher wisdom, my awareness was drawn to the confusion and panic from the people affected by the lightning strike. -- Lindsey S Suddenly I found myself going very fast through a tunnel. The sound of wind as I sped through the air was loud. It was like being on a roller roaster going straight up towards space. I was shot like a rocket and could tell I was traveling a very long distance. I felt really scared about where it might be taking me, thinking that I wouldn't know how to get back.

It was clearly a feeling of leaving Earth and going way out to somewhere else in space. Then it stopped, and everything was perfectly still and quiet.

I was completely surrounded by a bright light in the midst of which I was suspended. Up, down, below and above me was all light—a white light. And I was inside the light. I couldn't see me, but I still felt like me.

I didn't know what to do. So I just kept feeling myself being there, and recalling the tunnel and speed, and how it had abruptly stopped. 'And now here I am.'

I knew I had died. At first I felt I was alone. Then I noticed shadows standing in front of me. Shadows of a panel of people. They were looking at me. I could feel them and see their outlines. They were all standing, except one in the middle, up front—he was sitting.

That was God. God spoke to me, and I replied to him. I was rude and disrespectful. I started screaming that I didn't want to be there and didn't want to stay.

I was very angry. I told him I have young sons at home that need me. I screamed, 'I won't go!' Then God let me know, through thought, that I may be trying to get my way, but, basically, I was not the boss there.

So I humbled myself before him, and asked him to look into the future—and, I said, 'If my sons would be better off without me, I will agree to stay.' But if they wouldn't be, I begged to go back to take care of them. Then I saw them—my sons at home, being raised by their dad without me there. They were so sad and alone. He had a girlfriend and she didn't love them the way I loved them, and they missed me terribly.

I was so sad and I longed to comfort them. I then asked God, 'Who else will teach them about you?' -- Pegi R Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?

Yes after that I saw two shadow figures at the foot of my bed whispering about how cute I was -- Meliisa One night, right after laying down, I saw those shadow looking things again. I laughed out loud and told them to go away. Just like before, they scattered.

-- Marion Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience? Uncertain After this event not straight after, but my mum and dads old house was Victorian and I can honestly say I saw a shadow walk across the living room while the whole family was watching the TV of a tall man, but a lot of strange things happened in that house while I was growing up. -- Attila D HOSPITAL I HAD A WEIRD ENCOUNTER WITH THE GIRL WHO DIED IN THE WRECK AND WHAT I PRESUMED WAS GOD AND THE DEVIL. IT WAS LIKE A COURT ROOM MADE OF STONE AND THEN IN THE SHADOWS WERE BLACK HOODED ENTITIES. THE LIGHT OF THE FIRE I SEEN WHITE HOODED ONES. IN BETWEEN THE PODIUM WHERE ME AND THE GIRL WERE STANDING, WAS LIKE A PIT OF FIRE AND ON THE OTHER SIDE WAS THE WHITE HOODED ENTITY.


I imagined it as a being of higher form. Did not know who. No communication. -- Ron C I closed my eyes and felt like I was teleported to another place. I saw shadows of people hovering above me and I felt like I had just been born.

And they felt so familiar, like they had anticipated my coming. I didn't know what to expect, but I wasn't scared. In part of me I was asking myself if I wanted to stay there and leave my children behind. But I thought, 'I'm not done with my present life yet,' and I willed myself to go back. I opened my eyes and saw my mom and sister-in-law.

At first I couldn't recognize them, but gradually my senses became more active. I begged for water as if my life depended on it. It was then I understood why Jesus asked for water when he was dying. He was trying to hold on to dear life because his business here wasn't done yet. I also realized then that death can be a choice.

-- Ekaterina R how could I see myself being worked on? As I came to that conclusion, several hooded beings of an ethereal-looking faded sepia color appeared. There were at least three or four of them on my left side and I believe the same amount on my right. For some reason I focused more on the beings on the right side. (When they came to me at first, my rational thoughts quickly told me that these were just my friends.

