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PERSONAL USE OF MICROSOFT OFFICE As part of the licensing agreement between SFU and Microsoft, Office 365 for Education has been made available, which grants current staff, students and faculty of SFU the use of Microsoft Office for free! These installs for Macs and Windows are the same Office 2016 desktop applications you use on campus. For full details, and to obtain your personal copy of Office, click Please note that Office 365 for Education uses servers located outside of Canada, and so the must be considered when using this service, as is the case for just about all 'cloud' services. DEPARTMENTAL STAFF AND LAB USE Additional Software purchases To purchase software titles not listed below from Microsoft or Adobe, e.g. Visio, Project, Adobe Creative Suite, and Acrobact, contact your IT area representative who can order through:. Software Download List Name OS Available to Adobe University-Owned Computers SPSS Current Staff / Faculty ONLY JMP 13 or Current Staff / Faculty / Students JMP 12 or Current Staff / Faculty / Students SAS 9.4 Current Staff / Faculty / Students SAS 9.3 Current Staff / Faculty / Students Matlab Faculty / Researchers / Students Minitab Staff / Faculty ONLY S+ 8 Staff / Faculty / Students Systat 13 Staff / Faculty ONLY WinRAR Staff / Faculty ONLY Maple Staff / Faculty () Trend Micro Anti-virus Current Staff / Faculty (upon request) For personal use of MS Office, please see the top of this page. The following installs are NOT for individuals.
My faulty is supposed to have Microsoft Imagine access - how do I get software? Microsoft Imagine (was Dreamspark, was MSDNAA) is purchased by individual schools within the University, not centrally by IT Services. It is therefore administered by each department. As a student or instructor, if you believe you are eligible for MS Imagine software, pelase see your departmental assistant or instructor. Currently, the following departments are known to be participating in their own Microsoft Imagine agreements: • Computing Science: • • Engineering Science: • • Beedie school of business: • • Mechatronics Systems Engineering: • Please see the MSE Front Office at sc4380. The admin staff have forms for students to sign before they gain access.
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• School of Interactive Arts and Technology: • How can I gain access to SPSS/PASW for the Mac? There is a very limited number of SPSS/PASW licenses for the Mac. If you are faculty/staff, you may download SPSS/PASW for Windows. If you specifically require a Mac license, speak with the LAN administrator for your department.
If you still need help, email Please be aware that SPSS/PASW licenses are perpetual and will only be installed on continuous use workstations (such as labs) or long-term faculty/staff. If you require SPSS/PASW in the short-term, you may purchase a. Short-term licenses are available to students, faculty, or staff. I am a graduate student. Do I qualify for faculty/staff downloads (Office Use Software only.
Does not apply to Home Use)? Being a graduate student does not necessarily grant you access to faculty/staff downloads. If you are on payroll (e.g., you're a TA), then you will have access to faculty/staff downloads in most cases. I am a retiree.
Do I qualify for faculty/staff downloads (Office Use Software only. Does not apply to Home Use)? Retired faculty or staff are not licensed for faculty/staff downloads. Ulead Photo Express 3 Se Free Download. There are exceptions for emeritus professors for Maple and Matlab.
However these cases are dependent upon the licensing requirements of the individual vendors. Access for the above links is maintained by a mail list - generally if a users' account is not authorized to access the download page, the user is simply not entitled. The Microsoft Office 365 agreement is not covered in this regard.
I am an emeritus professor. Do I qualify for faculty/staff downloads (Office Use Software only. Does not apply to Home Use)? As above, it is dependent upon the licensing requirements of the individual vendors, and not all vendors have the same entitlements. For more information, send an email to Access for the above links is maintained by a mail list - generally if a users' account is not authorized to access the download page, the user is simply not entitled. The Microsoft Office 365 agreement is not covered in this regard.
I am on payroll, but I still cannot access faculty/staff downloads. If you are being paid out of a research grant, you are not licensed for all faculty/staff software.
If you have just started a position, it may take time for HR to process your role change. You can check your current role and status online by logging in to the and searching for your SFU computing ID. Under the 'person' tab you will find your role(s). If neither 'faculty' or 'staff' appears, something is amiss. Contact your department regarding the issue. What use cases are covered by the Microsoft Office license?
Microsoft Office may be installed onto any university-owned computer physically located on an SFU campus. In the case of university owned laptops, the laptops must be used primarily on campus. This is important both for licensing reasons as well as the fact that the current version of Office requires reactivation by an SFU server on a regular basis. A machine with the SFU version of Office will cease to function if away from campus for more than 180 days. Machines used primarily off campus, university owned or not, should use the Office 365 prpgram (see the very top of this page).
This version has no restrictions in terms of use or location. Continuing, permanent faculty and staff may also be eligible for the Office 365 prpgram (see the very top of this page). This program allows the installation of Office on both a laptop and a desktop computer at home. I am a staff/faculty member but a cannot download Maple.
Access to Maple is permitted upon request. Please email requesting access prior to download. I am a staff/faculty member but cannot download Trend Micro. Please email your request for download to **People paid out of research grants are NOT considered official SFU employees. Sorry!** If you are still stumped, send an email to