49Cc Rocket Key Install

Minimotos are fast becoming very popular for leisure riding and also for competitive racing use. There has been a marked move towards improving the performance and power characteristics of these miniature racing machines. One such easy way to enhance the performance of your minimoto is to fit a rocket key. The minimoto rocket key is designed with a 10 degree offset and is a direct replacement for the standard straight cut item. Here are the easy to follow instructions for rocket key fitment: Fitting a minimoto rocket key 1) Firstly remove the pull start unit from the right side of the minimoto engine, which is held in place by 3 hexagonal head screws and 1 bolt attachment to the cylinder head area. 2) On removing the pull start unit the flywheel will be exposed. The flywheel is retained with a 8mm bolt in the centre.

Remove the 8mm bolt with a socket and wrench. In order to stop the flywheel rotating whilst undoing the bolt wedge an Allen key in between one of the flywheel fins and lodge it against the footrest support bar. 3) Once the retaing bolt has been removed, the flywheel can be extracted.

49Cc Rocket Key Install

There are 2 available methods of extraction. Method 1 - There are two threaded holes in the flywheel, screw 2 long M6 threaded bolts into these 2 holes and turn evenly in a clockwise direction to prise off the flywheel. Method 2 - Use a purpose made flywheel puller. 4) On removal of the flywheel, the stock key can now be observed resting in its machined slot in the crankshaft end. Using a small pick simply prise the stock key from its slot. Amelie Soundtrack 320 Kbps Download. 5) Install the new minimoto rocket key in the vacated slot. Note that the 10 degree offset of the new rocket key should point to the right (towards the front of the machine).

6) Once the rocket key has been fitted in its slot, refit the flywheel and secure with its retaining bolt. It is a good idea at this stage to use some thread locking compound on the retaining bolt. Refit the pull start unit and secure. Now experience and enjoy the power gains from your newly fitted minimoto rocket key. Please visit my for further important minimoto information.

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49Cc Rocket Key Install

This guide is simply about what an advanced timing or rocket key can do for your bike. Heading back about 2 years ago, the design of the Cag motors really wasnt all that flash. The advanced timing keys were originally designed by ADA Racing in the USA to advance the timing of the motor by about 10 degrees. They were retarded as standard, as the motor originally was basically a whipper snipper motor.

The advancing of the timing gives the bike a nice increase in torque across the rev range, and in most cases, increased the top speed of the bike with all else unchanged, by a minimum of 2 km/hr. So on the face of it, it might look like these keys will make every bike faster. But this just isnt true anymore. The motor manufacturers have now realized that to stay the best, they need to make their motors naturally quicker than the rest, and more reliable. So they've pretty much fixed the retarded timing issue from long ago.

This doesnt mean the timing key wont do anything for your standard motor. Unfortunately, there's only one way to know for sure anymore, and thats to fit it and see. You may notice an improvement, or you may not. Finally, if you have a 2 piece headkit fitted to your bike, whether this is the old cast head design or the new billet designs, please be careful when fitting a timing key to your motor. Due to the increase in compression of the motor, the key can advance the timing too far, and you may end up with severe detonation. This means your motor may go bang bang at a very bad time.

My advice bottom line??? Well if you have a standard motor, try out a key and see how it goes. Its a cheap way to get some more kick from your bike. But dont lose the standard key.

Just in case. If the motor is an old motor i.e. Over 18months, your motor may respond well to the key.

If you have 2 piece headkit, or any motor with an increase in compression, I wouldn't fit one, and if you do, please be careful. Anything you might need to know, please feel free to contact us anytime using the contact seller key in our new webstore.