I thought that they had realized I had passed out and were surrounding me—however, it turned out not to be them.) The beings stood around me, paused a bit, and then began to lift me up into a tunnel of light. -- Trevor O Before me, blocking my way, was a dark ominous figure (it seemed to be a male). He wore a long hooded robe and was silhouetted against a glorious rosy glow from pastel clouds that filled the sky at some distance behind him. The rosy glow drew me and filled me with a marvelous sense of total love and acceptance. This was home, and I wanted to be there completely. But the figure would not let me pass.

I couldn't see his face, but I wasn't afraid. I felt only tremendous love from him.

Nor could I hear his words, but I could understand what he was telling me: I wasn't done yet, and I had to go back. I tried to protest. I didn't want to go back. I wanted to go into the rosy light.

-- Rhea V I was met by some robed individuals - in brown robes with hoods. I am not aware of knowing them. We had a lot of conversation that I have never been able to remember.

I saw my grandmother standing off to the side, and there was some conversation - again, not recalled. (at this time my grandmother was in the hospital still alive). I could see past the hooded figures to a meadow. I wanted to keep going and enter the meadow, but the figures would not allow it. -- Flora A However, they kept on walking so I thought I'd better start searching for myself. In the distance I saw a man who was wearing a hooded robe and sitting on a large rock.

At first, I wondered if he was Jesus. I never did get to see his face.

As I got closer, I didn't have to ask him who he was because I knew. -- Bonita E There was a being-beside me--took me a long time to figure out---he was hooded and had his arm around my shoulder. At first I thought he was the Grimm reaper, complete with Skelton bones and hood, but I did not know who he was, at the time-and I never spoke of him for years--as I considered him to be evil--but I didn't pay him any mind. I have since read of others who have seen this hooded being, and I am still not sure who he really was.

I was too busy stroking my Mom's hair, at the time--and wanting to be with her--as I missed her so badly. -- Ruthie I saw myself standing in an open, I guess the best words are, dead desert, there a was blackish grey sky and the ground was like hard dry cracked sand. In front of me were three hooded spirits with a well-like thing in front of them. It was long four to five feet in height with mercury type water in it. Though I never saw any faces or hands these spirits were asking me if I wanted to stay or go back. -- Mani O I saw them working on me but what was so strange or beautiful was that there were people all around the operating table standing behind the operating room.

Crew and doctors working on me. They had these very long very white robes on to the floor and all had hoods coming almost over their heads.

The robes were pointed at the top of the hood. I could not see there faces except for ONE.He stood at my head as I was floating above them going farther and farther away, he raised his head and looked up to me it was The face of my Father.He had died 10 months earlier. He spoke to me but it was NOT MY FATHERS VOICE. -- Cyndi G My uncle John and Grandmother, dressed like the Klu Klux Clan in all white robes with hoods. Nothing was spoken, but he let me know it wasn't my time and I had to return.


I TURNED TO LOOK AT THE GIRL I WAS WITH AND SHE WAS BEGGING AND CRYING AND SCREAMING FOR HER LIFE,OR SO SHE COULD GET A SECOND CHANCE. -- Jeremy H Here is what happened, all of a sudden there I was watching three hooded figures seating around a campfire at what appeared to be night. When I crashed it was noon daytime!! I don't know if I was floating or standing or if I was clothed or naked.

None of that seemed important, it felt as if I was in a trance watching the campfire and the three hooded figures speak. The campfire flames were dancing rhythmically. The flames were like long silver snake tongues flickering. This was not your typical orange/blue campfire flame.

These flames moved independently and danced. They were tall and narrow (3 feet x 4 inches??) and silver in color. I believe that they were alive and some sort of life form too. The three hooded figures sat like a triangle around the fire, about 60 degrees apart. I remember the hood was over their head and I could not see their faces. I remember the cloaks to be dark colored. They took no notice of me.

I stood or floated (not sure which) about 12 feet away. They spoke with three distinctly different voices. I have no idea what they were saying.

It was a different language that I could not understand. It reminded me of Hebrew or Speaking in Tongues. -- Mark A Here is what happened, all of a sudden there I was watching three hooded figures seating around a campfire at what appeared to be night.

When I crashed it was noon daytime!! I don't know if I was floating or standing or if I was clothed or naked. None of that seemed important, it felt as if I was in a trance watching the campfire and the three hooded figures speak.

