Mud Puddle Visuals Schedule
Magnets and Ladders Active Voices of Writers with Disabilities Fall/Winter 2017-2018 Editorial and Technical Staff • Coordinating Editor: Mary-Jo Lord • Fiction: Valerie Moreno, Marilyn Brandt Smith, Kate Chamberlin, Abbie Johnson Taylor, and Bonnie Blose • Nonfiction: Valerie Moreno, John W. Smith, Kate Chamberlin, Leonard Tuchyner, Bonnie Blose, and Marilyn Brandt Smith • Poetry: Valerie Moreno, Abbie Johnson Taylor, Alice Massa, Lynda McKinney Lambert, and Brad Corallo • Bobbi LaChance Bubier Romance Contest: Abbie Johnson Taylor, Marilyn Brandt Smith, Lillian Way, Valerie Moreno, and Cleora Boyd • Technical Assistants: Jayson Smith and John Weidlich • Internet Specialist: Julie Posey Submission Guidelines Writers with disabilities may submit up to three selections per issue. Deadlines are February 15 for the Spring/Summer issue, and August 15 for the Fall/winter issue. Writers must disclose their disability in their biography or in their work. Biographies may be up to 100 words in length, and should be written in third-person. Do not submit until your piece is ready to be considered for publication. Rewrites, additions, deletions, or corrections are part of the editorial process, and will be suggested or initiated by the editor.
Mud Puddle, written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Dusan Petricic, is a picturebook scheduled for release on September 1 2012. In this fun read, Jule Ann loves to play. By Robert Munsch. I became familiar with his books from a website that reads the book and his visual to go along with it. The website I used is. There is so much material that the project has gone to two discs totaling nearly six hours of entertainment! If you are ever going to add some. Serial Sinker features Skylar as a jealous girlfriend who makes a habit of leading women to their doom in a pit of deep and dangerous mud. Her first victim (Janice) is her rival, but.
Poetry maximum length is 50 lines. Memoir, fiction, and nonfiction maximum length is 2500 words. In all instances, our preference is for shorter lengths than the maximum allowed. Please single-space all submissions, and use a blank line to separate paragraphs and stanzas.
It is important to spell check and proofread all entries. Previously published material and simultaneous submissions are permitted provided you own the copyright to the work. Please cite previous publisher and/or notify if work is accepted elsewhere. We do not feature advocacy, activist, “how-to,” or “what’s new” articles regarding disabilities. Innovative techniques for better writing as well as publication success stories are welcome. Content will include many genres, with limited attention to the disability theme. Worcester 30cdi Combi Boiler User Manual on this page.
Announcements of writing contests with deadlines beyond April 1 and October 1 respectively are welcome. Have You Published a book? If you would like to have an excerpt of your book published in an issue of “Magnets and Ladders”, please submit a chapter or section of your book to The word count for book excerpt submissions should not exceed twenty-five hundred words. Please include information about where your book is available in an accessible format. We will publish up to one book excerpt per issue.
Do you have a skill, service, or product valued by writers? For a minimum contribution of $25.00 we will announce it in the next two issues of “Magnets and Ladders”.
All verifications of products or services provided are the responsibility of our readers. Book cover design?
Formatting for publication? Internet access or web design? Marketing assistance? Special equipment?
Make your donation through PayPal (see or by check by March/September 1. 100-word promotional information is due by February/August 15. Not sure about something?
Email All donations support Magnets and Ladders. Please email all submissions to Paste your submission and bio into the body of your email or attach in Microsoft Word format. If submitting Word documents, please put your name and the name of your piece at or near the top of the document. Submissions will be acknowledged within two weeks.
You will be notified if your piece is selected for publication. Final author approval and review is necessary if changes are needed beyond punctuation, grammar, and sentence or paragraph structure.
We will not change titles, beginnings, endings, dialog, poetic lines, the writer’s voice, or the general tone without writer collaboration. If your work is selected for inclusion in a future “Behind Our Eyes” project, you will be notified; your approval and final review will be required. To insure we can contact you regarding future projects, please keep us updated if your Email address changes. About Behind Our Eyes Behind Our Eyes, Inc.
Is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization enhancing the opportunities for writers with disabilities. Our anthology published in 2007, “Behind Our Eyes: Stories, Poems, and Essays by Writers with Disabilities”, is available at Amazon and from other booksellers.
It is available in recorded and Braille format from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. “Behind Our Eyes, a Second Look” is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other booksellers, and in E-book format on Amazon Kindle.
