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“Look how we care and fight for you and your rights” (while at the same time bomb several Muslim countries). Now when confronted with criticizm of their policy in. Aug 22, 2016. If firms do not wish to receive applications by email, they will usually state this on their website and they will not provide an email address in the application instructions on the Student or Articling career section of their website. If you are applying by email, ensure that all documents are sent in PDF format.
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(5) If you now think that this is too confusing then just ignore the code above and write as you like. Comment Name: E-mail. “Look how we care and fight for you and your rights” (while at the same time bomb several Muslim countries).
Now when confronted with criticizm of their policy in the Middle East and towards Israel, they can just pull this out and say, ‘we were the only ones to fight for condemnation of genocide of Muslims, but Russia, China and others didn’t care’. The Empire needs every possible piece of evidence that they in fact support and care for Muslim population as their drones fly high above. – western propagandists like to use a concept of ‘black and white’ when explaining to the sheeple the situation in the conflict zones they are involved (or plan to get involved). Then, of course, they will enter on the side of the ‘good guys’ against the ‘bad guys’ with the US as the ‘ultimate good guy’ being the patron and representative of those good guys. Just a while ago we’ve seen how they were trying to force that concept into the Syrian conflict too.
And although they tried to represent the ‘moderate rebels’ as the purely good and oppressed peole that fight for their freedom against a killer dictator, they had a major trouble at it as now the cameras and mobile phones are present in every battlefield. And so we had an interesting attempt to try and ‘soften’ the image of a ‘moderate rebel’ cutting out the heart of dead enemy and eating it in front of the camera. There is absolutely no moral floor among the colonies of the ZPC/NWO, they have all taken on the Israeli ways now, where having one’s way, no matter the consequences for the victims, is the only way, and every immoral trick and atrocity available is used to this end. It was the year 1996 when we had an opportunity in Toronto to meet one very intelligent man who used to work as a civil person for the former Yugoslav army as an investigator of the foreign intelligence community staying as a covert operation on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. He just simply explained to us that two years before the Yugoslav war almost every single corner of the country was infested with the CIA agents and operatives. This is nothing else just a confirmation what Saker has mentioned here that it was the cooperation between Belgrade and Washington.
Politics in Belgrade were informed daily / like by this man and by his colleagues /about the very big activities in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, but somehow NOBODY CARED what is going to happen to the country. Today unfortunately we can see the repeating stories and atrocities they are happening around the world. This culprit is extremely visible for the all world. The destruction of Yugoslavia, a real genocidal project typical of the Exceptionalists (their propensity for mass murder and genocide goes back to the injunctions for such in the Old Testament/Torah, the oldest extant written record of genocide as religious obligation)began straight after Tito’s death. The agents of the ‘Washington Consensus’, the IMF and World Bank began insisting on dealing, not with the Yugoslav Government, but the individual states.
West Germany, the Nazi-successor state, its bureaucracy, business and politics stuffed with Nazis and the descendants of Nazis, began to repay their war-time allies in Bosnia (Itzetbegovic fought with the Nazis)Croatia and Slovenia, by agitating for their ‘freedom’. One ought not neglect the near certainty that the German Reich’s current brutal devastation of Greece is, similarly, pay-back for fighting the Reich during WW2. The Vatican, another close ally and supporter of WW2 Balkan fascism lent its oily assistance, under the Pole Wojtyla, a diversion from his strenuous efforts to protect paedophile priests, and the fascist emigres that had spent decades hiding out in the West, given safe haven by the ‘Free World’ despite their hideous wartime crimes, swarmed back into Yugoslavia, and the rest is history. The contribution of al-Qaeda to the Bosnian cause and later the Kosovar, ought not to be forgotten, their jihadist butchers flown in by the USA, as was bin Laden, to cheer up his troops. I see you list many Muslim officials admit they are burying those who didn’t die in the fall – even including those who died from infighting thug/mafia-like battles in Srebrenica: “There are also people buried in Potocari who were not killed in 1995, who were soldiers or commanders. They are buried in Potocari, and their monuments are the same as those of the people who were indeed killed in July 1995. Also buried there are those killed in internecine or other types of battles.
That was the dirtiest war, waged by Mafiosi, not by normal people.” – Hasa Omerovic The black market was strong during the war: the UN food and supplies were in control of the government in there which gave the army and black market types first dibs. The civilians were the lowest on the totem pole. In Sarajevo, UN records and testimony confirming the records, say that 60% of the UN aid getting into the city was not being distributed by the government at all. The UN concluded that the government was stockpiling the food. The UN was feeding the Muslim army in the first place: that’s were the best food went first.
The military was well fed. And the Muslims would inflate the number of civilians there in order to get more food. Civilians and their suffering were used constantly in the war.
Left out is that some of these bodies which were executed are likely to have been Serbs. Serbs were killed in many fashions during the war – most were killed and mutilated quick, but some were taken prison for a little while and tortured before they were killed. Plus, what about WWII and WWI deaths in that area. I was told that 80% of the remains were COMPLETELY skeleton-ized, which is something that takes a minimum of 10 years.
This means the completely skeletonized bodies they found (lets be even more conservative) before 2003, would have been from earlier in the war or even pre-war. I haven’t seen a single identified forensic evidence case of a Muslim killed execution style: they don’t have the person’s name along with the autopsy reports. Much of the evidence they present in Srebrenica is unidentified, which means the remains very well could be a Serb victim’s which they found in the (much) greater Srebrenica area. How do we know they are weeding out WWII and WWI remains?
In Croatia they often find bodies when the dig for a new highway or some other construction, and the Croats automatically claim they are German soldiers from WWII. Is there tests which can tell the remains are from 1995 versus 1942 when they are both completely skeleton-ized. Also, I wonder why people who want the truth, including the Saker, don’t wonder and question about the Bosnian Muslim military records.
Wouldn’t these records show how many of their men made it to Tuzla or elsewhere in Bosnian Muslim controlled territory? Wouldn’t the records also indicate if some were assigned to other fronts? As for the BiH army “melting away”: Well there are former Srebrenica soldiers interviewed in St. Louis in 1999 (and they are fully named and pictured), in the book called “After the Fall: Srebrenica survivors in St.
Louis” – and they say that they were ORDERED, the day before, off their positions. One said, that up until that point they had “strong defenses, all around Srebrenica”. But despite their strong defenses and advantageous terrain and much, much larger numbers: they were ordered off. He said it was his brigade commanders AND the UN. So the UN played a role in getting the army off their defensive positions.