-- Mark A I was standing between two hooded robed figures like monks wear. I knew that they were trying to decide (fight over) what my fate was going to be. I felt at the time that it was Jesus and Satan. They did not speak in words, I just knew this to be. It was like telepathy, but more direct. -- Caren M My experience went like this. I was in complete darkness but I could see what was happening.

I was on the operating table. Several beings were coming after me.

They were short and upright as a human would be. They were dressed in black hooded robes. They shuffled walked.

They were black with round faces. They had pointed teeth and claws on their fingers.

They were fighting and snarling at each other. They were fighting over who got me. Each one carried a large butcher knife. They decided to dismember me so each could have a piece. I was trying to fight them off.

All of a sudden they stopped, turned around and walked away. They shuffled off snarling at each other. They entered what appeared to be a dark cave entrance. I heard no one command them to stop. They just stopped and left. The next thing I knew a nurse was telling me it was time to wake up. -- Mo C I was floating in the air in front of my brother-in-law's parents' house alongside a figure dressed in a long hooded garment I could not make out the figure's facial features, as they seemed to be in shadow.

Though we were floating about thirty feet in the air, -- James W I saw myself standing in an open I guess best words are a dead desert, it was blackish grey sky the ground was like hard dry cracked sand. In front of me was three hooded spirits with a well like thing in front of it. It was long 4-5 feet in height with mercury type water in it. Though I never saw any faces or hands these spirits were asking me if I wanted to stay or go back -- Mani O The first one I met was on like in a hooded robe whom I knew immediately as someone who had been with me all my life.

( I know for certain this was my guardian angel) next a Godly figure appeared in front of me and as I raised my head in the lying position I was given a choice of great pleasure (heaven) or great pain (returning to my body. -- Remos G Then, someone who looked like a man whose head was covered by a cloak that looked more like a brown hood, called me by name and said: 'You were not supposed to be here, but if you like, you may continue on.' I asked, 'And if I don't continue on, what will happen?' He replied that I would return and continue living the life I had been living. I hesitated a little and he then made a gesture that looked as if someone were opening a curtain of clouds and I saw my parents and sisters down below in a state of despair. I saw my body turning blue at the edge of the pool, and some people running across the grass toward me. The next moment the tunnel disappeared and I was once again back in my body, feeling very bad and deaf.

My deafness gradually went away after a little more than 15 days, and I began to dream about the man in the hooded robe every night for 3 years. We became friends and he told me he would be with me during my whole life. -- Marcia LS Eventually the tunnel let out onto a platform with a marble floor. There were various people milling about in grey hooded robes. One of them came up to me and introduced himself as my guided. The architecture of the place I was was very greek in style with columns and such.

I don't believe it was heaven OR hell. Around this point my emotional situation took a turn for the worst. I felt a very strong feeling of depression or failure or something along those lines. This persisted throughout the experience.

-- David J Then I was walking toward the brilliant light I saw through a hole in the darkness. I came to a hooded figure but couldn't see the face, but the form glowed dimly reflecting the light coming through the hole and I was completely visible, my arms and legs - everything looking normal in the light all safe and sound. -- Arlene H It was at this point there was a small cave with bowls like very old drinking ones. Behind the table were seven hooded figures.

I was asked to choose a bowl. I studied them and chose one. The hooded figures said nothing and moved away.

I then was in a very dark place and was sitting. I could hear talking from behind me. I looked at the blackness and felt there were beings trying to reach me, but like some black transparent wall couldn't reach me.

I felt they knew me. After this, the angel of light came and asked me to go with it. It was at my right side. It showed me a pit with lights coming from it. I asked what is this? It said, 'No, it is all the prayers and good intentions coming from earth to here. It was like an inferno of light on small particles.

I asked where is hell? It then showed me there is no hell as you know it, only darkness. I then was shown an army of angels. These angels had wings and a sword and a bow.

Some had a lance. There were thousands of them marching into darkness. The angel of light asked me if I wished to join them? I said, 'No.'

It asked if I was afraid? I asked, 'Where are they going?' It replied, 'They are fighting the darkness or evil as you know it.' I asked if they will survive and it told me, 'No, they love the light and God and are willing to do battle for love.' -- Francis McG I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin Tall male figure in a hooded brown robe with a corded belt.