It is also available in recorded format from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. See our book trailer on Youtube. Several members of our group meet by moderated teleconference twice monthly to hear speakers; share work for critique; or receive tips on accessibility, publication, and suggested areas of interest. Our mailing list is a low-traffic congenial place to share work in progress; learn about submission requests; and to ask and answer writing questions. If you would like to join our group and receive access to our phone conferences and mailing list, please complete our quick and easy membership form.
If you would like to learn more about Behind Our Eyes, or if you would like to make a donation, please visit our website. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Editor’s Welcome Hello. I hope those of you that were affected by the hurricanes and wildfires that have destroyed much of the United States are, with the help of others able to rebuild or find safe homes. As a memorial to Bobbi LaChance Bubier, the Behind Our Eyes group held a romance contest this spring. The contest winners will be featured in the first section of this edition of Magnets and Ladders. Thanks to Abbie Johnson Taylor and her committee members: Marilyn Brandt Smith, Lillian Way, Valerie Moreno, and Cleora Boyd for all of your hard work. The determination of guidelines and the selection of winners required a great deal of time and consideration.
This edition of Magnets and Ladders is packed with stories, poems, and articles to keep you entertained throughout the cooler months. Our “seasonal Wonders” section has stories and poems about holidays and the change of seasons. Maybe you will find a new holiday favorite. “The Writers’ Climb” has articles and an exercise to stimulate your fiction writing muscles.
Read stories from or about the past in “Looking back.” The characters presented in “Coming to Terms” will stay with you when you are finished reading. As always, “From a Different Perspective” is full of surprises, and we have a great mix of poems in “The Melting Pot.” I would like to give a big thanks to all of the committee members and to Marilyn Brandt Smith, Jason Smith and John Weidlich for your hard work and support throughout the production process. We had contests with cash prizes in fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Below are the winners of the Bobbi LaChance Bubier Romance Contest and the Magnets and Ladders Fall/Winter 2017-2018 contest winners. Bobbi LaChance Bubier Romance Contest Winners: • First Place: Get Me to the Church on Time!
This is a fun and silly book that shows what happens when a little girl repeatedly gets covered in mud. Our girls really enjoyed this book and laughed often at the absurdity of the mud puddle going after Jule Ann. The illustrations are colorful and cartoonish. Our girls liked watching the story on the Tumblebooks website.
() is a talented storyteller and he's very entertaining when he narrates his own stories! We read this book a second time and this time I nar This is a fun and silly book that shows what happens when a little girl repeatedly gets covered in mud. Our girls really enjoyed this book and laughed often at the absurdity of the mud puddle going after Jule Ann. The illustrations are colorful and cartoonish. Our girls liked watching the story on the Tumblebooks website. () is a talented storyteller and he's very entertaining when he narrates his own stories!
We read this book a second time and this time I narrated it, although not nearly as well. I actually have two prints of this book so it's going to be interesting review. Even for Robert Munsch this book is a repetitive oddball. (Which isn't all that bad. (Maybe a little too repetitive.) But not bad) Even the end is pretty strange like, 'WHAT?' I like the cover of the new one.
It truly describes what to expect. Both copies were drawn by Sami Suomalainen and his revisions are pretty interesting. First thing he did was give Mud Puddle the proper personality he needed. I actually have two prints of this book so it's going to be interesting review. Even for Robert Munsch this book is a repetitive oddball.
(Which isn't all that bad. (Maybe a little too repetitive.) But not bad) Even the end is pretty strange like, 'WHAT?' I like the cover of the new one. It truly describes what to expect.
Both copies were drawn by Sami Suomalainen and his revisions are pretty interesting. First thing he did was give Mud Puddle the proper personality he needed.
I love the design of the new mud puddle. Jule Ann lost weight, (like a lot of weight.) from the old copy. If you compare the first page of art between them wow this he has gotten a lot better over the years. While I like the book I do prefer his other books more. (Maybe because even growing up I looked a Michael Martchenko's designed books more often?) (As a children's author I ummm.
It could be the times we live in today but I wouldn't be as comfortable with naked children in my books. (I don't mean disrespect but in the new version she is more nude than The Paper Bag Princess even showed.(Did they need to add nipples?(The Paper Bag Princess didn't have any.)))).
