Rod Ellis The Study Of Second Language Acquisition Pdf Editor

This paper explores ways of measuring implicit and explicit second language (L2) knowledge and examines the relationship between these measures and measures of general language proficiency. Scores were obtained from a timed oral production test, a timed grammaticality judgement test (administered twice), a delayed grammaticality judgement test and an interview designed to tap metalingual knowledge, all of which focused on learners’ knowledge of verb complementation in English. A factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution, reflecting a clear distinction between those measures that incorporated a time constraint (hypothesized to reflect implicit knowledge) and those that did not (hypothesized to tap explicit knowledge). Both factors were found to correlate with scores on the Secondary Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP). However, only one measure of explicit knowledge (the Delayed Grammaticality Judgement Test) was found to be significantly related to scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The significance of these results for language teaching and testing is considered. C., Clapham, C.

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