I IMMEDIATELY SAID I WANT TO GO BACK. THAT I WOULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED ME TO DO, JUST SO I COULD RETURN. I WASN'T FEARFUL AT ALL IN FACT I NEVER FELT SO WONDERFUL BEFORE, BUT I JUST THOUGHT I SHOULD GO BACK AND DO WORK FOR THESE GUYS. -- JOHN B There were no bright lights like you see in the movies and in fact once I moved through the ceiling I was immediately standing inside a huge room with a very high ceiling facing what appeared to be a dozen or so very hard wooden pews/podiums and behind each pew there was a man in a hooded garment and the faces although discernible were not well lit kind of like a monk in the monastery. They didn't demand any kind of special respect and it never went through my mind to bow down to them or call them God or even Angels they were simply men in hoods that I address as being something what I perceive to be called a council of supernatural beings neither benevolent or malevolent simply stating facts.

-- Michael F I have a 'recollection' of landing at the bottom of a significant hill in a 'sea' of 'people' I then climbed to the crest of the hill passed between two rocks and 'interacted' with two human-like 'persons' The two were robed and hooded I saw no arms and my recollection was void of many more details. They communicated to me in unison. As I awoke from my coma in my hospital bed, I looked at my wife and said 'is it OK if I go back? I am uncertain that I was talking to her; although she did reply emotionally 'YES'.

-- John C At the top of the hill, when I passed out (I can't say whether I stopped breathing or not) I saw only darkness. Absolute darkness, and from a basic knowledge of different cultures, I quickly realized that it was the 'void,' or the 'abyss.'

As I came to that conclusion, several hooded beings of an ethereal-looking faded sepia color appeared. There were at least three or four of them on my left side and I believe the same amount on my right. For some reason I focused more on the beings on the right side. (When they came to me at first, my rational thoughts quickly told me that these were just my friends. I thought that they had realized I had passed out and were surrounding me—however, it turned out not to be them.) The beings stood around me, paused a bit, and then began to lift me up into a tunnel of light. At first I felt content and sufficiently warm in this void-darkness -- Trevor O As I was picking flowers I saw 2 people walking up the road towards me and remember thinking “I hope I don’t have to go back” This was very prevalent throughout my whole experience.

They were wearing brown robes (like a monk) and carrying a staff, I could not see their face because the hood was hiding it from me. As I recall they never said anything to me, but I knew I was about to find out if I had to return. We walked until we came to what appeared to be a very large house, I entered and before me was what I think was God, or someone who had the power to decide if I was to return. Then this being told me to “Be Good” and pointed to my right, as I turned I saw about 5 or 6 round shapes that looked like planets sitting on top of pedal stools, then I immediately went straight into one of the objects and again felt the same feeling of moving very fast until I could see my body on the operating table. -- William W I remember standing next to a male being who wore a grey cloak with a hood. He stood to my left.

I felt my whole life up until that moment. I was engulfed with overwhelming sadness because my life had been empty. I didn't want to cry. I got the feeling or thought I had to resume living because I hadn't done or learned what I had came here for. At no time during this experience was I aware of my earthly body.

I could not see it. I had no thought or feeling to what was or had happened. -- Julie D I was met by a spirit who was cloaked in a burlap tunic with a large hood covering his face.

An ethereal form. We communicated by thought and feeling, there were no words. He led me to a healing room where other spirits were dressed the same way.

As I laid down to be ' worked' on, my soul was being infused with Love. Part of me went to a River that I 'knew' was the River of Life. It was beyond magical. -- Flora O Then I was walking on a bridge that was ancient-looking with rock and cobble stones. I was aware of everything around me that was a dark vastness that I knew went on for ever. I could see the bridge clearly.

At the end of the bridge was an old wooden door and a tall male figure standing by it. He was dressed in what looked like a monk-type robe and hood. I could see that he had long brown hair that was just past his shoulders but I could not see his face. There was a very bright, pure, and beautiful light that I could see coming from underneath and from the sides that illuminated the door. I felt scared and confused on the bridge but I felt that I knew the figure and was anxious to get to him. I got to the end of the bridge and we talked. I do not remember what was said.