This shows it was ARRANGED – and NOT by the Serbs. Serbs DID drive into a trap. By the way did you all read how Vucic was chased and attacked with stones at the memorial ceremony a few days ago.
Reports are that he was hit in the head and his glasses were broken too. He claims that it reminded him of the pre-war atmosphere. I am not unhappy about this as I thought it was obnoxious of him to go and give credence for the inflated propaganda myth of Srebrenica and also more demonstration of the fool he is. Unfortunately I don’t think that rock will have knocked any sense into his head. I only wonder why Serbs never protest Vucic for being the sell-out traitor he is. People aren’t protesting because the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia banned all protests in the capital city and media black-out didn’t show any either. If people gathered for a protest, they would have been arrested – Amerikan Democracy-style.
Also, people are laughing at PM Vucic. He’s bendind over backwards for EU and USA, and they still humiliate him at every opportunity. Even if he were to sign off on a death knell for Serbian economy – the Russian sanctions – they would keep on humiliating him. They are treating Serbia and Serbs as slaves (albeit a little bit better than an average slave – like a house slave). And slavemasters enjoy humiliating their slaves.
FromSerbia, some years ago Michael Ledeen, a Zionazi capo in the neo-conservative Fifth Column that controls the USA, declared that every few years the USA had to ‘.throw some shitty little country up against the wall’, to show the world who is Boss. It neatly sums up the genocidal psychology of the Chosen People of the Zionazi Empire towards the global untermenschen, and Serbia has clearly long been such a ‘shitty little country’. The number of such countries sacrificed to the insatiable bloodlust of the Zionazi genocidaires, eg Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Congo, Ukraine, Yemen etc, is ever growing and the sheer savagery of the bloodletting is as well. But the Evil Empire always seems able to find scum low enough to serve them even as their country is destroyed around them. Thank you Saker for putting together a solid framework of what really happened in Srebrenica. I would like to add 2 things ( and I am sure there will be more, many more, as this war for the destruction of Yugoslavia 1991-1999 is only the continuation of war for destruction of Yugoslavia in 1941-1945 which was also the continuation of war to destroy Serbia in 1914-1918, which.) 1. A friend of mine, who was an ordinary soldier in Bosnian Serb Army during 1992-1995 war, told me that his unit liberated Srebrenica twice before 3-rd 1995 battle.
And he was really irritated at politico-military leadership for not securing this town after each battle, especially from mujahedeen. There was a large (and it is important to ascertain how large) contingent of foreign Islamic mercenaries (as well as European ones) who committed massacres on Serbian population. Some of them still live with Bosnian passport in the Moslem part of Bosnia! A large number of them died in battles, or were executed as foreign mercenaries, and were then buried as “victims of genocide”.
I do remember seeing somewhere,10-15 year ago, the Arabic letters on some memorial near Srebrenica for these mercenaries. As far as I remember, Bosnian Moslems have not been buried with Arabic inscriptions before this war. Regards, Spiral. “A large number of them died in battles, or were executed as foreign mercenaries, and were then buried as “victims of genocide”.
I do remember seeing somewhere,10-15 year ago, the Arabic letters on some memorial near Srebrenica for these mercenaries. As far as I remember, Bosnian Moslems have not been buried with Arabic inscriptions before this war.” Since you speak of that, there was an article earlier this month (from the BBC of all places) which is titled: “More than 300 foreign fighters buried in Bosnia”. Oops, that wasn’t the title of the BBC piece – the title is about Bosnia being the cradle of modern jihad, but about 2/3 down in the article it says: “More than 300 of the foreigners remained in Bosnia, buried in its soil, a testimony to the heavy casualties taken by the unit. A few dozen Arabs who had met local women or were fearful of going home also managed to stay, by taking Bosnian citizenship.” So the 300 is just of one unit. There were separate groups of Mujahideen elsewhere in BiH, not to mention mercenaries from Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, etc. Russia Strikes Back in their court and with their Constitution: Russia puts its law above European court rulings Russia can avoid implementing European court judgments if they conflict with the Russian constitution, a top Russian court has ruled.
Russia is legally bound by the European Convention on Human Rights. But the Russian constitutional court says Russia “can step back from its obligations” if that is the only way to avoid violating its constitution. Russia objects to a European Court of Human Rights demand that it compensate shareholders in former oil giant Yukos. The Council of Europe (CoE), which monitors compliance with the convention and ECHR rulings, voiced concern about the Russian decision.
CoE Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland said Russia acknowledged that ECHR rulings were “binding”. “However, the stipulation in today’s decision that there may be exceptions to this rule raises several question and concerns. My experts are analysing the decision and I will be taking it up with the highest Russian authorities,” he said in a statement to the BBC. The Russian court ruling on Tuesday said ECHR judgments did “not override the pre-eminence of the constitution in the Russian legal system”. An ECHR ruling in July 2014 told Russia to pay the Yukos shareholders €1.9bn (£1.3bn; $2bn) in compensation. The ECHR found Russia in breach of the convention’s Protocol One, Article One, which covers protection of private property.
Many thanks for this, indeed, special, much needed report regarding the Srebrenica issue. I would like to add one factor to the whole Srebrenica context, which simply should not be ignored: the participation of Western, specifically French intelligence interests.
Here’s an excerpt from U. Of Pennsylvania professor Edward Herman’s review () of a book about the West’s “star witness” for Srebrenica, Bosnian Croat Drazen Erdemovic (who “confessed” to having participated in the execution of up to 1200 Bosnian Muslim men, which was taken at face value by the ICTY, even though fewer than 170 bodies were dug up at the alleged execution location, and most did not show evidence of execution): “Erdemovic and a number of his colleagues in the.10th Sabotage Unit were clearly mercenaries, and after the ending of the Balkan wars served the French in Africa.
Pavic, Edward S Herman has been excellent in exposing Western propaganda lies for decades. As for the bogus, NATO-controlled ICTY one can only think of various ‘lynch-law’ tribunals as comparable.
