Pic16f690 Serial Communication C Code Tutorial

Nov 15, 2015. Whereas the Hi-Tech C compiler included an example for using the USART that ended up being the de-facto 'lib' of sorts, the new XC8 didn't come with anything to jump-start my serial communications code. Below are my notes for helping myself understand how to use the USART, plus the header and.

Pic16f690 Serial Communication C Code Tutorial

16F690 serial communication tutorial Hello, I am complete newb, so please bear with me. I have purchased the PICDEM Lab Development Kit and trying to learn to program micros. I have gone through the blinking light tutorials, and while all of that went pretty well I really want to learn to communicate with the pc. I would think this would be pretty easy, but I am having a hard time finding examples or tutorials.

I am using the 16F690 chip, and I also have a max232. I think I have it all wired up correctly, but I can not figure out even where to begin on programming the chip. I have seen other examples using other chips, but I do not really know enough yet to know what (if anything) I need to change to make the code work for the 690. Edit: To clarify I am looking to simply send a string to the pc and view it on hyperterminal. Any help would be much appreciated. Leon_heller The data sheet for the 16F690 has everything that you need, just follow the steps on page 154.

This suggestion is not that helpful for someone new using PICs, the IDE and the HI-TECH C compiler. The PIC16F690 has one or two quirks that are only hinted about in the EUSART section. One is that RX input is shared with AN11. If you don't set ANSELH bit 3 to zero the receiver never works.

Questions on setting up the PIC16F690 UART has been ask frequently for last few weeks. Perhaps this should ge added to the FAQ thread. Bone Thugs N Harmony Tha Crossroads Mp3 Download here.

I just wanted to point an error in the explanation of both sections of Transmission and reception. According to the device's datasheet; when the TXREG is empty the TXIF will be set. İn the same way, when the RCREG register has finished the reception of a character, then the RCIF flag will be set and it remains set until we read the whole data which is in the 2deep FIFO register. In the program code sections the program is halted until the RCIF or TXIF bit is set as they should be.

Jul 22, 2017 •. Hello Mr Raj, Thank for your PIC post series, it is great your work for every beginner like me. I had followed stricky this your Uart guide, but unlucky. First times, when run hardware with USB-rs232 P9 convertor (without GND common to COM port of convertor)I can turn on/off LED (not receive any thing in ternminal), but after some my small change in code to send only one character or shorter string also on test board for better program over icsp which i did'nt recognized excactly which change is cause, i even now can not turn Led on/off also receive any thing.

When i common ground PIC and COM convertor, i can receive sometimes some weird characters. I had came back to simulate in Proteus with virtual terminal and oscilloscope to measure on A and C channel for rx/tx and i could see pules in channels but also didnt received any character also turn on/off LED. My hardware board is supplied by 12v adapter over LM7805cv to 5v, pin 1 connected to pin 1 icsp with isolate circuit as PICkit2 datasheet. Could you guide me how to investigate those error, Thank You alot for your any commend and guide!

Aug 21, 2017. Thank for your soon reply, Mr Raj, (without GND common to COM port of convertor:That means when First time i tried in test board, i did'nt connect COM pin 5 to ground of test board but i could turn led on/off, but could not receive any thing on virtual terminal software. That is sames status for about 10 times. But after some small change with code also hardware, or even recover back your original code, i even can not turn led on/off any more.

When i connect COM pin 5 to ground of test board, sometimes i can see weird string in terminal (i understand that's for string in UART_init code), but still cannot turn led on/off. That means i can not transmit or receive any things. Sorry i stiil find how to post my picture or attach file in this reply which captures pulses in rx/tx channels on Proteus oscilloscope emulation evironment Aug 21, 2017.

Hi DoDung, I just checked the simulation and program myself. It is working as expected here. So, the only problem that I could think of is still with your simulation file. Yes your screen schot shows that you have chaged the value of crystal to 20Mhz but what about inside your MCU. Double clcik on your PIC MCU in proteus and check the following two. Processor clock Frequency should be 20Mhz 2.

Load the correct hex file of the program. Just mak sure its the same program) [IMG] Aug 24, 2017. Thank Raj, 1-I had never think to change MCU frequence, i thought frequence from crystal, after change mcu freq from 1 to 20 Mhz, i can see weird string as pic but still can not turn on/off LED 2- You mention to hex file that means MCU firmware, i click to MCU firmware and replace again your origin code and simulate again with same above state, have some warning as i casting example from UART_send_string('UART Module Initialized and active') to UART_send_string((char *)'UART Module Initialized and active'); to avoid warning but that 's for skip code warning only, simulation is same. Aug 24, 2017. Thank Mr Raj, Everything follow guide, but i'm still unlucky, i added max232 to simulation also to testboard and i had better result but still not complete it, not receive the exact expected result.

I get ok result with other uart lesson (on test board, not well with simulation) which use C prinf function and BRGH = 0 also RCIE. I'm trying to understand that code fully and will come back to investigate my issue in your lesson. Another way,I think i did'nt understand my proteus Hyper Terminal fully or it (Proteus 8.1) does not run exactly in Win7 64. Thank Mr Raj and see you at your wifi lesson! Aug 27, 2017 •.