I decided to read this book, since I was always playing in dirt, and my mom said I was the dirtiest little girl she had ever known. In this book the little girl tells her mom the mud puddle jumped on her. The mom just takes off her clothes, and give her a good scrubbing, and dresses her in clean clothes. Each time she goes outside, the mud puddle jumps on her, and covers her with mud. This is a cute book, and the illustration are fairly good. I didn't care for the narration on Tumble weeds. He e I decided to read this book, since I was always playing in dirt, and my mom said I was the dirtiest little girl she had ever known.
In this book the little girl tells her mom the mud puddle jumped on her. The mom just takes off her clothes, and give her a good scrubbing, and dresses her in clean clothes. Each time she goes outside, the mud puddle jumps on her, and covers her with mud. This is a cute book, and the illustration are fairly good. I didn't care for the narration on Tumble weeds. He exagerates too much. I did a review with the newer version but I am just going to touch up on a couple things with this version of the book.
The art is simpler than in the new version. Believe it or not the bathing scenes are more conservative than the 90s version.
But the Mud Puddle doesn't have the personality as he now does. There is also this weird Black and White drawings to replace the colored pictures every few pages. There isn't any rhyme or reason the artist just did it. (Maybe because a couple of the picture I did a review with the newer version but I am just going to touch up on a couple things with this version of the book. The art is simpler than in the new version. Believe it or not the bathing scenes are more conservative than the 90s version. But the Mud Puddle doesn't have the personality as he now does.
There is also this weird Black and White drawings to replace the colored pictures every few pages. There isn't any rhyme or reason the artist just did it. (Maybe because a couple of the pictures almost seem identical apart from the mud puddle missing from the a couple colored versions of the same picture.).
Mud Puddle, written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Dusan Petricic, is a picturebook scheduled for release on September 1 2012. In this fun read, Jule Ann loves to play outside. However, everytime she does a sneaky mud puddle attacks.
It comes at her from the roof, trees, and a variety of unexpected directions. Each time Jule Ann ends up in the bath, getting dressed again, and making another attempt to play out doors. Our young hero tries to outsmart the puddle, and is creative and resourcef Mud Puddle, written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Dusan Petricic, is a picturebook scheduled for release on September 1 2012. In this fun read, Jule Ann loves to play outside.
However, everytime she does a sneaky mud puddle attacks. It comes at her from the roof, trees, and a variety of unexpected directions. Each time Jule Ann ends up in the bath, getting dressed again, and making another attempt to play out doors. Our young hero tries to outsmart the puddle, and is creative and resourceful in her defeat of the messy glob of mud. Mud Puddle is a picturebook that made me think of my daughter, who seems to attract dirt like Jule Ann attracts mud. I am fully expecting to hear excuses about attacking mud puddles in my near future.
The combination of Jule Ann's imagination and propensity to get dirty is paired with bright full color illustrations makes this a delight to share with young readers. I really like that while Jule Ann's mother helped her get cleaned up, Jule Ann was the one to develop and execute the plan that defeated the muddy puddle. I highly recommend Mud Puddle for home and library collections. It opens lines of communication, and encourages children to use their imagination and problem solving skills. The children in my centre just love this story! I think it’s due to the silly nature of the story.
Every time Jule Ann ventures outside to play a mud puddle sneaks up on her and covers her in mud. (The children usually all laugh at these parts). So Jule Ann heads inside to her mother and gets all cleaned up and changed. When she ventures outside again the pesky Mud puddle is back. It gets to the point where Jule Ann is hesitant to go outside, so she comes up with the bright idea that she will we The children in my centre just love this story! I think it’s due to the silly nature of the story. Every time Jule Ann ventures outside to play a mud puddle sneaks up on her and covers her in mud.
(The children usually all laugh at these parts). So Jule Ann heads inside to her mother and gets all cleaned up and changed. When she ventures outside again the pesky Mud puddle is back. It gets to the point where Jule Ann is hesitant to go outside, so she comes up with the bright idea that she will wear her Raincoat. No mud puddle in sight and it’s getting hot in the sun. Jule Ann takes off the raincoat and out jumps the mud puddle. Well inside she goes again to get cleaned up and this time she’s ready for that mud puddle.
She’s going to fight it with Smelly yellow soap bars. I love the way Jule Ann solves the problem, it makes me giggle every time. I can see so much of her in some of the children in my class.:0). I'm a fan of Munsch's books, although there are still many I haven't read yet. I didn't discover his books until started teaching preschool. I enjoy his whimsy, his imagination, his respect for children and his humor. All of those are evident in this re-issue.