However it plainly became the model for the ultra-odious ICC, that persecutes Africans, preferably Moslems, only. One awaits the ICC’s excuses for not prosecuting Israel for crimes against humanity during the latest Gaza massacre-it should be worth a laugh. Clever, too, if somewhat transparent, how the Empire has installed a black and female compradore as Chief Prosecutor, in an Obama-style camouflage operation. As for ‘Judge’ Richard May, he was a complete disgrace, running the court as a show trial, particularly as Milosevic eviscerated the prosecution. Indeed so successful was Milosevic that the Empire murdered him, adding Rifampicin, an antibiotic usually used in TB treatment, to his medications, as Rifampicin interferes with the actions of certain cardiac medications.As for May, he was knighted for his services to legal lynching, then his brain turned on him, and he died of a brain tumour.
Milosevic actually outlived the swine. In all honesty, the only conclusion a non-muslim can draw from this is: Bosnian Muslims are NOT on the intelectual level of even the most insignificant unlettered average orthodox-christian and they are not capable of distinguishing between friend or foe. Srebrenica is a hoax, the war 1992-1995 is a hoax, everything they say is a hoax and they (being the genetic leftover/trash from the serbian nation), just let themselves be manipulated by the enemies of orthodox-christianity and in that process (justly) suffer consequences.
In addition to that, what more can be expected from the kind that „sells their religion for a supper“, crawls in front of their occupiers (in this case the Turks) and turns against the only „acceptable and correct religion“ (orthodox christianity) and on „their own blood“. Just like that. Well, as formerly much respected „shaikh“ Imran Hosein said on many occasions: „If you believe this, you should buy the ticket to the moon (or Disneyland) and don’t come back“. Said „shaikh“ is ripe for such a ticket.
I personaly wasted years following his videos, reading his books, articles and anouncements and used to accept and agree with almost everything he served as a „scientific explanation of the events unfolding in the world today“. Am I just another troll payed by the evil axes to try to put a wedge in a smooth running machine of muslim-orthodox love? Most of the readers will surely shout „YES!“ So be it. Think what you want. I,also, am sick of lies!!
And we are sickened that each and every generation of us Bosniaks in the last 130 years must suffer physical or mental slaughter by the Serbs. Enough is enough. If you have any grudges with Turks, have balls and deal with them, stop blaming us for their mistakes.
Serbs, too, were a part of Ottoman empire. At least, in the coming malhamma (armageddon) you will die happy, „knowing“ that you were „RIGHT“, you will go to paradise and I will burn in hell.
Just don’t forget the ticket I mentioned above. Back to the „shaikh“. As a Bosniak (a term poisonous for the mouth of any Serb to be uttered), after seeing and hearing those two videos, in which he warns bosnian muslims to forget about „shopping mall“ and not to seek guidance from it – I am shocked.
What an arrogance, ya Rabbi, and in the holy month of Ramadhan! I remember that Iblis was arrogant, and the arrogance is in the root of all evil. What are you suggesting to us, „shaikh“ – to seek guidance from the Holy Kur’an, but to accept the explanations of it from the orthodox christianity? No, „shaikh“, our Nabi Muhammed, salallahu aleyhi we sellem, teaches us to value the deeds, not just empty words. Even our Nabi Jesus the Christ, aleyhisselam, said: „Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.“ (Matthew 7:15-20). Are the muslims a bad tree, „shaikh“?
We are choked by the serbian „fruits“, eleven times, so far. If you wish to appologise to Mr. Vucic, the ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing, be my guest.
But, do it on your own behalf or your own country, not us Bosniaks. If he was attacked by a „believer“ – I am not aware of such „believers“ in Bosnia.
When we attend the janazzah, we do not shout „Allahu akbar“, nor we attack anybody! We go with intention to pray to the Allmighty to show mercy to our dead brother or sister. How can you be so sure that this incident was not staged by the Serbs? Almost 50% of them would like to see Mr.
Vucic DEAD, the same as they did with late Zoran Djindjic, who wanted reconcilliation with us. Do you have the results of that refferendum, organised by the authorities of „Republika Srpska“ among the orthodox christians, about their oppinion on killings of muslims?
You seem to know the results even before it’s been conducted. Very „scholarly“, I must admit. When they organise such a refferendum, give me a call and I will become orthodox-christian! I only know about a refferendum they want to make about separating from Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking a part of the land that never belonged to Serbia, joining Serbia and expelling (or decapitating) all the remaining muslims from „their“ territory. Not all of them were in support of the killings of the muslims, NO! – but the overwhelming majority WAS, to answer you „question“.
To put more oil to the fire, the „shaikh“ informs us, Bosniaks, that (wrongly) „we want to blame all the orthodox serbian christians by OUR british resolution“. It is not OUR resolution, „shaikh“, neither is that the resolution of the European Parliament nor one of the US Congress. You think we are so delusional to believe that russian veto is specifically against us?
We know we are insignificant to them. Those resolutions are neither to our credit nor our damage. How dare you to diminish us in such a manner? What gives you the right? Is it because of our number? You think we are so stupid to think that they (US, UK, EU.) do something for our sake? That they care about us?
You think we forgott who forced the embargo on us while we were slaughtered, and orthodox-Serbs and catholic-Croats replenished their war materiell uninterrupted AND COOPERATED IN ORDER TO ERASE US FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH? You think we forgott John Major and his statements about muslims as an alien body in Europe? The arch-hypocrite Mitterand? The games of Clinton? The Russian writer, poet, essayist and publicist Eduard Limonov finding the time to come to war-torn Bosnia, join the serbians besieging Sarajevo and SHOOT on muslims, orthodox-christians, jews and catholics trying to survive in the city?
Thousands of Russian (and Greek, and Moldavian and other orthodox) war-dogs amd mercenaries coming to Bosnia to kill us? Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin, hero of Donetsk, known for his enthusiastic killings of Chechens and Bosniaks? The abomination of US-engineered Dayton peace agreement? No, „shaikh“, we are finished with forgetting.
And we are not that stupid. Shame on you! The „shaikh“ further asks bosnian muslims if they „really believe that serbian orthodox christians pursued this as a matter of policy and up to this day“. Yes, „shaikh“, we really believe exactly that.
Yes, they defend it, yes – they say it was correct to slaughter all those descendants of Adem aleyhisselam. And you have the right not to think so. But, as you often point out – allow us, too, the right to an oppinion. Care to produce some evidence to the contrary, hidden from us in the land of your ancestry (Pakistan) or on your native island of Trinidad? Or in Moscow, for that matter?