He then put his hand on my shoulder and I woke up in a Life-flight helicopter, with a nurse telling me I would be o.k. -- Oscar C I was prepared for this experience for about 4 years prior from the age of 3 as I was visited by a lady in a white robe with a hood, she wore a rope for a belt and sandals on her feet and never once spoke to me, she didn't need to, I seemed to know that she was keeping an eye on me. -- John R She heard tinkling chimes, saw flashing lights and there was a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Someone was waiting at the end of the tunnel dressed in a long robe with a hood who took her to another area. There were 5 o 6 others dressed similarly in that area--they looked like monks. She couldn't see their faces, but she knew who they were although now she doesn't know who they were even though she felt at the time that they were loved ones. It was like being home again.

-- Pam C Well whatever was in mine, I was laughing one minute then the next I was being spoken to by a man with a cloak and hood he had a grey beard I remember he seemed very kind but he was asking me questions. However, I then saw a picture in front of me.

It was a pattern. I looked deep into this pattern, a tapestry. I could see the warp and the weft. This pattern was me.

It felt ME the man in the beard urged me to look closer and as I zoomed in to each stitch of color, I saw myself in a scene from my life. -- VV This time I was in a dense forest, sitting under the most magnificent tree imaginable. Some one came to me, sat down and talked to me. 'He' was dressed in a robe with a hood - of a dark color. He took my hand and placed it on the bark of the tree. My hand and arm, myself blended with the tree then I knew and understood everything.

-- Christine E I remember just standing in the path and a small girl who was like bright light was standing next to me and also a very tall man dressed in a green suit. In front of me were three beings dressed in black robes that had emeralds around their hoods. I could not see their faces and I was not afraid. I felt very calm and peaceful. They spoke to me with their minds and told me that it was not my time yet. That I had to go back and love Him.

-- KathyA The light was overwhelming (similar to how you would have your eyes shut looking at the sun on a beach then opening them). My eyes adjusted to the light. I saw beings in what appeared to be robed with hoods. The only way I distinguished their bodies was that it appeared that they were standing under a water fall of different colored water like light (yellows, oranges, whites and a little red). There were four individuals standing shoulder to shoulder, all the same height.

There was one in back, which seemed as if it were pacing behind them back and forth. I still felt pure ecstasy. I was the most comfortable I've ever been.

I asked,' where am I? Who are you?hello?' I noticed I still saw a sliver of dark at the bottom right. I heard in a loud yet whispered, steady comforting voice, 'HE'S NOT READY'.

I said, 'No!! I'M OK!!” It was not heard as we speak and hear through our ears.

It was purely inside whatever I was at the time: my soul? It was instinctual. It’s very strange to put in words.

Telepathic communication? -- Matthew B I found myself entering an old cathedral and I noticed that it had no electric lights, nor burning candles, to illuminate the very large space within. I would be hard pressed to say where the light came from, other than to say that it must have been daytime, when sunshine would have been coming through the windows - although I had not noticed any windows. Walking up the right hand side of the cathedral, I noticed many men and a few dozen women, all standing in the pews near the front of the church. The men wore the typical clothing of monks, and the women, the clothing of early-period religious sisters. The color of their clothing was dark, perhaps dark brown and the men wore rope around their waists. The hoods of their robes were up over their heads, which were bowed down.

The atmosphere was permeated with quietness, and I had the distinct feeling that there was much sorrow in the air. -- Stanley S I have written this in my first account but will recap. There was a monk in a brown robe with hood and a rope type belt.

I didn't recognize him as anyone I knew or anyone from the bible or such by name. I felt he was just doing his 'job' that was his assignment perhaps given to him my God (I remember thinking all this at the time). He was standing facing me to my left and directing me as a policeman would direct traffic. We spoke but only 'telepathically', he was neither non threatening nor over welcoming, I also remember thinking he must get sick of doing this all day long! He was helping me towards the light and when I said 'I cant go there I must go to the garden and pick up my children'.it was like I immediately left the tunnel in reverse really quickly, saw the.