It's a fun, silly tale told with a comforting repetitiveness and wonderful attention to facial expressions. Julie Ann doesn't *try* to get dirty, she tries to stay clan but she is repeatedly ambushed by a mud puddle Her poor mother quickly I'm a fan of Munsch's books, although there are still many I haven't read yet. I didn't discover his books until started teaching preschool.
I enjoy his whimsy, his imagination, his respect for children and his humor. All of those are evident in this re-issue. It's a fun, silly tale told with a comforting repetitiveness and wonderful attention to facial expressions. Julie Ann doesn't *try* to get dirty, she tries to stay clan but she is repeatedly ambushed by a mud puddle Her poor mother quickly gets tired of bathing her. Julie Ann's solution to stop the ambushes is clever and funny. This is a good book for reading aloud with your child or or for them to sit and look at by themselves. I received an e-galley from the publisher for review.
Mud Puddle by Robert N. Munsch is an enjoyable children’s book and a great read-aloud for large group reading. I read this book at my placement and the children loved it! The large mud puddle comes to life, has a face, and is the villain who the hero child finally attacks and defeats with two soap bars. I love Robert Munsch books because they tell a story where the child has a strong voice and presence.
His characters speak clearly using full sentences and correct but simple punctuation. Mud pud Mud Puddle by Robert N. Munsch is an enjoyable children’s book and a great read-aloud for large group reading.
I read this book at my placement and the children loved it! The large mud puddle comes to life, has a face, and is the villain who the hero child finally attacks and defeats with two soap bars.
I love Robert Munsch books because they tell a story where the child has a strong voice and presence. His characters speak clearly using full sentences and correct but simple punctuation. Mud puddle can be used to teach students about punctuation, sentence structure, and repetition.
What I like most about this book is that the child is the hero who uses her problem solving skills to defeat the mud puddle! Jule Ann has a big problem.
Although she LOVES to play outside, every time she goes outside a mud puddle attacks her. Each time, her mother puts her in the tub and scrubs her until she is red all over! Finally, Jule Ann has a great idea!
She pulls out her yellow slicker. Outside, the mud puddle seems to have disappeared. soon as she takes the raincoat off, the mud puddle jumps right on her head. Jule Ann finally conquers the mud with the help of some sweet smelling soap!Illustration Jule Ann has a big problem. Although she LOVES to play outside, every time she goes outside a mud puddle attacks her. Each time, her mother puts her in the tub and scrubs her until she is red all over! Finally, Jule Ann has a great idea!
She pulls out her yellow slicker. Outside, the mud puddle seems to have disappeared. soon as she takes the raincoat off, the mud puddle jumps right on her head. Jule Ann finally conquers the mud with the help of some sweet smelling soap!Illustrations by Dusan Petricic are fun -the look on the mother's face when Jule Ann runs in all covered in mud is hilarious! What a fun read-classic Munsch! This is a great book to use when teaching about problems and solutions in stories. Jule Ann is a little girl with a big problem--every time she goes outside, a Mud Puddle jumps on her head!
She gets mud in her ears, mud in her eyes and even mud in her nose and each time, she has to take a bath and get dressed all over again with clean clothes. After several baths and clothes changes, Jule Ann decides to try a new strategy--wearing a raincoat outside. To see if she's ever able to go outside without a mud puddle ambush, be sure to read this one (& don't forget the sound effe Jule Ann is a little girl with a big problem--every time she goes outside, a Mud Puddle jumps on her head! She gets mud in her ears, mud in her eyes and even mud in her nose and each time, she has to take a bath and get dressed all over again with clean clothes. After several baths and clothes changes, Jule Ann decides to try a new strategy--wearing a raincoat outside. To see if she's ever able to go outside without a mud puddle ambush, be sure to read this one (& don't forget the sound effects!) (I found this one on Tumblebooks and it is a sure-fire crowd-pleaser.
The kids LOVE the sound effects the reader makes when he reads about cleaning out her ears and nose.). Jule Ann gets dressed and goes outside to play. Unbeknownst to her, a mud puddle is waiting to pounce! What fun (and terror) for young readers! The fun is the unexpected and imaginative tale.
The terror could be the attacking mud ball. Readers, young and old, must read this tall tale with silliness, joy, and determination. Problem can be solved, the solution might just take a try or two. This book would be excellent during storytime under variety of themes. Reviewed from a NetGalley copy. Thank yo Jule Ann gets dressed and goes outside to play. Unbeknownst to her, a mud puddle is waiting to pounce!
What fun (and terror) for young readers! The fun is the unexpected and imaginative tale. The terror could be the attacking mud ball.