Otherwise, accept that among cca 7 billion humans on this planet there are also other muslims who have acces to the Holy Kur’an and who dare to seek guidance from it, appart from your „exclusively correct interpretation“. Does „your“ Kur’an (naudhubillah) says that among orthodox christians there are not those who will follow Dajjal, who will spread disorder on the earth, and who will be a part of Gog and Magog???? Who will be the enemies of Jesus Christ? Please, do tell. Did you, by chance, asked your serbian orthodox friends about the support they enjoyed (and still do today) from zionist Israel? Did you read the statements of Israeli ambassador to Belgrade, Levi, about our „problem“? No, of course not, you are not interested in that.
The multiple visits of the president of „serbian“ entity in Bosnia, Dodik, and other Serbs to Israel in order to secure the permanent support for their endeavours? Does it mean that now „they belong to the zionist judeo-christian alliance“?
Has Dugin or Putin any comment on that? Did you ask them how far has the thorough „talmudisation“ of the serbian religion gone? Have you heard that there are as many „versions“ of orthodox christianity as there are orthodox nations? Which one is correct, which one is your „endtime muslim-loving kind“, Mr.
Our brothers and sisters in Palestine are under fardi kifaye (collective obligation). We in Bosnia, on the much, much smaller scale, are also. For the last 130 years. What you told us is the same as if you told the Palestinians to come to their senses, forget their former foolishneses and kiss the hand of their beloved jewish neighbors. Exactly the same. What is the difference between you and Qaradawi?
Or Harun Yahya? There seems to be none! Hosein, you proudly announced that you are invited to come to Belgrade this fall and speak at the University.
That is your prerogative. My advice to you (as I must stand in front of Allah Allmighty and answer for myself) is that you first secure all the concievable guaranties for your personal safety, be it from their government or any other instance, or, most preferably, from Mr. Putin HIMSELF (with Russian bodyguards). Please, PLEASE, do not understand this as any kind of threat!
Far be it from me to issue threats, estagfirullah! You may deserve some harsh words, but nothing more. I just wouldn’t like to hear that some „sallafi-wahabi-fundamentalist-shia-radical crazy bosnian muslim loyal to USA/NATO“ made an attempt on your life. I am sure they (your friends in Belgrade) would produce an individual with „typical bosnian muslim name“ and show to the world what kind of „muslim garbage“ lives in Bosnia.
And you know who will dance with joy on hearing that. Not Bosniaks. By deception you shall wage war. Regarding the Ottomans. They slaughtered our intelligentsia before they pulled out of Bosnia and sold (litteraly – sold) us to Austro-Hungarians.
At the same time, they wrote the new constitution for the nascent serbian state. It speaks volumes. If Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, wishes us to be destroyed – well, praised and glorified be He!
We are His slaves and it is up to Him to do with us as He wills. We are but to worship Him, pray for His guidance and not to wish for death, as He ordered. Do not forget to tell your friends that any time they (Allah forbid!) suffer bloodshed from muslims, that it is NOT done by muslims – it is manipulation by the zionist judeo-western-christian alliance, as you so graciously advised us.
Hosein, a lot of us used enormous amount of strength and time and patience to persuade and explain to many young Bosniaks what is going on in this world and that joining ISIS is not the right thing to do, using a lot of your videos and books for that purpose. To be honest, although I am not impressed with our ullama, they did the same. But, there are also those (whom I call „najdi“) who wish to enlist them and make them to join ISIS. They are now using your video „message to the bosnian muslims“, showing those youngsters and telling them: Look at „your shaikh“!
He wants you to apologise for your dead mother, or father or raped sister. Yes, do as your shaikh says and your shaheed will thank you!“ Mr. Hosein, part of their blood and of the blood of their potential victims is on you!
And Allah knows best. Saker, whether you decide to publish this or not – it will reach „shaikh“ Imran Hosein and others. It’s meant for both. It is up to your objectivity.
And I know what the Holy Kur’an says about us and Rum. I am, as a Serb, glad that this text from Boris was published here! It shows the liberality of the Saker blog, which is one of its outstanding qualities. I am not going to comment on the text, but I am happy that I can see the point of view from the Bosniaks so that I can better understand what are the chances for the war. Only one thing.
According to the author, “Zionist Israel is going to support the Serbs”. That is interesting!
As a Serb, I only have experience of being permanently attacked for being a Serb from the international Zionists, especially those living in Anglo and Western countries. The most famous Zionist in Europe. Bernard Henry-Levy is known as the greatest supporter in the world of Bosnian Muslims and the greatest Serb-hater (he is also known as “the butcher of Lybia”) I am not saying that Israel is not supporting Republika Srpska. I am just saying that dear Boris is not at all capable to see the other side of the Zionist game. If you are against Zionists, then condemn Bernard Henry Levy for his irrational hatred of the Serbs, Lybians and others!
That wouldn t be possible. Now you got it. The only mistake Saker ever made was to put the Anglos before Zionists in his definition of the so called “Western civilization”.
But even what he did is extremely brave, knowing the power of the group described. All ther best to you all. The Wend, the Zionazis specialise in setting groups against each other. It’s an old tactic, one used by various forces over the millennia, including the Jews. As Osama (the real one!) said after the 9/11 false-flag, the Zionazis were setting out to create a religious war between Islam and Christianity, a project that amounts to a genocide worthy of those whose ‘religion’ declares that killing civilians is not just acceptable, but in fact is a ‘mitzvah’ or religiously sanctioned good deed. The apotheosis of this genocidal project is Daash, the culmination of the infamous Oded Yinon ‘Zionist Plan’, to destroy all Israel’s neighbours by fomenting social discord along sectarian and tribal lines.
Of course many Jews would reject such policy on clear ethical and moral grounds, just as many Germans rejected the Nazi crimes, but the racist and supremacist element in Jewry, now plainly on the ascendant, comprise a group that is deeply and insanely racist and aggressive. Any country that produces a PM as evil as Satan-yahoo, and a Government as vile as his regime, can only be a force for destruction, including that of Israel itself. Several points to make in commenting here (there are so many questions.But to address them all would need a book length post).
How is the existence of Bosniaks threatened by Republika Srpska? Size does´t matter, you say, but you wish territory of Republika Srpska (without Serbs or with Serbs fully accepting your parallel history and denying their own). You deny the Serbs the self-determination right that you claim for yourself. THIS is a true demonstration of suprematistic thinking that you have learned from strong aggressors (Ottomans, now the West) you have always sided with against the Serbs, your brothers.
