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Little insight on who I am. I am not ur typical male species in that most have not died and been given a second chance. I have died, not for long, but still the same my heart stopped and God brought me back for a greater purpose. As I laid there in a coma, not fully aware of what was going on, I could hear outside influence. Download Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bit Iso Highly Compressed. Pimarily my dads voice, who stayed with me the entire time I was in a coma.
Well I have had time to ponder on what my purpose is and even though I have not been shown fully what it is yet, I do know it has to do with serving others, lifting them up and doing the best job?I can at anything I do. Sometimes this is not easy and at times i don't even understand why, but as i try to show kindness and love, I make people smile. All i can say is i may not change the world, but i can change how each individual sees themselves, if only for a second. So when I lay down at night I thank God for giving me another chance to bring a smile to the faces I meet.
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