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One of the key takeaways from this important study is that marketing will never go out of style. The demand for people to persuade, build followings and communicate remains high. The way we do these things may change, but the concept that marketing is the cornerstone to good business will remain.
Mount Kenya: Mount Kenya (5199m) is a breathtaking spectacle and definitely a much more beautiful mountain than Mount Kilimanjaro 5,894m. It is perhaps due to this majestic beauty that the Kikuyu people who reside on its lower slopes believed that this was their Gods' abode. The true summits of Mount Kenya is made up of twin peaks of Batian (5,199m) and Nelion (5,188m) not easy to conquer and each year less than 100 climbers make it to the top because of the technical climbing skill required. Point Lenana (4,985m), the third highest peak and so-called the trekkers summit, can be reached by any reasonably fit and suitably prepared person. Trekking to Point Lenana is a thrilling adventure undertaken by many as part of their African Holiday or as an acclimatisation activity for those destined to trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. Inspired by the story of the 3 Italian prisoner and saddened by the negative environmental impact being experienced on the traditional routes use to trek up mount Kenya, Mountain Rock has taken an initiative and uncovererd the indefinite routing used by the 3 prisoners to scale Mount Kenya. We have recently opened up an exciting new route through the western slops of the mountain known as the BURGURET ROUTE. Sql Effects Clarity Ce Edition.
This new trail is an untrodden, natural and sensational ascent trail that is very ideal to trekkers seeking exclusivity and serenity. (Itineraries) Mount Kilimanjaro National Park Kilimanjaro is the highest peak on the African continent and also the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. It rises in breathtaking isolation from the surrounding coastal scrubland (approx. 900metres) to an imperious 5,895metres (19,336 feet). Kilimanjaro is one of the world's most accessible high summits, a beacon for visitors from around the world. Most climbers reach the crater rim with little more than a walking stick, proper clothing and determination.
In association with our sister company in Tanzania, Mountain Rock organizes classic treks to Kilimanjaro. Our strength on Kilimanjaro is the ability to organise dual summit treks to both Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro as one tour using common trek leaders and maintaining similar standards throughout. We operate on all routes on Mount Kilimanjaro. (Itineraries) Aberdares Mountain Ranges.
Although little known to many trekking enthuthiasts, Aberdares mountain Ranges offer very classy treks on it’s own or as an aclimatisation platform for longer treks to Mount Kenya or Kilimanjaro. Visitors to Aberdares can also indulge in trout fishing, bird viewing (with over 250 species of birds recorded in the park) enjoy wonderful game drive and visit the incredibly beautiful and dramatic waterfalls.
Hiking to the summit is uncommon but a very unique experience. Mountain Rock offers guided treks and safaris to the Aberdare’s ranging from a single day to 5 days trekking safaris.
The “Future of Jobs Report,” which was created in 2015 in collaboration with the Global Agenda Council, states that, “Disruptive changes to business models will have a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years.” And while many of us didn’t need a fancy report to uncover this nugget, it is simultaneously comforting and discomforting to know that empirical evidence backs up the hypothesis that new types of jobs and corresponding skills will be needed over the next five years. The drivers of change are many, and somewhat obvious. Few would dispute the facts that technological change, socio-economic variables and geopolitical events will continue to have a significant impact on our world. However, the immediacy of these changes is what seems to fall on deaf ears.
The effect of all these changes is shortening the “shelf-life of employees’ skill sets.” The functions in virtually all industries have yet to be defined, so the skills needed for future employment and overall organizational success have yet to be cultivated. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the leaders within the business community to retrain and hire a workforce with skills that may be appropriate in five years. This demands a remarkably progressive mindset, but one that will sustain the business for years to come. As you can imagine, there are countless categories of job functions that will see massive decline.
But there are a few that are identified as critically important across several industries. In particular, the idea around specialized sales representatives highlights that all of our businesses must become even more skilled in “commercializing and explaining their offerings to business or government clients or consumers, either due to the innovative technical nature of the products themselves or due to new client targets with which the company is not yet familiar, or both.” One of the key takeaways from this important study is that marketing will never go out of style. The demand for people to persuade, build followings and communicate remains high. The way we do these things may change, but the concept that marketing is the cornerstone to good business will remain.
Consider the excerpt from the report that states, “Overall, social skills – such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others – will be in higher demand across industries than narrow technical skills, such as programming or equipment operation, and control. In essence, technical skills will need to be supplemented with strong social and collaboration skills.” Challenges persist in the coming years. The future work environment may seem daunting, so it is critical that business leaders become aware of the pending changes, act decisively and equip people with the necessary skills to serve. Change is in the air, and we need to be ready.