Contrary to the assumption of one of the previous commentators, Serbs do not hold Bosnian Muslims in disregard. Our view (and my own) is that their origins are Serbian, that they are ethnic Serbs who decided to build a new identity based on Islam.
It is a demonstration of our brotherly love and nothing else to accept and respect their wish to be a separate nation, and we respect it despite the fact that for us Islam will always be associated with the greatest civilizational set back in Serbian history. Yes, we do genuinely see Islam as threatening and the greatest civilizational set back in our history. When you say Islam played a positive role in Serbian history, this is adding offense to injury and although you are trying to portray yourself as tolerant and soft, you are doing it precisely in order to offend and humiliate Serbs. This is not helpful. I believe the only civilized solution is full disintegration of artificial state of Bosnia.
Muslims should build their own state and pursue whatever version of history they prefer there. Serbs and Croats should have the same self-determination right, which probably mean that they will unite with their brothers and sisters with whom they share not only common origin (as with you), but also religion, culture, attitude towards the past and ideas about the future. I am absolutely sure that the vast majority of Serbs is and will stay open for Bosnian Muslims who want to be part of Serbian nation or, better to say, get back to their origin. There are plenty of such examples (like Mesa Selimovic, declaring himself a Serb without changing religion, Emir Kusturica, who also decided to get back to the religion of his fathers) – none of these people have experienced any problems among Serbs, but their lives were or are threatened among the Moslems. But it does not make sense to force anyone to be a Serb, we cannot and will not do that. And it does not make sense to force Serbs to accept the Bosnian state as their own, – they have Republika Srpska and are determined to pay any price in order to defend it. Sincere regards, Rosa.
Just as with the Sheikh,you don’t like what I said.But haven’t given any rebuttal to what I’ve said.The reason being because I’m right.Its not even a question.History is what it is,its not right or wrong,its just history.Also,I’m not a Serb.I don’t have any inborn ethnic prejudice to side with one over the other.I’m from what some call Pindostan.The country that Bosnia’s leaders kneel to.You could call us the “new” Ottomans of the Balkans.But instead of bringing Islam to you.We’ve brought Wall Street bankers,Hollywood Movies,arms merchants,CIA spooks, and bribe money instead. In case you meant my comment, I was just trying to explain how majority of Serbs view Bosnian Moslems, because it is important that both Serbs and Bosnian Moslems speak frankly about their perception of the other and also listen to the other side.
Serbs have very little ethnic prejudices, let alone “inborn” ethnic prejudices. This is something that anyone who have spent time with Serbs knows, not just how we see ourselves. We DO consider Bosnian Muslims ethnic Serbs, but do accept and respect their wish to be a separate nation and would not force them into being Serbian, for all the reasons described above – how is this an “inborn” ethnic prejudice? It is your arrogance that speaks clearly about “inborn” ethnic prejudice you have for both of us. That is the evil genius of ‘divide and rule’. Setting populations at each others throats is easy once you find a cadre of murderous psychopathic haters who will kill without mercy, because, being psychopaths, they enjoy it.
They can be local chauvinists and xenophobes or foreign killers recruited for the task. The Real Evil Empire, the USA, has been doing it for centuries, creating local death-squads throughout Latin America to do the dirty work of keeping the peasants repressed for generations. In Yugoslavia they had not only the fascist scum that they had given shelter to after WW2, but also al-Qaeda,( then, as now, the USA’s allies and cats-paws), butchers as well.
Their greatest death-squad army, so far, is Daash, into which they and their allies have poured billions, while the Western MSM vermin avert their eyes and ears and peddle the propaganda line like loyal swine. One imagines that pigs would draw the line at so behaving. I remember a Serbian friend with whom I worked saying at the time of the war in Serbia and the former Yugoslavia that much of the information we were getting was wrong. At the time I had no way of confirming or denting what he was telling me. And I still believed some of what my government told me. But since I have followed the Ukraine situation from the beginning and also have read the latest research on the real beginning of the first world war, I have had to re-assess who the real enemies of humanity are. During the Crusades, it was the Orthodox Christians united with the Muslims who threw out the Crusaders from the West.
Since then, Muslims and Orthodox have been divided and conquered. It is time to re-unite and free the planet of fitnah and corruption so that humanity can breathe free again. Thanks, Saker for this re-assessment. Great article by the Saker, thank you! I would like to point out one more thing which I didn’t find in documents around Srebrenica and it is not often mentioned. The fact is that in 1995, at the end of Bosnian war, for the first CIA deployed and used GA MQ1 Predator UAV aircrafts in eastern Bosnia.
The operation “Nomad Vigil” placed three predator drones in Gjader, northern Albania which operated in Bosnia from July to November 1995. So it would be logical that they were used around Srebrenica.
But when you check the US army data there is no mention of it? Just Gorazde and Sarajevo. What were the predators be doing in Gorazde if there was practically nothing going on around there at the time? The only predator footage I could find are a couple of photos of VRS tanks in Lukavica – a very poor quality. But a year later, the predator project was awarded and the budget practically enlarged three times! So what did the CIA present to the Clinton administration which was worth that attention? We know that the predator UAVs are the cutting edge technology right now and they are one of main weapons of US inteligence.
On the many sources I have consulted – Bosnia was the turning point for the Predator project. One more thing. The initial genocide inditement against Mladic and Karadzic was presented on 25th of July 1995, but Srebrenica wasn’t on the list of crimes, because the crimes weren’t commited at the time! Anyway in November the same year, after the Deyton agreement, the Srebrenica massacre was added with complete description of the events, places of shootings burials etc. With only one thing missing – there was no actual investigation on the ground, how would they know? How precise and right they could be if someone (like Milosevic regime) didn’t give them the data about what happened? OR THEY JUST HAD THE FOOTAGE CREATED BY THE PREDATOR DRONES?
Is this a possibility? Is it possible for 2600 of VRS soldiers to capture 8000 muslims in the middle of summer, on very hostile ground, in the triangle Srebrenica-Vlasenica-Kalesija, on unfriendly terrain, in woods, minefields, to capture them, kill them, burry them and all in the period od 7 days(!) without any help from the “god above” as Mr Clinton called himself in Srebrenica the other day? In ww2 to capture the same number of titos partisans, on similiar terrain in the same period of year, germans had to engage over 100 thousand soldiers, for a period of over 2 months and – didn’t succeed!