Readers, young and old, must read this tall tale with silliness, joy, and determination. Problem can be solved, the solution might just take a try or two.
This book would be excellent during storytime under variety of themes. Reviewed from a NetGalley copy. Thank you, Annick Press! Every time little Jule Ann plays outside a mischievous mud puddle is sure to find her.
Maybe it's hiding up a tree or in her sandbox, she never knows where it is going to turn up. Jule Ann goes to great lengths to disguise herself and hide from this filthy nuisance yet she always ends up splattered in muck. Her exasperated mother has long since given up on bathing her so Jule Ann decides to confront the sneaky slime with a secret weapon.
Whether you are a long-time fan of the incredible Robert M Every time little Jule Ann plays outside a mischievous mud puddle is sure to find her. Maybe it's hiding up a tree or in her sandbox, she never knows where it is going to turn up. Jule Ann goes to great lengths to disguise herself and hide from this filthy nuisance yet she always ends up splattered in muck. Her exasperated mother has long since given up on bathing her so Jule Ann decides to confront the sneaky slime with a secret weapon.
Whether you are a long-time fan of the incredible Robert Munsch or not, you will surely enjoy this clever tale. In this classic Munsch book (1982), Munsch teams up with yet another illustrator - Sami Suomalainen. I loved the attaching mud puddle, with its silly eyes and its muddy drool. It's a friendly and mischevious puddly that keeps little Jule Ann muddy as much as possible. I loved the well-drawn expressions on the various faces: the puddle's mischevious, at times fierce face; Jule-Ann's ever joyful face (gotta love getting mud all over you) and the mother's extraordinarily kind and patient face as sh In this classic Munsch book (1982), Munsch teams up with yet another illustrator - Sami Suomalainen. I loved the attaching mud puddle, with its silly eyes and its muddy drool. It's a friendly and mischevious puddly that keeps little Jule Ann muddy as much as possible.
I loved the well-drawn expressions on the various faces: the puddle's mischevious, at times fierce face; Jule-Ann's ever joyful face (gotta love getting mud all over you) and the mother's extraordinarily kind and patient face as she cleans up Jule Ann over and over again. A very fun and silly book. Jule Anne is a young girl who is determined to defeat a mud puddle! It all started when she got new clothes and decided to wear them to play outside,but a mud puddle jumps on her. Jule Anne's mother bathes Jule Anne and sends her outside in clean clothes. The same thing happens to Jule Anne and gets bathed once more.
This happens quite a few times until finally Jule Anne has a clever idea, she gets smelly soap bars and runs outside and the mud puddle swallows it.thinks its disgusting and jumps Jule Anne is a young girl who is determined to defeat a mud puddle! It all started when she got new clothes and decided to wear them to play outside,but a mud puddle jumps on her.
Jule Anne's mother bathes Jule Anne and sends her outside in clean clothes. The same thing happens to Jule Anne and gets bathed once more. This happens quite a few times until finally Jule Anne has a clever idea, she gets smelly soap bars and runs outside and the mud puddle swallows it.thinks its disgusting and jumps over the fence. Robert Munsch was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Fordham University in 1969 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and from Boston University in 1971 with a Master of Arts degree in anthropology. He studied to become a Jesuit priest, but decided he would rather work with children after jobs at orphanages and daycare centers. In 1973, he received a Master of Education in Chil Robert Munsch was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
He graduated from Fordham University in 1969 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and from Boston University in 1971 with a Master of Arts degree in anthropology. He studied to become a Jesuit priest, but decided he would rather work with children after jobs at orphanages and daycare centers. In 1973, he received a Master of Education in Child Studies from Tufts University.
In 1975 he moved to Canada to work at the preschool at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. He also taught in the Department of Family Studies at the University of Guelph as a lecturer and as an assistant professor. In Guelph he was encouraged to publish the many stories he made up for the children he worked with. Munsch's wife delivered two stillborn babies in 1979 and 1980. Out of the tragedy, he produced one of his best-known books, Love You Forever.
This book was listed fourth on the 2001 Publishers Weekly All-Time Best selling Children's Books list for paperbacks at 6,970,000 copies (not including the 1,049,000 hardcover copies). The Munsches have since become adoptive parents of Julie, Andrew and Tyya (see them all in Something Good!) Munsch has obsessive-compulsive disorder and has also suffered from manic depression.
In August 2008, Munsch suffered a stroke that affected his ability to speak in normal sentences. He has recovered enough that he is able to perform live, but has put his writing career on hold until he is fully recovered.