Why is this information hidden? Check the CIA material on predator drones and Srebrenica. We should remember who lead Offensive religious wars. Crusades and Offensive Jihads. Vatican and Ottoman Empire. One exist still and does not consider it a sin and we never hear any apology from them for causing untold destruction far away from their home (sound familiar?).
Second one is gone but Turkey under Erdogan shows ambition to resurrect Ottoman Empire. So when anyone sane listen to those who would rise to prominence again using warmongering rhetoric in the case of Turkey or Unity in the case of Vatican but without condemning their own actions of old is naturally concerned. Especially the Serbs who suffered from both and know very well who and what they are. Regarding these words Saker. The deliberate execution of a number of civilians and POWs ordered not by Bosnian-Serbs but by some Yugoslav (Federal) officials.
I have to say here that I only learned about point #3 very recently from a well-informed Serbian contact whom I fully trust. While I cannot corroborate his claim, it does ‘fit’ perfectly with what I know. This contact is currently reluctant to go into details or name names, but I am confident that the truth about this will come out fairly soon.” It is quite possibly the truth.
Yugoslavia from 1945 was horrible. Foundations for civil war was never removed and what is worse, upon those foundations Tito prepared next civil war. When Yugoslavia ceased to be SFRJ and became SRJ many of those who prepared civil war remained in the power structures of SRJ and later they just moved to Serbia. Not all,some of them went elsewhere in the hood.
Croatia,Slovenia and Bosnia. Architects of civil war who came from SFRJ are still in power disguised as “democrats” or “patriots”. We can easily identify them by their warmongering rhetoric,twisting of facts or simply not doing their job. As for SANU, Serbian academy of science and arts. They are still working on the Serbocroatian dictionary instead of Serbian one. Just the other day Vojvodina started Vojvodina academy of science and arts.
And not a word from SANU. They are just continuing Tito’s destructive policy’s. So much for Serbian academy of science and arts or as we call them ANUS. Few individuals are trying something there but they are vastly outnumbered. Reason for that is when Tito came to power he was not so strong as people think so he had to make compromises.
He could not dismiss their board for they were some influential people,so he coopted some and doubled the number of those in board and brought people he could control and by that ploy he gained control of the institution. They then engaged in falsifying and destruction of archives by negligence and sometimes outright destruction of national heritage they were supposed to protect and study. One thing worth mentioning is that you cannot enter this institution without someone from there being a mentor to you.
Then your work need to be verified by the commission and then the board votes. By subverting these mechanisms you can only enter by working on something that thus not bother them or by engaging in forgeries and further fortifying your mentors lies. Now they must admit that whole their lives they were telling lies. And not just any lies but lies that cost us dearly and will cost us much more in the future. So they are first enemy’s of Serbs and then anyone else who want to live normally. In other words SANU works for AngloZionist Empire.
I will add that institutions in Serbia,Croatia,Bosnia and let us not forget Slovenia are full of Tito’s aparatchiks who now work for the Empire. They are our enemy not our neighbours. As for Serbian PM Vucic. When socialism failed, those who were living well of it turned coats. Some became “democrats” and other “patriots”.
Those democrats compromised themselves beyond usefulness so patriots then jumped in and became new democrats and continued to serve the Empire. We did not want them! None of them won elections without some kind of fraud. Vucic is one of them and they are all rats. How can you tell?
He did come to Potocari to be present for commemoration for Muslim victims but the day later he did not show up in Bratunac where was a commemoration for Serb victims. His handlers instructed him to not go. They possibly orchestrated attack in Potocari so that he could have some flimsy excuse here in Serbia to not go. Empire still need him,him and our President Nikolic because only president can sign Kosovo off,PM can not legally do that. And that is our reality and our burden.
Those people represent the Empire alright in every former republic of Yugoslavia but not the people,but not the people. Whoever wants war,may he find it in his home. Tiananmen Square, June 4, 1989 “Thousands of students killed by the Red Army.” A total lie. The US State Department, all these years later, finally agrees, less than 300, well less than 300 died.
“Killed right in the Square.” Another lie. No students who died were slain in the Square. The Square was cleared in an orderly fashion by negotiated agreement. There are many more lies about Tiananmen that succumb to the facts, but I’ll leave this there for now. You can see that they got away with one “massacre” years earlier. Now it is a regular feature, sometimes spiced up with “chemical” weapons, or other sorts of atrocities.
They control the message and the media. They can cook up anything. We have seen them in Donbass. We know the images, the facts, the towns, the people, the perpetrators. And we hear their lies every day. But we are the Truth holders. Their lies cannot fool us.
We see it with disappearing and shot down airliners for years. We see it with Twin Towers and Pentagon and Presidential assassinations. Even when Wikileaks and Snowden and Cyber Berkut and the Syrian Electronic Army expose them, they lie. Know who they are and who they represent. I believe they represent Satan. It is not possible for them to speak the truth. The Truth comes from the other side, and the Truth can never lie.
“When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Saker, This is one of your most powerful articles, and profoundly does great service for the Truth. It may open wounds, but there are no easy paths to healing if pus still resides deep in the wounds. Having read everything in the Vineyard archive, this is one of the best. A true resource.
Larchmonter, my father, a journalist of the old type (interested in the Truth), knew from various sources within hours that the ‘Tian An Men Square’ massacre was a lie. There were reports in the Italian media and elsewhere of the orderly dispersal of the dupes in the Square. Still, the lies flowed, our proudly Jewish-controlled PM (never happier than when wearing a yamulka) at the time, Bob Hawke (an early Blairite, now a millionaire)blubbered hysterical lies about ‘students run over with tanks until turned to pulp’ in the Square.Anyone with an IQ over 50 instantly recognised the trade-mark of hysterical propaganda excess, designed to portray the enemy as inhuman fiends. And last year on the 25th anniversary of the failed Colour Revolution prototype, we were still regaled by former Embassy staff retailing the same lies, as if they really believed them. That’s the West’s dirty little secret, and what makes it so Evil and dangerous.
Despite all the guff about ‘Freedom of Opinion’, once you cross the innumerable Red Lines away from Atlanticist Groupthink, you are history. For the ‘diplomats’ or ‘journalists’ it’s career-ending, for the public commenting it’s instant censorship and then banning. Special Report: The Truth about Srebrenica 20 years later! Dear Saker, I come to your blog from time to time to get useful perspectives on the events shaping up in Ukraine and elsewhere. You have asked for contributions to unearth the truth about Srebrenica massacres.
There is an author/writer called Jared Israel, who seems to have gone cold after what he called “the US/NATO sponsored coup in Egypt that ousted Hosni Mubarak”, but has had very interesting perspectives to tell with hard-nosed evidence ferreted out of MSM overload with superb skills at forensic journalism. He surprisingly comes to similar conclusions such as that 9/11 official story doesn’t add up at all and Bush/Cheney cabal in fact [presumptively] asked USAF to stand down rather than intercept the highjacked Civilian Planes that had gone way off their scheduled flight paths; but does so approaching from an almost diametrically opposite view to your’s that is encapsulated by the phrase “Anglo-Zionist empire”. He says USA’s hidden agenda is to destroy Israel like a rabbit thrown as a target to be shredded to pieces in grey hound [Islamists in M.E.] chase. Be that as it may, I give below link that have his articles on Yugoslavia in general and Srebrenica in particular [See Point A-8]. In case you were not aware of this before, then you would find it a useful resource, especially since it is coming from a person with different ideology or worldview.
I am a smalltime blogger at Cheers and in Solidarity, S. I recently found this from a UN Senior Police Officer, Jose Luiz Costa Sousa, who was there for years during the fighting and years after: I was a Senior Police Officer, working with UN Civilian Police/ UNPROFOR/IPTF, through all the war in ex Yugoslavia, from 92 up to 98; later, from 2003 up to 2012 I was the Senior Security Officer of the EU Police in BiH, Bosnia. Regarding Srebrenica and the alleged 8000 muslims massacred there, it is a BIG LIE, it is not true at all, because, as per my knowledge and reports on the spot with UN CIVPOL, the maximum number of victims was less than 1000. PURPOSE OF SUCH BIG POLITICAL LIE:- To justify the crimnal NATO airstrikes against the Serbs in BIH and later against Serbia and to diabolize and blame the Serbs and SERBIA for all the war. How do I know it is a lie? Because I was the UN CIVPOL Deputy Regional Commander in Tuzla, having Srebrenica within my area of responsibility, from 97 to 98, exactly when the excavation of the mass murders sites, around Srebrenica, was done by UN Experts and it was my personal and direct responsibility to provide UN Civilian police to secure those excavation sites and to provide security to the UN Staff experts doing the excavation.
Also, I had to report to the IPTF CIVILIAN Police HQ about the progress of those excavatons and the number of dead bodies being found. The International Red Cross in Tuzla was in charge of making the list of the missing muslims men in Srebrenica; when I first met them to discuss the list, I was told and I saw, that the list initially had in fact 8000 names, collected from everybody coming to complaint about their missing family members But, at the time of that 1st meeting, Summer 97, they showed and told me that the list was already cleared of 4000 names, because they were located and identified somewhere else, the most of them as desertors absent from BIH.
So the maximum nr of Srebrenica victims only could be 4000. But it is not, is much less.
During my stay in TUZLA, and being my responsibility to report about the nr of dead bodies found in the excavation sites, and after all of them have been excavated, the total it was between 800 and 900 dead bodies. There were no more mass murder places found. I was there until Summer 98. There are other points not mentioned in the article: AMBO project which was supposed to build a huge oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea across Yugoslavia to Triest and Vlora in Albania; and the Rambouillet Agreement which would give NATO total control of ports, airports and the whole transport in the country.
Belgrade refused to sign it. No country would ever voluntarily agree to that kind of occupation. The company which was supposed to build the pipeline was Haliburton, Dick’s Cheney company.
I know Bosnia very well although I am not from Yugoslavia. I had relatives in Bosnia on both sides of creed and religion. Never in my life I heard about animosities between Serbs and Bosnians.
I was aware of lack of love between Serbs and Croats, though. My relatives in Dalmacja were of different religions: Christian orthodox, catholic and muslim! Most marriages were mixed marriages and even in Sarayevo one could not find extremely religious people. It is beyond belief that a religious conflict was ever possible in that part of the world.
Yugoslavia was a secular state. Both Bosnians and Serbs belong to the same ethnic group so as mentioned before, ethnic cleansing is absurd; and the language is nearly the same. Religion never mattered in inter marriage, education system or in the army. 75% of all marriages were mixed marriages. But I understand that muslims and christian/ catholics had been living for centuries in Mindanao in the Philippines (Mindanao) and in Indonesia (East Timor, Aceh) until the oil was discovered! All of a sudden muslim started hating christians and vice versa. American ‘genocide experts’ are very good in arranging provocations and hatred.
My relatives also told me that during that war there were some “Bosnian muslims’ who did not speak Serbian/Bosnian language. They were wearing masks when they were attacking people at night telling them to leave homes immediately if they did not want to be killed.
The vacant homes were then inhabited by strangers -not exactly Bosnians. In simple terms, Srebrenica was a hoax. In reality, it was a drama, a tragedy for the innocent people who had lived side by side for centuries, worked together, intermarried and spoke the same language. Many muslim Bosnians worked in Belgrade and I do not recall any incidents. Now, the most intriguing thing for me, as an outsider was the fact that none of Yugoslav leaders were ethnic Serbs.
But it was the Serbs who were accused of the whole military campaign and strategy. I suspect that to steal Kosovo from Serbs with the approval of all idiots from all over Europe and beyond – was only possible if the Serbs could be demonised and accused of all the crimes Madeline Albright ordered to have committed on Serbs. The lady has suffered from dementia for many years since she does not remember that it was actually Serbs who saved her and her family from Germans during the war. Srebrenica was a mere provocation or false flag and excuse if you wish, to allow NATO to illegally, mercilesly bomb for 78 days civilian Serbs to grab rich in oil Kosovo from them. 400 churches were totally destroyed to prove to the world that Kosovo was neverinhabited by Christians. No referendum was ever allowed.
And yet, the same bunch of people criticise Crimea for holding TWO referenda to get independence from Ukraine and then to be re-united with Russia. And, happy Europeans accepted two muslim states in Europe. So what are they now whinging about when muslim migrants are coming to Europe? They might have been encouraged to come to Europe by the establishment of muslim states in Europe.
I skimmed through the whole thing. What I did read is the typical pro-Russian stance, an apologetic approach to try to get the Russian bear on the Muslim side. What is the point, sheikh Hosein, when according to the eschatology the same Orthodox and Muslims are to be at war like no other before?
Anyway, eschatology on the side, why there is no taking into consideration of the numerous concentration camps, murders, rapes of men, women and children comitted by Serbs in the territories under their control? Why is there no mention to the fact that Serbs had no issue with Bosniacks’ race or ethnicity but only with Islam? Ultra natinalist Serbs felt that Bosnian Muslims are Serbs that must be reverted to Christianity, either voluntary or by force. The attacks by Bosnian Muslims on surrounding serb villages was done for many reasons, mostly because Srebrenica was overwhelmed by refugees and Serbs kept preventing humanitarian trucks to pass through.
While violence of any kind is wrong, survival takes its toll. People were hungry, isolated and wanted out.
And the article makes it sound like Bosnians were armed to their teeth in Srebrenica. Which is not true. Serb leadership is very good at lpropaganda and lies. For example, when they murdered, raped and destroyed 16 mosques in my home city Banja Luka they claimed Muslims did it themselves.
Yet, there was no military activities in the city and its suburbs. All Muslims of Banja Luka who legally owned guns before the war started had to turned the guns in with the ultimatum that if they did not the Muslim-majority villages would be levelled. People did as asked. Once the control of the city was finalized, Muslims of Banja Luka had to follow curfew that started at 6 pm. The Serb police and military had the right to shoot anyone Muslim on the street during curfew. But curfew also was the time when most people were murdered, women raped, homes robbed. Muslim men were hunted like animals, beaten and some killed.
Most taken for forced labor on the front lines somewhere out of the city. People were fired from jobs in Banja Luka simply for being Muslim and for refusing to join serb army. Those who did join their army had to officially change names to Christian ones.
As Serbs decided to leave or escape from their hometowns, they started to kick out Banja Luka’s Muslims from their homes. In my family’s case, my father’s life was on the line. The authorities would only let us evacuate if we signed documents to leave our home and everything in it to a Serbian family. We did and we escaped the murder of my father literally by a couple of hours. Imagine what we felt like when the serb lady taking our house said: “I just wanted to be with my son.
In reality I could always go back to Zenica as my house is watched by my Muslim neighbors there in case I decide to return.” Yup. That is what she said. I left wondering what kind of a person wants to take someone else’s property forcefully knowing their true home is secure and available elsewhere. Sheikh Imran, instead of taking biased Serbs for your friends to help decide what happened in Bosnia, go visit it yourself, do an objective research and then tell us how victimized people were. While there were victims among the Serbs do exist and deserve justice, they have by far comitted many war crimes. And Srebrenica was genocide. Serb nationalists did not murder thousands of Muslims in that area of Bosnia just in 1990s but also in WW2.
As for foreign fighters: I never saw a mujahadeen in my Banja Luka. And no one is talking about Greeks, Russians and others fighting for Serbs in Bosnia. Golden Dawn of Greece is openly boasting of having erected Greek flag during the fall of Srebrenica. Chirodini Tumi Je Amar Movie Video Songs Free Download. And we all know who Golden Dawn is. My sincere opinion is that this article is biased and written by some specific (ambigious) goal in mind. I am not gonna introduce myself as a member of some country.
I can see my self as citizen of Balkan. This was always a region with high turbulence in history but I sincerely hope that victims from war no matter what side they were representing did not die for no reason. Victims should be respected and should be the last call for us to open our eyes. Srebrenica, Vukovar, Sarajevo, Kosovo. You really think that all those seeking for money really care about the religion?
Balkan region has always been a region of strategic geopolitical significance. Rich in water, wood, coal, (oil) Former Yugoslavia represented a self suficient country able to function with religion interruptions. We were advanced in technology, army, weapon, industry, export Did anyone saw a documentary where Tito is selling a rocket to US president? Several questions that should someone interested in the topic shoudl ask themselves? Why Tito was a president and how come he was trained in Russia?
How come such a great and prosperous country wages war because of “religious” belief while so long living in harmony? Was Tito really alive for all those years of ruling? Was he killed and replaced by someone? Is it possible that someone had problems with not exploiting Yugoslavia? Divide and conquer? Easiest way to rule!!!
My intention is not to be a smartass but I believe that there are a lot of other things that can lead to a conculsion what happened and why and who was to blame. “Balkanians” never ruled themselves. Rich and stupid fools Always ruled and easy triggered to fight for somebody. They were our grandfathers Why did the last war happened?
Well people of Yugoslavia has build the good country! With free labour the build the roads, good “leadership” to run the industry, weapon industry, electricity network and good relations with predominantly muslim countries (Lybia,Algeria, Syria, Iran, also quite rich, at least in oil) somehow time has come to ruin all that. Divide and conquer???? Well, western world (you know which country I am insuniating) has exploited other countries,since it exists, either by colonialism or by war. Well someone has figured out that they can also exploit our conutry (Yugoslavia) Divide and conquer? Well, that was the easiest thing to Muslims, Christian Catholics and Christian Ortodox woke up one day and figured out they don’t like each other I don’t think so, that was a game well prepared. Someone had a goal and it used allready predefined theory of Great Serbia.
It may occur that Serbs were naive in believing that Western world would gave them the Great Serbia. Western world gave us miseries. Everybody still have losses and traumas from war and now We ALL (Balkan nations) are living in miseries. Bond to IMF with debt that even our grand-grand-children are unable to return, small wages, no export, low salaries, no (or low) pensions, very bad hospitals, corrupted politicians?
This is more than enough! Srebrenica did happen? Real truth is all known by Almighty God and those that were executing someone’s plans?
Karadzic, Mladic? Did ever occured to you that they were transferred to Hague to be protected not prosetuced and they were released as a bargain to keep they mouth shut? Srebrenica did happen. Victims are not to be forgotten! History is written by those who have power. For those who does not know, name Srebrenica is originating from the word [Srebro] meaning Silver:). There “used to be” mining of Silver Who knows what is happening now, many people does not wan’t to live there.
Come people, unite before they destroy us all. If not for us, for the sake of children. We are not enemies.
We are exploited by the same people. Wake up and think about it! There is one song, it goes something like “It’s all about the money, money, money:)” Divide and conquer?